My Empire

Chapter 1634: Don\'t know what to say

It is not an easy task to provide supplies to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of soldiers, because the battle continues, and the training uniforms that need to be replaced are damaged every day, and there may be more than hundreds of thousands of sets.

Although the messy supply of candy, chocolate, milk, cigarettes, and bitter tea has been cut, this kind of supply is still so complicated that it makes people want to cry.

Even with the support of supercomputers, the overall planning data is still chaotic and still unable to achieve perfection.

As Operation Longsword unfolded, a huge transport spacecraft began its space leap.

Its body gradually disappeared into the vast space, and then gradually appeared in the hinterland of the Ailan Hill Empire, near a busy route.

“This is the Qingshan transport ship No. 129, request to be merged into route No. 67!” Inside the bridge, the navigator pressed the intercom and asked the staff on duty in the guidance space station.

Inside the headset, the gentle voice of the guide came, and it was very pleasing to the eye: “Please wait! The patrol destroyer to check your identity is on the way! Keep your course! Don’t do unnecessary operations!”

“Qingshan 129 transport ship understands! I will keep the course… over!” The navigator took off his headset and let out a sigh of relief.

Soon, a Tier 1 Exploration destroyer patrolling nearby was posted, and it slowly approached, seeming to confirm the condition of the transport ship.

On the radio, the voice of the destroyer captain came: “Security check! Please give the identification password!”

“Weight, fresh water, muscle.” Captain Qingshan 129 said an identification code that only he knew.

“If possible, please describe the cargo you are carrying.” The weapon-guided radar on the Exploration 1 destroyer was still locked on the target, and the destroyer’s captain’s cautious voice was transmitted through the communicator.

“We are carrying the relics of the fallen soldiers, as well as letters of condolences to the families of the fallen soldiers.” Inside the bridge of the Qingshan transport ship 129, the captain replied.

“There is no obvious trauma… The identification friend or foe system is not abnormal… The contents of the transported goods meet the registration description. It can be integrated into the route… Give it to you, the guide.” After visually checking that the transport ship was not abnormal, the exploration 1 class destroyer began Changing his course, the weapon system was also unlocked.

“Qingshan 129 transport ship, welcome home! The permission to merge into the route has been issued! Pay attention to the traffic rules!” The instructor switched the channel, and the dead Qingshan 129 transport ship said.

“Thank you!” The pilot who operated the spacecraft gently shook his joystick, causing his spacecraft to change its course and merge it into the scheduled course.

Like many spacecrafts that transport materials, this spacecraft is loaded with the most common cargo.

After entering the scheduled route, it flew forward along this route and entered the corresponding air port.

“Have you figured out how to tell her?” Inside Mayne’s star ring, in the sunny office area, on the third floor of a building with a military sign, the elderly officer looked at his men and cared. ‘S opening asked.

“No… I really don’t know how to describe to a mother that her son died on the battlefield…” The young officer lowered his head and looked at an envelope in his hand.

The envelope contained two pieces of paper, one was a letter of condolences signed by Lieutenant General Zack of the Space Army Logistics Force, and the other was a cheque with a large sum of money, which was a subsidy for the fallen soldiers.

Although the letter of gratitude and sympathy and consolation in the tone was very affectionate and sincere, the young officer felt that even this could not heal the mother’s grief.

Although the amount on that check would be satisfied even if it was a middle-class person, the young military officer still believed that it could not be exchanged for a living life.

“This is your job. You will often encounter such things in the future. You have to get used to it, don’t you?” The older officer lit a cigarette and put it between his fingers, looking at his subordinates.

“I don’t understand, why…” The young officer held the letter, looked up at his officer, and asked without understanding: “Why? Why do we have combat puppets and clones, but we still need to send precious Natural person to die on the battlefield?”

He stared into the eyes of the old officer, hoping to get the answer from his eyes: “We have so many advanced technologies, so many cloned soldiers and robots that don’t need to comfort their families…Are these all decorations?”

“Child…You are still young, so you don’t understand this…” The old officer took a cigarette and spit out a cloud of scattered smoke, his eyes full of loneliness: “Go finish your mission, you may understand when you come back. What is all this for?”

“But if I don’t get the answer, I can’t convince myself to tell a great mother about such a sad ending!” The young officer stubbornly didn’t mean to leave.

“Young man! Do you know Serris? Do you know Serris grenadier? Do you know how His Majesty the Emperor rushed into the enemy line with a long sword?” The old officer looked at the opponent blankly and asked a series of questions. problem.

He stared at the cigarette in his hand, as if remembering something: “Have you heard of the Mauser 98k rifle? Have you used it? Have you ever seen a bayonet that can be inserted into the muzzle? It is bright and clear, with a bloodletter, cold and cold. !”

Yes, he recalled the heavy cannon he pushed during the expedition to Mayne.

The cannon at that time was really too backward, even without a brake, and the wheels were still wooden…

However, it was really the most surprising battle he had ever fought. When the artillery blasted, the enemy scattered like birds and beasts, panicking and retreating.

As if they were on the road, they rushed into Mayne in one breath, rushed to the ferry, and went from one victory to another victory!

So his whole aura began to change, he didn’t look like the old gentleman who sits in the office and drinks tea every day.

His body became stiff, his eyes became firm, and even the tone of his words was full of confidence: “Have you heard cheers like a tsunami? Have you heard military songs like steel? Heard machine gun shooting When the enemy’s screams were endless?”

