My Empire

Chapter 166 - Last hope

Inside the spacious and bright new building, a staff member is holding a cup of special “Elan Hill bitter tea” and blowing white bubbles on it.

This drink was developed by a beverage company, and it smells quite mellow, but the taste is not so good, with a hint of aroma in the bitterness.

Although most people still like sweet drinks, there are still a few people who start with this Ailan Hill bitter tea. Drinking is not allowed during working hours. They rely on this bitter taste to refresh their minds and feel very fashionable.

“Nora…there is nothing unusual about the instrument recently?” He walked lazily to his work position in slippers, put down Kucha and asked his colleagues next to him.

The colleague named Nora stretched his waist and yawned boredly and replied: “There is nothing unusual, everything is the same as yesterday. My daughter turned over and cried at night, with greater energy than the magic wave in this place.”

Their instrument is a kind of instrument that monitors magical fluctuations, and can also monitor natural phenomena such as earthquakes. It is set up here to collect some meteorological data about magical areas for the overall reference of the atmospheric and meteorological conditions of the world.

For subjects like this kind of very detailed subjects, there are countless countless subjects in Ailan Hild, and everyone has a basic understanding that the more you understand the world, the better you can understand the laws of operation of the world.

“Your daughter is a great magician! Hahahaha.” Hearing Nora’s words, the colleague who put down Kucha laughed. He pulled the chair away and sat in front of the testing instrument, and turned on another spare machine.

Then he pulled out a notebook in front of him, took a pen and wrote a very beautiful text on it: “May 2nd, Observation Station 4, at 8 o’clock in the morning, the state of the instrument is all normal, replace it with a spare machine jobs……”

This is his daily work, and it seems to be very simple. But you must know that he will have to measure the wind direction, send visual weather conditions to the radio station, and check the hygrometer. His work is also very fulfilling.

“Okay, leave it to you, I’ll go home now.” Noosa yawned again, tears in the corners of his eyes and said tiredly.

He has been on duty here for one night, staring at these boring instruments and recording all the results. It is not an exciting task, so he has been tortured all night.

“Go back, I also know you can’t hold it anymore.” The colleague who came to the shift was writing his work record, and said to Nossa without looking up.

Noosa tried to stand up, but found that his feet seemed to be stepping on the sponge. He was taken aback for a moment, and then his whole body immediately became energetic: “It’s an earthquake! Damn it, it’s an earthquake here!”

You know, the place where they are, but the eastern province of the original Holy Demon Empire, most of which is a plain area, there is no earthquake record at all.

Even more frightening is that the colleague who was recording the work report raised his head in surprise, looked at the magic recorder in front of him, and said in shock: “The magical aura is being disordered! Look at this pointer, it fluctuates too much.”

“What’s going on?” Nossa supported his chair, widened his eyes and asked: “It’s definitely not an ordinary earthquake, hurry up! Contact the nearby monitoring station No. 3 and ask them what’s going on there! “

“Isn’t the magic empire fighting us?” The substitute man who could still feel the vibrations under his feet looked at the Ailan Hill bitter tea placed by his arm in shock, and was a little nervous when he saw that the water inside was trembling. ‘S opening asked.

“What nonsense? We are near the border, can we be so quiet here after the war?” Noosa also snapped in a flustered voice.

He staggered and walked towards the door in the shock, halfway through, the machine that recorded the shock was already damaged due to overload.

“Damn it! Damn it!” He grabbed the phone next to him and shouted loudly: “Is there anyone? I want monitoring station No. 3! No. 3! Yes! No. 3!”

As soon as the phone was connected, he asked nervously: “There is a magical aura disorder, and the tremor is very strong…”

The voice on the phone also seemed to be flustered, and the opening report reported: “Yes! We have also monitored it! The location of the vibration is far away from us, but the feeling of vibration is very strong!”

“I don’t know what happened! But I think something must have happened! I have been working at the monitoring station for more than a year, at Higgs, and at Verenza. But I have never seen it. Such a situation!” Noosa said, clutching the microphone.

