My Empire

Chapter 1622: New surname

As a student who has just graduated from the Empire’s Supreme Space Fleet Command Academy, Vincent is actually a veteran with many battles.

In the previous countless exercises, he commanded his warship and fought with the computer-simulated Warden Warship, and achieved an impressive record of 17 wins and 1 loss.

For graduates like him, hundreds of people graduate from this huge school almost every day. The school itself is like a city that produces captains.

There are dozens of such academies in Ailan Hill. Such academies are recruiting new students every day, and every day they send away a large number of newcomers who have become captains.

Having walked alone through the slender corridor similar to the internal structure of a battleship, everything in this school is designed to allow the students to adapt to life on the battleship as soon as possible.

The narrow corridors, the more enclosed environment, and even the windows of the dormitory are based on the design of the battleship, only a palm-sized one.

Carrying his luggage, Vincent once again felt the light and heat around him, he himself was standing alone on a clearing of a sidewalk, surrounded by a constant stream of people.

“The following is an emergency broadcast of the latest news. The Guardian forces launched another attack near the Higgs 11 planet. The other party’s attempt to encircle the Higgs 11 planet was smashed heroically by our fleet!” On top of his head In the huge holographic image, the beautiful news anchor repeated the important news with a heavy tone.

Vincent squinted his eyes and looked at everything unfamiliar around him, trying hard to adapt to this familiar and unfamiliar world. More than a month ago, he was selected and entered this school. Now that he has graduated, everything outside the school makes him a little strange.

In the school behind him, everything was built and designed to imitate the appearance on the battleship, including the completely enclosed canteen, including the puppet robots that can be seen everywhere, and every detail.

The fixed writing desks on the battleship, the fixed tables and chairs, and the clocks fixed on the walls, the white uniforms that were just as decent and tidy.

Now, standing on this street, looking at the people who wear the loose and gorgeous clothes in the ordinary days, and the strange service robots, he suddenly felt that the world had an extremely unreal feeling.

Although only closed training for a short period of more than a month, for Vincent, it can really be said to be like a lifetime.

One after another, there were maglev cars and trams galloping over Vincent’s head and in front of him. The huge city of steel spliced ​​together, the towering skyscrapers, everything is familiar and unfamiliar.

“Too much deception! It is shameless! How can they be like this? How can these guards be like this? Why are they fighting against us?” An old man next to Vincent also raised his head and watched the giant holographic image broadcast. Murmured the content of hate.

Now, almost everyone is accustomed to listening to the news of the guards attacking and cursing, like a condiment in a meal, like a conversation after tea.

In today’s empire, many things revolve around war, including production and construction, including many supporting industries such as services.

The status of soldiers in the Ailan Hill Empire has really reached its peak, and the streets are full of propaganda slogans praising the army.

From the day it was born, this empire has always used war as its main theme. Expansion has become the norm, but peace has become precious and short-lived.

Looking at the other side of the street, the brightly colored slogan “Where is the time to be quiet, it’s just that someone is carrying the weight for you.” Vincent felt that there was no interesting feeling lingering in his heart.

Shenyu is worthy of being the greatest language in the world, and the lingua franca of such beautiful sentences had no way of expression at all.

Not to mention the four-character proverbs that are rich in rhythm. These proverbs are concise and concise, and you can understand what the other party wants to express. It’s fascinating.

“Uncle, uncle, will the guards come here?” By Vincent’s leg, a young boy raised his head, looking at Vincent with some worry and some innocence.

“No, we will repel them, defeat them, and finally win precious peace for the empire.” Vincent looked down at the little boy at his feet and replied firmly.

He really feels that he can win because he feels that he is strong enough to face any enemy.

Even he was ready to die on the battlefield. As a fighter of the Ailan Hill Empire, he had this consciousness.

At the moment he decided to join the army and defend his country, his mother told him that he should give everything for his country.

Because his family almost starved to death, he was only three years old at that time, and he didn’t remember anything.

In that terrible age, mortals were tragic objects living in troubled times, oppressed by magicians, rich people, devoured and slaughtered by demons… Mortals at that time were pigs living in hell.

It was the appearance of His Majesty Emperor Chris that led the mortals to stand up. It was His Majesty that changed the world, changed the fate of mortals, and allowed all ordinary humans to have a peaceful and pure land.

On this pure land, mortals can farm with peace of mind, live happily, have clothes to wear, have food to eat, and don’t even need to kneel and talk to the magician, and don’t have to worry about being used as food by a dragon one day.

Chris gave Vincent’s father a very decent job. He is now working at the Imperial Food Service and earns a lot of money every month.

Vincent’s mother had broken eyes because of the harsh living environment in the early years. It was the imperial medical institution that helped her treat her for free, so that she could barely see things.

Therefore, Vincent’s mother told Vincent that no matter what, he should return his majesty with loyalty.

Vincent remembered the power of his mother holding his hand. He knew that if he failed the emperor’s grace, he might not even be able to enter the house.

Chris raised the banner of rebelling against the tyranny of the magic empire, and now he has received the most generous return. The Ailan Hill Empire’s tolerant attitude towards all races also united the majority of people.

It is the advanced productive forces represented by the empire that really make everyone gather around the empire and become Chris’s loyal subjects.

Only by making the cake bigger can everyone’s interests be guaranteed. Therefore, Ailan Hill did not squeeze the interests of any party, but expanded all the interests, so that everyone can get everything they want in this change.

Therefore, whether you are grateful or profitable, everyone supports and is loyal to the empire. This is the general trend. Crazy convictions like the New District 6 have actually not happened for many years.

