My Empire

Chapter 1644: Zagu\'s old friend

When the singing echoed in the battlefield hospital on the Higgs 4 planet, in the vast star field of the Higgs region, a new interstellar aircraft carrier carrying Zagu was floating leisurely.

This test ship does not belong to the battle sequence, but it can choose to join any battle at any time, because it carries the experimental mission of the new weapons of the Ailan Hill Empire.

The commander is Miss Meow who is very experienced in performing this kind of mission, and Major Orange, who has just achieved the results of shooting down 3,000 enemy planes, is also transferred to this battleship at this moment.

Looking at the huge body in front of him, Oaken asked while tidying up his spacesuit, “Isn’t it improved? Except for the shape, I didn’t see anything improved at all? Did I correct the shape? It looks weird…”

To talk about it, although the new mech looks more refined than Zagu, Orank still likes the style of the original Zagu.

“In fact, this time the improvement is mainly in a few details.” The engineer who helped with the experience was full of experience and smiled and explained.

“We have improved the most advanced small nuclear reactor, which can provide this mech with more powerful and lasting power.” He called up the information on the tablet and introduced the latest improvements to the entire body.

The improvement of the power system is very significant. With the miniaturization of nuclear power installations, the experiment of installing a nuclear power reactor in Zakushang by the Allanhill Empire has been continuing.

In the beginning, this type of dressing needed to change the body. Now, with the advancement of technology, such a power unit has been reduced to be directly installed on the standard Zaku.

The new nuclear-powered Zaku is called Zaku 2, which is an advanced and improved version of Zaku, and has actually begun to be installed.

“It’s faster than before, and it can satisfy your pursuit of speed. Of course, if your body is overloaded enough, it can even be more flexible than a missile.” The old engineer said, pointing at the same time. Not far away, the legs of the armored mecha were being buckled.

Then he continued: “We have replaced with a new engine, increased thrust, made it smaller, and made great progress in heat dissipation.”

“This is good news, at least it won’t hinder my tactical moves.” Oak nodded, and said with satisfaction.

Called out the joint department of the mecha, the engineer continued to introduce: “In addition, in order to match the new power, we have replaced all the joints with more sensitive electromagnetic connectors. This thing is also new, reliability testing It passed…”

The improvement of the entire mech is moving towards more adaptable to the operation of the driver, more flexible and faster. This means that, at least at this stage, the Mecha technology of the Ailan Hill Empire is still advancing.

Olanke continued to nod, and said with satisfaction: “Then there is no problem, as long as it can become more powerful.”

“Of course it will become even more powerful. Its reaction speed is now three times as fast as before! It is really three times faster! As long as you drive your body, the body will immediately respond.” The engineer proudly announced.

This is the technology accumulated by the unremitting efforts of these technicians, but it is a true collection of the most advanced technology available.

The latest mecha set up here is really built using the latest technology of the Ailan Hill Empire, and every part is expensive beyond imagination.

It can be said that if it is purely in terms of technical value, this new airframe has a higher technical content than the space carrier that carries it.

Therefore, this old engineer is very proud to introduce the latest technology demonstrator he is proud of: “In addition, because of the use of nuclear power, we have improved the fuel carrying plan of this weapon and modified the original main energy compartment. After a while, it became a defensive energy supply cabin.”

Just like the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier saves space and can carry more aviation fuel, this new airframe equipped with nuclear power also saves space and can store more energy to serve other functions.

“Now, its magical defense barrier is ten times stronger! Think about it, it is almost impossible to be shot down now.” It is precisely because of these energy to support the magical defense barrier that the old engineer speaks so confidently. Said.

“Ha! So strong? I want to drive this thing out for a fight right away.” Sure enough, Oak became more interested, looked up at the mecha in front of him, and said.

Obviously, the introduction of the old engineer hasn’t finished yet. He pointed to the new mecha head on top, and continued: “The improvement in hardware is more than that. Have you seen the whole head? It uses the latest The binocular vision system can simulate the binocular vision system most accurately, which is more in line with the human body structure than the original system.”

In fact, this is also an alternative to the evil taste of the emperor’s majesty. Now that there is Zaku, the Gundam is naturally going to be done. It’s not so much nostalgia as it is technological convergence.

After all, if the antenna has more signals, this is probably a technical limitation, and there is no way to design it. Therefore, the two antennas up to the height, or even four antennas, are more “reasonable” than the one in Zagu…

Speaking of rise, the old engineer pointed to the V-shaped symmetrical antenna and said to Oakland: “In addition, we have added a remote communication device, because the power is no longer cramped and the body has more sufficient energy, so we can Use more powerful equipment unscrupulously.”

As he gestured, he looked at Oakland, as if he wanted to see some surprised expression on the other person’s face: “For example, we have installed an antenna with a symmetrical design, so that we can Realize multi-machine coordinated command, remote linkage, real-time data transmission and other functions.”

“Because of the improvement of the head, the coordination of the body has also been improved. In the end, the whole body is more square than the original…” He gushed, and while talking, he adjusted and took out the structure of the whole body, and continued to confront Austria. Rank performed science popularization: “At the same time, we strengthened the frontal defense of the entire mecha and redesigned the internal structure to make it able to withstand the changes brought about by the new power.”

Olanke became more interested in this new body, which did not seem to look good: “What else? Listening to you, there seems to be some improvement.”

The old engineer mysteriously took out a file, opened it and showed it to Oranke: “Yes, in fact, the core of the whole improvement is not weapons and power. The core of the real change is this… “——

The miserable August has passed, and the Dragon Spirit update in September will be stable! Um!

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