“Yes! I haven’t seen it either! The earthquake is an earthquake. We have experienced many earthquakes, but we have never seen such a strong earthquake…” The other party is also an old monitor, and he has never seen such a thing. occur.

“Report to Seris immediately… We need to figure out what happened.” Noosa hung up the phone, grabbed it again, and said to the other side: “This is the Veronza 4 monitoring station! I am! Talk to Serris directly!”

“Yes, the vibration on our side is very strong…Since you only felt a slight vibration there, you can simply infer that the vibration came from the west.” After the call was connected, Nossa reported. Said: “I guess it is not magic. If it is magic, it is really terrible.”

On the other side of the call, the head of the Serris Observation Center hung up, grabbed a blue phone in front of him, and said, “Hello, I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m the Observation Center… Yes, the vibration is It comes from the west and is related to magic.”

A few minutes later, Chris’ door was knocked open, and a few old men in magic robes and a few officers from the military walked into his office together.

“Your Majesty! The monitoring results just sent, there was a strong shock west of Veronsa, and it was accompanied by magical fluctuations…” An officer said in a serious report: “We suspect that someone used magic in the Eternal Empire or the Griken area. Forbidden curse.”

“Since the ancient times, there have been many records about magic forbidden curses, but even the magician of Greken can’t retreat after using the forbidden curse. The cost is often painful, so the forbidden curse is only a last resort… …” An old magician in charge of magic research opened up and said.

“The most recently proven use of the magic forbidden curse was the last time Gricken made an attack against a demon 300 years ago. That time Gricken paid the price of the fall of 10 of the strongest magicians and closed the eyes of magic.” A heavy book was placed on Chris’ desk, and another magician pointed to the record on it and said.

Chris looked at the above content and introduced in detail that several magicians used their lives to sacrifice, summoned super magic, attacked the demons inside the magic eye, and finally stabilized the magic eye for 300 years. .

“In other words, the magic forbidden curse was released for the eye of magic…” Chris tapped the desk in front of him, and then slowly said.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head and looked at the nervous ministers around him: “The matter is simple, if I guess correctly, the magic eye will open again, just now.”

It is impossible for Gricken to release the magic forbidden curse for no reason. It is an attack method that is even more terrible than the atomic bomb. Even Griken, the magician who can participate in this level of attack is pitiful.

In other words, Greken’s Forbidden Curse is a more powerful attack than a hydrogen bomb, but both the range and the number of attacks are rubbish. And Chris’s nuclear weapons have greater advantages in range and number of attacks.

If you count the more powerful nuclear weapons developed by Chris, then the magic curse has no advantage as a weapon. Even said that the magic empire’s weapons of destruction at the national level are not as good as Ailan Hill.

“We can just wait now. If their forbidden spell solves the magic eye like the last time, then we can rest assured to develop for another 300 years.” Chris’ fingers still tapped on the edge of the table: “If they fail, then we will go to the Eye of Magic and join the battle.”

He looked at Desaier and others who had arrived, and his tone was very heavy: “Gentlemen, maybe, we will choose the army to go to Gricken in a few minutes.”

Desaier still had a few ministers who came here for a moment, and then realized that it was a problem with the Eye of Magic.

For Desaier, this may be a war that will not pay off: after all, fighting the devil will have no territory or resources that can feed back the country.

But he also knew that this was a war that had to be fought, whether it was for the world or for the mortals themselves.

“If a war breaks out, I will immediately order the cancellation of the workers’ statutory holidays, and all the production capacity related to the war will be in place within the first time… It only takes 30 hours to mobilize at most…” Dessert glanced at Gurlo, and looked at it. After reaching the other side’s nod, he opened his mouth to report.

Chris nodded. He knew that his country was a more powerful state machine than other countries. In front of this huge machine, the strength of any link was small and pitiful.

About a few hours later, after sending three enquiry telegrams, Gricken finally replied.

The message was sent directly to Chris, and the content on it made Chris’ expression more serious.

He put down the message, raised his head to look at the ministers standing in front of him, and said: “Gentlemen, Gricken’s forbidden spell has failed, and the eye of magic has not fallen asleep like the last time… Now, according to Plan action, we may be the world’s last hope!”

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