He remembered Naaru, remembered the city of Fallen Dragon, remembered Volavo, remembered the majestic military music when Alanticus entered the city.

Therefore, he became more confident, and seemed to wear all the medals and medals he treasured at home on his chest.

So he continued to speak: “If you have seen a dragon falling to the ground, if you have seen a magician being broken by bullets, if you have seen cannonballs flying over your head and falling into dense demons!”

After speaking, he threw the cigarette **** in his hand into the ashtray, and let the cigarette **** smoke lightly in it before he finished smoking: “Then, you will know what your Majesty gave to our generation! He used it. Steel has built our backbone, and our blood has boiled with magma!”

“You don’t understand why we have so many puppet robots and so many cloned soldiers, yet we have to let natural people go to the battlefield?” The old officer’s voice was raised, as if he was asking the young man, but he didn’t seem to be asking.

Without waiting for the answer from the young man, he pointed to the other person with a tone of unquestionable firmness and said, “I tell you! We are voluntary! I filled out the application form seven months ago, but it hasn’t been approved yet! ”

“You don’t understand why some people are sent to the battlefield, but I suffer every day because I can’t get there!” He sneered, thinking that the young people nowadays are really broken.

Having said that, he pointed to everything around him, and continued: “I don’t want to sit here and enjoy the peaceful sunshine! I would rather give me a grenade, like when I was 30 years old, let me go to Sig No. 3, let me die there!”

“Do you think he was unwilling to die there, full of regret? Yes, you guessed it! He must be unwilling, he must be remorseful! Because he was unwilling to die there, he hoped he could do more Live for a while and kill a lot of your Majesty’s enemies! He regrets that he died there because he can no longer break the stumbling blocks for the empire!” His words became more intense, and even the corners of his eyes were filled with tears.

As if venting, or stating his own thoughts, he shouted word by word: “You don’t know anything! You don’t know anything! You don’t understand at all, we people are willing to die for this country! We! Willing to die in order to protect the tranquility under the sun!”

Seemingly impatient, he waved his hand and motioned to his young subordinates to leave: “Go away! I’m not in the mood to coax a child like you anymore, go and send this condolence letter to the lady’s hand! What if she If she is in tears, comfort her. If she is angry, put her face up to let her be satisfied! Understand?”

“Yes! sir! I’m sorry… sir!” the young officer shouted, blushing.

“Get out!” The old officer who continued to wave his hand, with a look of loneliness, walked back to his position, sat back in his chair, lowered his head and couldn’t see his expression.

The fled young officer stumbled in the corridor, and an officer who was almost hit by him joked and taunted: “Hey! Are you angry with the boss again? His voice can be heard all over the corridor! I say you! Be careful! Son! Don’t cause trouble!”

The young officer who didn’t even dare to turn his head, holding the condolence letter in his hand, hurriedly walked across the corridor with his head down to the far parking lot.

Driving on the starring is the same as driving on the road on the surface of the planet. There is simulated gravity here, just look at the sky above you, which is another street.

Along the way, the young officers didn’t know how to face the mother of a sacrificed hero, or how to complete such a “difficult” task.

He was really scared, scared to look into the other person’s eyes, scared to face the chief who hoped to send him to death, scared of the spirit he still didn’t understand.

Unconsciously, he stood at the door of a seemingly ordinary house. He didn’t know how he knocked on the door, just standing there waiting for the door to be opened.

A woman stood in front of him, looking at the young officer so silently, the young officer didn’t know how to speak, so she was so stupidly silent.

Finally, the old woman broke the silence between the two people and asked with difficulty: “So…my son…dead?”

The young officer didn’t know how to explain, so he lowered his head, apologized and said, “I’m sorry… ma’am…”

“He was killed on Planet Higgs 11?” The old woman held back the tears in her eyes and continued to ask. Her voice was full of tremors, and she could hear that she was on the verge of collapse.

“Yes, ma’am…” The young officer also felt as if something got stuck in his throat, making it extremely difficult for him to say every word.

“Did he… behave well? Was he brave when facing the enemy?” Suddenly, he heard the other person ask.

He was taken aback, then raised his head and looked at each other: “Madam…you, what did you say?”

“I want to know, did he… behave well? Is he brave when facing the enemy?” The hostess asked again with a choked voice.

“Husband, madam…I, the letter said, he fought bravely to the last minute and saved the life of his companion…” The young officer didn’t know how to answer, so he bit his head.

The woman insisted: “I don’t want to read the modified content in the condolence letter. I just want to know if he fulfilled his promise and fought for the emperor to the last moment.”

“I think he should be very brave…” The young officer replied, thinking of the slightly distorted expression of his commander at the end and those words.

“That’s good…that’s good…” While whispering, the woman turned around and walked back to her house. The house was cleaned up. The owner of this room was a very hardworking person.

“He was able to give his life for the country, I am very happy…Although I lost him…Woo…Although I lost him!” The woman finally couldn’t help it, leaning against the wall, holding the letter of condolences. Xin’s hand kept beating the wall.

She whimpered, trying to lower her voice as much as possible, but the heartbreaking despair could still be heard clearly by the young officer at the door.

“He said he would sacrifice his life for this country… he did it! He did it!” While crying, the woman repeated these words in vague language.

She did not blame the messenger, but the young officer was not relieved. He felt that he was carrying more things on his back, and even the heavy weight made him breathless.

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