My Empire

Chapter 1636: Too much

“Quick! Every minute and every second on our side is won by the frontline troops! Speed ​​up! Quick!” A commander stood on the ground and shouted to the busy men.

As he shouted, the soldiers who were clearing the battlefield and filling the crater became more swift.

An armored vehicle pointed the overhead launcher at the place where the trenches were to be dug. Then, as the engineer pressed the launch button in his hand, a rocket ignited and flew out.

It dragged a long soft detonator, spanning a distance of thousands of meters, and straightened the soft detonator to the ground.

Then, as the engineer pressed the detonator, the thousand-meter-long detonator exploded almost at the same time, blasting the originally shattered trenches and broken lines of defense into the sky.

The huge explosion caused the surrounding mountains to shake, and countless dust fell along with it, and the billowing smoke was clearly visible several kilometers away.

Before the smoke cleared, the engineering puppet robot began to reinforce the wide trench that was blown out by the blasting detonator.

They were in the tumbling smoke and dust, and the machine began to use the shovel in their hands to pile the scattered dirt to the place where they should be piled.

Later, more engineering troops entered this semi-finished trench. Some began to dig deep at the bottom of the trench and fill the excess soil into sandbags. Some began to build these sandbags on the front of the trench to reinforce the pit wall. Act as a cover.

The entire trench needs to be carefully modified to become a real killer weapon. It is still only an S-shaped line, in fact only one-third completed.

Directly in front of it, there must be a machine gun shelter that stretches out. The machine gun shelters with these protrusions can cause trouble on the enemy’s flanks and block offensive enemy forces.

Because of the enemy’s special ability, these bunkers even have to be equipped with top covers to make them as concealed as possible, so that they can not be discovered by the opponent before firing.

The channels connecting these protrusions also need to be dug and carefully concealed, and explosives must be buried in them, so that when the guards rush into the tunnel, they can once again kill and injure the enemy.

In this case, the entire line of defense is just beginning to take shape. Behind the line of defense, a defensive position reserved for tanks must be dug to serve as a support point for the entire line of defense.

These tank bunkers should also reserve a retreat route as much as possible, and ensure the defense in front of them.

Of course, in the middle of these support points are the traffic trenches connecting the back line of defense. These traffic trenches are used for retreat and for mobilizing troops from the rear for reinforcement.

With the explosion after another, the trenches that did not exist before suddenly appeared in people’s field of vision.

Looking at a place that seemed to be fairly level, an officer opened his mouth full of nasty fun and said, “Buy 30 kilograms of explosives here! If the opponent destroys the bunker and advances it here, it will detonate!”

Playing on the front line for too long, too long, his aesthetics have even been deformed. Now when he looked at the smooth road, he had an urge to destroy it.

He can now look at a sea of ​​flowers without hesitation and order his soldiers to bury a hundred thunders in it.

Arranging defense lines is only a small part of life on the battlefield, and digging trenches is definitely a profound knowledge. Every detail is used to kill, kill more people, kill more enemies!

In the day after the start of Operation Longsword, the Ailanhill Empire strengthened their frontal 75-kilometer-long defense line and pushed these defense lines forward by about 300 meters.

Don’t underestimate the 300 meters. Within the distance of 300 meters, the engineers of the Ailan Hill Empire turned every inch of land into a slaughterhouse, and turned every corner into a trap for killing!

In the sky, another plane of fighter jets flew by. J-30 fighter jets swept across the sky of the battle zone in droves, and the battle for air supremacy between the Ailan Hill Empire and the Watchers kicked off again.

A massive air battle broke out again, and the sky was full of aircraft chasing and fighting each other. The Airenhill Imperial Air Force, which had a clear advantage in speed, was not defeated by the opponent this time.

There were more Prowler fighters than the Airenhill Imperial Air Force. This time, they did not get a bargain from their opponents.

Although they are numerous, they have fallen short in performance. The shooting down of one Prowler fighter after another also turned the efforts of the Watchers to fight for air supremacy near the theater into a joke.

The guards finally realized that once the Alanhir Empire forces concentrated their advanced weapons, then on the local battlefield, these terrifying high-tech weapons could help the Alanhill Empire gain an advantage.

Since the guards invaded the Higgs 3 planet, they often lost local battlefield air superiority, and were even crushed and beaten by the Ailan Hill Empire in the air.

In this case, the fatal weakness of the guards’ lack of artillery began to be exposed. Their seemingly invincible troops began to change in the face of the rock-solid defense of the Airanhill Empire. Too fragile.

There is no way. Originally, they could always rely on powerful force and the ability to swallow them to take advantage of powerful enemies.

But now, their enemies are as powerful as they are, and they cannot make up for their losses by swallowing them in many cases. This situation makes them very passive. If it were not for the support of God, they might have fallen into a disadvantage.

Speaking of this, the commanders of the Watchers were even more suffocated. They are the guards chosen by God, but in the end they need God’s support to destroy those blasphemous enemies. This is simply a kind of irony!

As the saying goes, knowing the shame and then courageous, so the guards these days, have been using the most craziest posture to launch a counterattack against the Ailan Hill Empire.

They attacked very fiercely on all fronts, making the troops of the Ailan Hill Empire feel tremendous pressure.

Another J-30 fighter jet dropped from the sky with a long tail smoke, but behind it, the fireworks exploded by a prowler had not completely dispersed.

A J-30 fighter can easily deal with more than three Prowler fighters, and even in some cases, a J-30 fighter can shoot down more than 5 Prowlers at a time.

