My Empire

Chapter 1649: news

One hundred thousand demons have escaped from life… This is undoubtedly a major impact on the entire battle.

Although from the overall point of view, the 100,000-level troops cannot affect the victory or defeat on the battlefield at all, but from the perspective of the Higgs 11 planetary battlefield alone, this breakthrough is enough to call it a turning point.

After this battle, the morale of the Ailan Hill Empire troops increased exponentially, and the 100,000 demons who had already undergone the test of war were also elite at this moment.

The veterans who have gone through the battlefield are definitely a precious resource for the Ailanhill Empire.

What hurts the guards even more is that they did not eat the 100,000 elites of the Ailanshir Empire already in their mouths, and their division and replication were also affected.

One plus one minus, one positive and one negative, only the guards can know how much difference there is.

The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and the actions of Dragon Emperor Albert alone changed the situation on the battlefield tyrannically.

The demons and dragons, who were enemies to each other, achieved a great victory for the first time when they joined forces on the battlefield.

“Roar!” The golden dragon that looked like a mountain roared in the sky, and the Demon Race’s troops were also slowly retreating towards their position in the passage cleared by Dragon Emperor Albert.

The demon dog troops accepted the post-breaking task, and they died together with the enemy. They spent tens of thousands of losses in exchange for precious time for the troops to retreat.

At the same time, due to the delay of the Dragon King, on the Higgs 11 planet, the reinforcements that General Dolenault had been looking forward to, finally arrived.

The one million demons armed by the Airanhill Empire went to the battlefield, and they became the new force in the ground theater of the Higgs 11 planet.

With this force, Dolenault, who was originally struggling, has finally made up a certain amount of family assets, and he can now calmly deal with the attack from the guards.

Almost at the same time, the troops commanded by General Alfred, on planet Higgs 4, were also fighting back against the Guardian’s troops.

It seems that in order to cooperate with the strategic counterattack of General Medeas and Dolenault, General Alfred also took out his family property and started a massive counterattack.

In order to prepare for this counterattack, he mobilized the reserve forces on the Higgs 4 planet, a total of 700,000 people, and rushed more than 100 kilometers into the predetermined area.

Compared with the steady defense of Medias, there are still many Dolenaults who are still worried, and General Alfred’s command is more focused on attack.

On the one hand, it is because of his personal command style, on the other hand, it is also because of the Higgs region!

Before, General Alfred was the chief of staff of the 9th Army, and he has served under the command of Princess Cape Luna.

However, the 9th Army is an army formed by the Higgs civilians. This army has always had the style of Higgs and has always continued the customs and traditions of the Higgs region.

Later, the Higgs region became a settlement area for immigrants from the Higgs region, and it was also a region under the jurisdiction of Princess Cape Luna.

This series of associations made General Alfred full of affection for the Higgs region, and he did not want to see the lives of the people in this region smashed.

So as soon as he arrived on Planet Higgs 4, he began to establish a strong and complete defensive position, and then fought a beautiful counterattack, repelling the last invasion of the Guardians.

That time, it was also the first time that the Airanhill Empire repelled the Guardian’s landing forces and regained an entire planet.

Now, the guards have returned desperately, and General Alfred is still thinking about it, ready to hit the invaders head-on, and fight them back!

Now that the general has launched a counterattack across the board and has the mind to fight the enemy back into the universe, the commanders of all units have the motivation to counterattack.

On the surface of Higgs 4, the Allanhill Empire built a portal, so the deployment and reinforcement of troops are much more convenient than Higgs 11.

Therefore, General Alfred is more confident than Dolenault. He used two armies in one breath, and once again played a pincer offensive that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

There is no way, the one that is used the most is naturally the best. This two-wing attack method is also the most effective attack method.

Under the attack from the left and right of the two armies, the Guardian troops began to collapse and retreated more than 50 kilometers in one breath before they could barely maintain the situation.

but. Then they were surrounded, and then General Alfred went to the battlefield and witnessed the entire process of the annihilation of about 150,000 troops of the Guardians.

After all, the Guardians did not have the powerful reinforcements of the Dragon King, and they did not expect that the Ailanhill Empire would launch a counterattack from the surface of the three planets at almost the same time.

According to the guardian’s previous experience, few opponents can have such a strength that can withstand the guardian’s attack on three battlefields at the same time.

And this time, the Ailan Hill Empire not only withstood their attack, but also launched a counterattack on three battlefields at the same time.

Although the scale and effect of these three counterattacks are not the same, they are indeed three large-scale counterattacks!

The counterattack on the Higgs 3 planet has progressed and retreated, and Medeas has fully achieved the purpose of the campaign. He used the counterattack to patch up the position, expanded the defense area, and firmly grasped the initiative in his own hands.

The counterattack on the Higgs 11 planet was not considered a success due to limited forces. However, because of Albert’s joining, the 100,000 besieged demons eventually escaped, and it was a tie.

Higgs 4’s counterattack was the largest among them in terms of scale. General Alfred had many soldiers, so his counterattack was also the sharpest among the three-way army.

Annihilated 150,000 Guardian troops in one go, making the battle on the surface of the Higgs 4 planet unfavorable for the Guardians.

In the end, the Commander of the Wardens Ground Force, who felt that he was under pressure, pushed his problem to the Space Fleet.

He sent a signal for help, asking the space fleet to find a way to weaken the enemy fleet in the nearby space and provide more support to the ground forces.

As a result, the two sides broke up unhappy. The watchman commander of the space fleet felt that it was too much for him to take care of himself, and he had no energy to manage ground battles.