Most of the time, if someone embezzles or accepts bribes, they do not need to be investigated by an integrity agency, and someone will take the initiative to report and provide evidence.

In the eyes of these fanatical supporters of the emperor, any act of digging the corner of the empire is a betrayal that deserves death. How can the emperor’s great feat of saving people from fire and water be contaminated by some insects?

Most of the public officials elected to the imperial institutions are in a state of conscientious hard work, and even many new aristocrats have not received a salary from their appointment to this day.

The Ailanhill Empire is under the management and leadership of these capable and powerful people gathered under Chris, and it has maintained a good functioning until today.

“Uncle, uncle! Can you beat all the bad guys away?” the little boy continued to ask.

Because Vincent was wearing a military uniform, many people around looked at him. Those passing by know that Vincent should be a graduate from the Space Fleet Command Academy behind him, so everyone is waiting for an answer, hoping that he can answer an inspiring answer.

The Vincent who asked this question was a bit embarrassed. He is an officer, so he knows more about the subtlety of the situation: he firmly believes that his homeland can win, but the front line is indeed very passive.

The Guardian troops invested ten times their strength in one go and launched a full-scale offensive in all areas. Their superiority in force offset some of the weapon superiority of the Ailan Hill Empire, making the entire battle become passive.

Although the empire is ready, and at the same time mobilized almost all of its troops to help the war zone, as a new captain, he will immediately report to the rocket launch base in the suburbs, but he really can’t say that he will be able to fight back. enemy.

However, he still felt that he should not lose confidence at this time. Because the more in this decisive moment, the more confidence can control the battle.

“Uncle will do his best to keep the enemy out of his home!” So he knelt down, Vincent touched the little boy’s head and squeezed out a smile to answer.

The boy’s mother awkwardly picked up the boy at this time, gave Vincent a glance, and left in a hurry.

Vincent looked up again and looked at the holographic image broadcast above his head until a military jeep sent by the Fleet Command to find someone to pick him up.

“Sir! Because of the shortage of supplies, there is only this kind of vehicle… I’m sorry.” The sergeant who drove to salute, explained a little embarrassingly.

Because the newly produced trams have been allotted to the front line, the car he drove is a warrior…

This car is a bit shabby compared to civilian trams and suspension cars. This is a classic car that was produced when the empire was still fighting on the capital planet of Elan Sirius.

“It doesn’t matter, this car is good, it looks very sturdy.” Vincent smiled and got into the car, amidst a crowd of curious civilians, he left the gate of the college.

Just as Vincent returned to the rocket launch base in a suspended vehicle, several port management officers in the squadron headquarters of this planet were discussing the current situation.

“There are 15 newest battleships in the dock, all of which are battleships. The Imperial Military Department has issued a clear order to suspend the construction of destroyers and cruisers. All docks that meet the requirements will be produced for battleships and Zaku motherships above the Invincible class.” The officer was holding a teacup in his hand, leaning on his chair and said: “Tomorrow there are 13 more ships to be built, do you want to form a formation together?”

“No need, let today’s fleet go first! Otherwise, it may not be too late to make up for the losses on the front line. I heard that the Higgs 11 fight is… very bitter.” Another general shook his head and said, “We are a big port here. It’s not like those small ports that need to accumulate capacity for two days before setting sail together.”

“The student commander has new additions. Those with excellent grades will directly take over and command the warships here. The rest of the ordinary people will go to the Saint Demon area along with the warships, where they will be assigned the warships under their respective command.” The chief of staff sat in his seat and said tiredly: “I have been working on this for the past two days. The crew deployed from the next planet has arrived…More than 4,000 people…all assemble and board the ship. It takes about 4 hours. time.”

“The trainees also have a commander. According to the regulations, there is still 2 hours of personal allocation time. They can make a video call at home, or they can find a woman…” The chief of staff watched the port commander not speaking, and continued to explain.

“Everything goes according to plan.” Although I really want to gather these people and send them to the front line immediately, the commander also knows that a few hours of free activities are indeed very short. If he even deprived him of this, it would really be too unkind.

The base’s automatic supply vehicle is delivering supplies to all the rockets and spacecraft to be launched on the ring, but at least one-third of the personnel have not returned to their positions. There were busy scenes everywhere, and countless supplies were pushed onto the transport rocket.

Vincent only made a brief phone call to his mother. Instead of having fun, he rushed back to the base as soon as possible.

He couldn’t wait to stand on the suspended dispatching and command platform, looking at the spacecraft that was about to take him away from the surface of the planet and flew to the Starring Spaceport with a calm expression.

Although it was the first time to participate in the battle, the battleship he commanded was already at the battleship level. It was a real Invincible-class battleship, a giant battleship with a star destroyer.

“Long live the empire! Major Vincent! It seems that you are my captain! I hope you can lead us to survive in the Higgs theater.” While Vincent was staring at his spaceship in a daze, a man of graceful figure The female officer of’s came to him and said in greeting.

“Isn’t our task to **** the new captains to the Sacred Demon area? It’s not to go directly to Higgs… this level of battle, won’t my newcomer go directly to die?” Vincent comforted himself.

“Perhaps, of course we don’t need us. At a young age, I don’t want to die so early.” The female officer who should be his first mate introduced herself: “Li Wei, your lieutenant.”

“Li Wei?” Vincent thought that the name… was handsome.

“Recently, I changed my name.” The female adjutant explained: “Half a month ago, the Empire opened the ID card registration of Shenyu surname… My original surname can be changed to Li. As for the name Xi, it is My teacher gave it to me and I like it very much.”

“I see… I hope we can cooperate happily!” Vincent glanced at the towering chest of the other party and nodded.

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