But this does not mean that the J-30 fighter jet has absolute dominance in the sky. Relying on the huge numbers, the Prowler can still fight the J-30 fighter jets most of the time.

The air forces of the two sides are fighting overhead, and the battle of the ground forces is also going on fiercely. After defeating the enemy, the assault group of the Ailan Hill Empire continued to attack all the way forward.

Everyone knows that once they stop, it’s time for the Guardians to fight back. Once the Guardian forces began to counterattack, they had only one way to retreat.

And once they start to retreat, it means that the rear position will once again face the enemy’s attack like a tide.

They all hope that they can resist more so that their brothers can be less burdened. So they attacked forward desperately, just wanting to move forward and buy more time.

Time, the most important thing is time, for the Airanhill Empire and for the Guardians.

Even the dullest guardian will realize at this time that the Alanhill Empire has always retained a considerable number of backhands and hole cards.

The fact that the Ailanhill Empire has never done its best has made the guards vigilant. All the high-ranking guards, including Sorrens, believed that the Alanhill Empire had always been hiding something behind.

Under such basic judgments, the guards also hope to penetrate the Higgs 3 line of defense in the shortest time, and then use this as a basis to revitalize the overall situation.

Of course, Sorens not only placed his bet on Higgs 3, he was also adding troops to the Higgs 4 and Higgs 11 planets, hoping to achieve more blooms and crush the whole line. .

It’s a pity that until now, his abacus has failed. The forces that attacked the Higgs 4 planet were wiped out once, and barely gained a foothold the second time, but they were always in a state of being crushed and beaten.

On the other side, the troops attacking Higgs 11 seemed to be going well, but they still couldn’t capture Higgs 11.

What irritated the top guards even more was that the ground station was not going well, and the battle situation in the universe was not optimistic.

They tried to infiltrate the hinterland of the Ailan Hill Empire several times, but they were all discovered and blocked back.

The small-scale fleet encounters between the two sides have fought at least hundreds of times, each of which ended in the victory of the Ailan Hill Empire.

It seems that the fleet commanders of the Ailan Hill Empire are better at commanding small-scale battles with dozens of warships. Every time they were able to stop the Guardian troops infiltrating the hinterland of the Ailan Hill Empire, and then fought a beautiful battle of annihilation.

What made them even more angry was that they invested a large number of warships on the Higgs 11, trying to break the game, but in the end they were hit hard.

They fought five consecutive battles with the fleet of the Alanhill Empire on Higgs 11, and failed five times!

The size of the fleet used is getting bigger and bigger, and the loss of warships is more than once…the result is that they have not been able to complete their campaign goals from start to finish.

The Watchers put a large fleet in the vicinity of Higgs 11, with the purpose of defeating the nearby Aranhill Empire fleet and encircling Higgs 11, thereby opening the situation and taking the initiative in the battlefield.

As a result, after losing 100,000 warships and turning the surrounding universe into a giant garbage dump, they were still standing still.

The universe around   Higgs 11 planet is still mostly in the hands of the Elanhill Empire Space Army, and even the position of the defense line has not changed much.

is equivalent to saying that after paying a heavy price, the guards are still standing still. They wasted the power God had given them, but failed to complete the predetermined plan.

Sorens was furious, but he still had no choice. God did not allow them to destroy the planet, which also made them unable to rely on the direct method of destroying the planet to weaken the defense of the Ailan Hill Empire.

was forced to gnaw down from planet to planet, causing the guards to lose the ability to quickly rush and penetrate the planetary defense line of the Ailanhill Empire, which is also the restriction of God to the guards.

From this perspective, this so-called **** standing behind the guard is really a guy full of evil taste. He gave the guards strength, but he dug a hole for them.

Of course, the guards didn’t know. At this moment, the **** they worshipped was bleeding from the nose, standing in front of a glamorous billboard, looking up at the shining big wave girl.

He looked at the female advertising model with a magnificent bust, holding a can of facial cleanser and scratching her head, showing a very interested expression.

He doesn’t know how many times he has come to this colorful world, because he feels more and more that this world is more interesting than the so-called main **** space he is in.

The last time he visited the Zaku production factory in the Airanhill Empire, he became more interested in the entire Airanhill Empire.

So he visited this country again and again, visited the space station, looked up at the star ring, and even personally went to the external maintenance facility of Dyson Cloud to observe this huge energy device up close.

In short, he is like a curious baby, full of insight into everything about the Ailan Hill Empire. He personally visited many places, and seemed to have forgotten his evil servant called the Watcher who exterminated interstellar civilization.

“Hey… this man is disgusting, and he can get a nosebleed when watching advertisements…” When a girl in a fashionable coat passed by, she saw a **** with a wretched face and a nosebleed.

The **** touched his nose, saw the blood on his fingers, and sighed somewhat depressed. It seemed that his journey of mind control was about to end again.

He can’t occupy a person’s body for too much time, and every time he makes the other person’s body a rejection reaction.

In fact, as a god, it is not easy to play with a person’s soul wantonly.

“Interesting, Chris…I find you more and more interesting!” He muttered, and then shouted loudly for the controlled body, “Well, I’m dying! Who will help me! Almost…”

Half of the words, he lost control of this body, so the controlled person fell backward and fell onto the bustling street.

“Isn’t it? As for? You can faint by looking at a billboard?” A woman disgustedly bypassed the man who had fainted on the street.

“Too much, right?” The other woman who walked with her didn’t even know that she was mocking a god.

“Who knows… I guess so.” Glancing at the man on the ground, the woman who spoke first dismissively commented on a god.

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