However, for a while, the Guardian forces have not made no progress: finally a fleet infiltrated successfully and raided the Higgs 7 planet of the Aranhill Empire, completely destroying the civilization of the Aranhill Empire there.

Yes, completely destroyed! Complete destruction in the true sense!

When the reinforcements of the Airanhill Empire arrived on Higgs 7, there was no trace of civilization.

The same as the Higgs 5 planet back then. This place was completely destroyed by the guards, and even the traces of civilization were obliterated. Nothing is left, there are no traces! And here… there used to be many lives!

The tree of life was completely destroyed, and all life on this planet was also wiped out in the process of the collapse of the atmosphere.

“These **** bastards…” An Ailanhill Empire soldier in a space suit cursed with gritted teeth looking at the gray and desolateness without a trace of life.

“I heard that they still claim to be fighting for the gods! Shit! If the gods are like this, then the gods should die too!” Another soldier grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and cursed with tears streaming down his face.

He has a cousin who opened up wasteland on Higgs 7. A few months ago he also sent an email to show off his farm here.

Higgs 7 is a planet that has been cultivated for more than a year, and there is even a densely populated and prosperous city.

Millions of people of all ethnic groups live on this planet. Their hard farming, hard work and production, only to be swallowed up by the enemy overnight.

When the patrol fleet of the Airanhill Empire arrived and destroyed the Watcher fleet hovering on the orbit of the Higgs 7 planet, there was no way to rescue it.

Finally, the troops of the Ailan Hill Empire finally saw with their own eyes what happened on the Higgs 5 planet.

They finally knew what had happened to that planet at that time, and why the guards left only a desperate barren.

Under the surveillance of the Space Fleet, the guards’ troops, that is, a large number of sweepers and destroyers, after destroying the security guard forces, began to swallow all the local things to replicate and multiply.

In the end, everything was swallowed up, and the geometrically growing sweepers would leave nothing behind. They ate people, ate buildings, destroyed the tree of life, and then self-destructed cleanly.

They dissipate as if they were environmentally friendly plastic bags, and then only left a planet with nothing left.

All this happened when people’s eyelids were lowered. This time, no one doubted the necessity and controversy of this war.

The previous wars were the plundering of resources and the expansion of territories. Such wars are purposeful.

However, in this war against the guards, the enemy’s goal is to “completely destroy” the Ailan Hill civilization. This kind of thing is unacceptable to anyone, so this war is not mediational, and can only continue until the end of the war.

All of this has strengthened everyone’s belief in continuing to resist the Watchers, and at the same time has become the starting point of a new round of propaganda offensive for the Ailan Hill Empire.

No way, any publicity can’t be as shocking as the last real live video. When people saw the scene of Higgs 7 before and compared the appearance of Higgs 7 at this moment, no one mentioned it again. What kind of saying goes.

Because as the war continued, the massive losses made many people have different opinions. They feel that it is unhealthy for two such powerful forces to talk to each other. Both parties should try to sit down and communicate.

Although there are very few people who have this idea, it doesn’t mean that there are not a few idiots within a population of hundreds of billions.

There is no way. There are people who eat the food of the Chinese people and smash the bowls of the Chinese people. The kind of people who visit the sacred toilets of the Yasukuni and wear the **** battle flag can make a fortune and become rich. How many people from the Ailan Hill Empire What’s weird about a self-proclaimed clever and critical critic?

However, it is a pity that such people have almost no market in the Ailan Hill Empire. Although they do exist, they have not caused any waves.

It is still a matter of course: on the one hand, the prestige of the emperor of the Ailanhill Empire is as high as the sky, and the question of the decision of the emperor will naturally not be accepted by the people.

On the other hand, the reason lies in the fact that the other side of the caretaker does not intend to negotiate a peace, so how can the main peace faction of the Ailan Hill Empire have any market?

So, sometimes, those who seem to be sane on the fence are actually putting their hot faces on others’ cold ass.

“Really… people don’t know what to say.” Seeing the news from the front line, Jessica, who was responsible for sorting out the news and then approving the release of the news, rubbed her eyebrows.

She is the Minister of the Culture Department of the Ailan Hill Empire, and she is in charge of this area of ​​work. Seeing these recent gatherings of intelligence, she also felt a while.

The first is the five battles on the front line of the Ailan Hill Empire, with three wins and two draws and an undefeated record.

Especially the victory on the Higgs 4 planet, which wiped out more than 145,000 enemy troops in one go, the report is indeed exciting.

However, the disastrous defeat of Higgs 7 happened almost simultaneously, making the victory of the Ailan Hill Empire appear flawed.

“Do you want to polish it up…” One of the subordinates pondered and suggested.

“Or…simply press it down, and in a few days…report…to report it?” Another official from the Ministry of Culture also spoke and said his thoughts.

These two people are both ministerial high-ranking officials with real power. Putting them in the officialdom of the Ailan Hill Empire, they are not low-level.

However, even so, they are still cautious and low-key in front of their immediate superiors, or in front of the royal family of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“No need.” Jessica softly rejected the two people’s suggestions: “Reverse the order! First the news of Higgs 7…The theme is set to pray for the dead and revenge for the victims!”

“Here, isn’t the Higgs 4 battle yet to be completely over? Then wait.” Jessica gave her own reason: “Wait until the final result, then post!”

After comprehending Jessica’s intentions, the two subordinates knew everything about it, so they immediately agreed and went to arrange the news.

Jessica once again picked up a picture from the Higgs 7 planet on the table, her eyes full of regret: “I hope…this kind of thing will never happen again…”

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