My Empire

Chapter 1663: Tears

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A space battleship of the Ailan Hill Empire is going backwards with its retarder, and its defensive energy is almost exhausted. If it continues to block in front of other battleships, it will be penetrated by the magical defense barrier.

It’s just that there is no gap in the enemy’s attack, so this battleship trying to retreat seems extremely difficult in the process of giving up its position.

A black ray directly penetrated the thick magical defensive barrier in front of the warship, and then the remaining energy hit the thick steel defensive belt, leaving a dark burn mark on the armor.

The armor of several meters thick was almost penetrated, and even some places were left with cracks, but the battleship still retreated stubbornly and finally gave up its position.

Another pressing battleship began to cover its allies with its own body, and the gleaming magical defense barrier appeared again, blocking the black energy rays that followed.

Unfortunately, on the other side of the battlefield, the other battleship was not so lucky. It ran out of its own energy, and then had no time to retreat, and several black energy penetrated the hull.

Huge scars remained on the same huge slender hull, and shattered steel scattered around the pierced armor.

That stalwart bridge is exploding at this moment, breaking and collapsing, with countless messy debris, becoming debris in the universe.

The parts on the battleship, the distorted half of the turret, even the broken teacup, and the lack of the owner’s shoes…all of these are declaring the cruelty of the battlefield to everyone.

Because of the leak of oxygen, there are countless amounts of energy and combustion-supporting propellant, so the explosion is still blazing in the universe.

But soon, this tragic explosion became silent because it exhausted all the burning things around.

All that is left without life is like losing the body of the soul, floating in the universe just like that, mingled in front of the two armies.

The explosions continued, and the destruction of battleships became commonplace. Not only was one warship after another on the Ailan Hill Empire destroyed, but the Guardian also suffered huge losses.

Just one volley of the Ailanhill Empire fleet was able to sink hundreds of Warden Warships, but after those warships shattered and exploded, they were immediately knocked apart by subsequent warships.

It was indeed smashed, and none of the Guardian troops cared about the wreckage of their own warship. Relying on their rough skin, they arbitrarily smashed the hulls that were already shattered.

Then, the shells that were forcibly crushed began to gradually evaporate, and the edges seemed to be melted.

“The wreckage on the battlefield has begun to increase! It affects our vision and makes scheduling difficult.” A staff officer placed the report in his hand on the map table and reminded Lawnes.

Lawnes nodded, then looked at the liaison officer aside, “The pressure on the flanks has not been relieved?”

“No! The enemy is attacking our flank…or rather, they are attacking all contact surfaces! There is pressure everywhere, and it is no longer clear where the enemy’s main attack is.” The liaison officer replied helplessly.

Then, he paused, and continued to say, “Major General Miao has already ventured into the enemy’s flanking formation, but the enemy is still desperately attacking our main flanking formation, ignoring Major General Miao’s restraint.”

“Whatever the cost, do you want to crush me head-on?” Lawnes sneered, and then looked at the holographic map. “How about the counterattack of Zagu’s troops?”

“The counterattack forces have achieved great results. We attacked a huge fleet within a kilometer of the enemy and almost wiped out the enemy.” The chief of staff immediately replied, “The results can be said to be very brilliant.”

“Say but!” Lawnes didn’t even go to see his chief of staff, he guessed what he wanted to say behind him.

“But the other side immediately mounted a new full fleet and continued to maintain the offensive posture.” The Chief of Staff sighed and said, “The next round of Zaku’s counterattack will take an hour before we can be ready. ”

“It’s really embarrassing! Just more than two hours after the war, I was forced to a corner by the enemy!” Lawnes stared at the map, and finally made up his mind. “Relying on the supply space station behind, continue to fight! Let the Royal Guards continue to fight! Stand by! I want to wait for the other party to reveal their intentions before doing any action!”

In fact, he has already felt the tremendous pressure. The opponent’s full-line offensive with almost no intention has really caused too much trouble for the Alanhill Empire fleet.

If you can’t judge the enemy’s specific combat intentions, you can only respond passively in this way. There is no other way. What Lawnes can do is only waiting for the Gundam troops on the flanks to create some confusion for the opponent.

However, Lawnes is most worried about another aspect. What if the enemy is so large that there is no fixed offensive target and no offensive focus?

