My Empire

Chapter 1660: Wrong order

“Left wing advance! Suppress the enemy’s air defense firepower! Disperse those annoying killers! Drive them out of our attack area!” Orange commanded loudly while driving his body into the enemy’s formation.

Then, a voice of promise came from his headset: “Yes! Sir!”

Immediately afterwards, a shining star broke away from the attack array and began to rush towards the enemy’s flank.

These stars were entangled with the sky of artillery fire and enemy aircraft in the next second, and then a burst of flames lit up in the dark universe.

“Disperse! The enemy’s fire is coming! Pay attention to their respective trajectories! Keep the cover formation as much as possible!” He continued to issue attack orders while flying forward.

Then, the Gundam attack force, which was not originally dense, suddenly spread out like a goddess scattered flowers, turning into stars in the sky.

In an instant, the black rays of the enemy’s attack came in succession, almost wiping the gundam bodies that were charging and flying by.

The enemy’s anti-aircraft fire finally began to attack, and various airtight energy groups were interspersed among the black rays, like a big net that swallowed the sky and the earth.

And those Gundam assault troops that represented the Ailan Hill Empire, shining light, shuttled among these black energies, like small boats fighting in the storm, ups and downs.

However, no matter how strong the wind and rain are, these lights still appear and disappear from time to time, but never disappear! They just shuttled in the turbulent waves, and in a blink of an eye they were close.

In the next second, a bright light at close range suddenly lit up, and then the light pierced through a Guardian warship wandering outside the enemy fleet.

This weird battleship, which was covered in barbeds and looked like Xanthium shivered slightly, began to explode and fire from the inside.

In an instant, the shell of this battleship was torn apart by the swift explosion inside, and some of the wreckage inside was also thrown into the universe with the explosion, like gravel in the wind.

And beside this huge fireball that kept exploding, the dust-sized Ailanhill Empire Gundam mecha that had just opened fire to kill the killer just turned the direction of flight to another enemy ship not far away. Killed menacingly.

“Major General Meow called back! Oakland led the new Gundam experimental force on the flank of the opponent! But…” The officer who sent the message back read this, stopped, and looked at Lawnes and other general officers.

“But what?” the chief of staff frowned and couldn’t help but directly grabbed the opponent’s arm and asked.

The officer bowed his head a little embarrassed, and continued to say: “But the enemy army does not care, still maintains its course, relying on its superiority in force, to kill in the direction of my main fleet!”

“I don’t care about it, but I have to get closer and trade with us!” Lawnes sneered: “It seems that this time, our old opponents are very confident in their own strength!”

“If this goes on, our flanks may collapse before the enemy…” the chief of staff reminded in an impatient tone.

“No hurry! Our flank hasn’t hurt yet! Let’s wait and see! Let’s see how much the enemy has put in this time!” Lawnes calmly decided to continue to maintain the state of receiving the enemy, and then change according to the changes. Make your own adjustments.

“The scanning signal sent back by our reconnaissance missile!” The commander of the reconnaissance force hurriedly called out the file he had just gotten in his hand, and put it on the holographic map.

Then, everyone on the scene saw that the place that suddenly appeared behind the enemy fleet, originally covered by the confusion of the war, appeared with dense red dots with almost no end in sight.

“My God!” The chief of staff was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the enemy fleet, and couldn’t help exclaiming.

There is no way, in terms of numbers, the number of enemy troops has never been so high! In the past, the battle of the Ailan Hill Empire military regarded as a big victory and annihilating more than 10,000 warships. At this moment, it seemed like an appetizer.

Judging from the signals fed back from this reconnaissance missile, the total number of warships mobilized by the enemy this time is estimated to be more than ten times the current fleet of Lawnes!

If you count the places that are not detected behind you, the enemy may still have a follow-up fleet, then the size of the enemy’s fleet is likely to be twenty or even thirty times the size of the existing fleet in the hands of Lawnes!

Even if. Just relying on quantitative pressure can almost completely crush the current 1st and 2nd fleets of the Ailan Hill Empire!

Even if you add the Royal Guards Fleet of the Alanhill Empire behind you, and even the 2nd Royal Guards Fleet that is coming, which was still resting due to the loss, it is not an opponent of the enemy at all!

Now, as a courtier of His Majesty, he felt that the most correct choice might be to take advantage of the current situation and try to maintain it so that His Majesty, who was still in the rear, would retreat as soon as possible!

The one who can walk is one! The rest is to serve the country with death and stand here and wait for the arrival of the last moment!

Thinking of this, the Chief of Staff of the 1st Fleet looked at the Imperial Marshal Lawnes next to him, as if he wanted to see the same gaze in the other’s eyes.

It’s a pity… Lawnes didn’t look at him. At this moment, the imperial marshal was pinching his chin, staring at the area on the holographic map where the enemy fleet was gathered together, not knowing what he was thinking.

A few seconds later, when the chief of staff wanted to make a sound reminder, Lawnes raised his head first, but said to the liaison officer beside him: “Let Zagu’s troops be dispatched! The forward troops rushing over the enemy first Eat it! See what the enemy says!”

“Marshal! Do not inform your Majesty…” The chief of staff was a little anxious, and asked Lawnes aloud, but only halfway through the words, he met Lawnes’s gaze.

After all, he did not finish his words, because Lawnes did not give him the opportunity to finish: “Let the Serris forward! Move forward! Tell the whole army! The flagship of this war will never retreat, long live the Empire!”

“Marshal!” The chief of staff didn’t know what to say. In fact, he didn’t think there was any problem with Lawnes’s command. If he was in charge, the same would be the arrangement.

However, what he wants to ask is, should he give your Majesty a notice at this moment and let your Majesty go first? At this time, if one step is wrong, the whole situation may be shaken!

It’s just that he didn’t ask, because when he came back to his senses, he had already seen many officers who had already taken over protective clothing from the non-commissioned officer, and the entire bridge was already busy.

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