In other words, the enemy has an absolute advantage in numbers, attacking wantonly and seeking breakthroughs everywhere. This is what makes Lawnes most desperate.

Regardless of which one looks upwards, the Guardian troops he is facing at this moment seem to be more like the latter state.

The opponent is just relying on absolute quantitative advantages to attack recklessly, and has no offensive focus and strategic intent at all!

In other words, the strategic intent is to break through the defenses of the Ailan Hill Empire and swallow the entire Higgs region!

“The appetite is not small! But it depends on whether you have that good tooth!” Lawnes snorted in his heart, but his expression became more serious.

Because he knew that the opponent actually had this strength, he didn’t even know how long the fleet in front of him could last.

Although there are still many warships, including the Royal Guards Fleet, Lawnes is still worried about the battle ahead.

At this moment, he didn’t even know how many lives and battleships had to be filled in to be able to end this battle!

And he didn’t know, even if he used his best to annihilate these **** Guardian troops, there would be more Guardian troops appearing!

This is a desperate reincarnation, and Lawnes could not confirm whether the seemingly decisive battle before him was the final battle between the two sides to decide the victory or defeat, or just the prelude to the devouring of some of the guards.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the battle was still going on. While Lawnes was looking at the holographic projection of the entire combat area, his fleet was being eaten away by the enemy.

The loss is increasing, and the number of casualties has been soaring. The ground battle has not been counted yet, but the loss in the universe is clear at a glance.

Up to now, the first fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire has been sunk by battleships, and the number of damaged battleships has even approached!

This was just the beginning of the battle. The two sides only fought for more than an hour. Once the battle continued, the losses on Ailan Hill’s side would continue to rise.

No way, this is an unchangeable status quo. As the battle continues, the pressure on logistics supplies and maintenance will further increase, and eventually the pressure will be passed on to the frontline combat troops, causing losses to suddenly increase several times.

On the ground, Burrison was also looking at a loss report. His troops had already killed more than people. This represented a full-fledged infantry regiment, which was completely annihilated by the enemy at this moment!

The battle continues, casualties are still increasing, and even many troops have begun to send news that their ammunition reserves are insufficient!

From the beginning, this battle was fierce beyond everyone’s imagination! Everyone seemed so small in this massive battle.

“Record the name of every soldier who died, and clone soldiers are no exception.” Burrison handed the report to his adjutant, and then seriously ordered, “If we still have someone who can go back alive, then Take these records back! Be sure, take them back!”

“Yes! Sir!” The adjutant solemnly accepted the paper full of names, not knowing what to say for a while.

In fact, when the battle has been fought to this level, the role of command is not very important anymore. Because the enemy’s offensive has almost no focus, it is actually no longer necessary to analyze the battlefield situation.

The current headquarters, all levels of headquarters, are only responsible for scheduling tasks, that is, to allocate supplementary personnel, ammunition and supplies, and then send them to the front-line troops as much as possible.

And this kind of work can be done by logistic officers in peacetime, and there is no need for a commander like Burrison to personally ask.

At the forefront of Burrison’s army, the Ailan Hill grenadier was using all the weapons in his hand to pour the enemy in front of him.

For a time, there was a fiery flame in front of the entire position, but the densely packed enemy troops rushed out in this flame, launching a shock again and again toward the position where the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire were stationed.

It was not that the firepower coverage of the Ailan Hill Empire was not violent enough. Even at the beginning, everyone was still wondering if anything would survive such terrible firepower coverage.

However, as the battle continued, everyone already knew that the number of enemies could be so large that they could move forward steadily from the almost impenetrable firepower of the Ailan Hill Empire!

Just when everyone is working hard and struggling to survive on this tragic battlefield, on the distant horizon, a mushroom cloud soaring into the sky, accompanied by a dull loud noise from far and near, slowly evaporates. .

The air wave blows away the clouds, causing the surrounding clouds to squeeze and stack, and finally form a huge ring, which is stacked on the periphery of the mushroom cloud.

And on the ground, accompanied by the spread of air currents like a knife, there are countless broken debris that are as fast as bullets and as sharp as steel needles.

Everything in the vicinity was swept away, including the crowded Sweeper troops that were still marching, nothing was left.

Those sweepers who seemed incomparably powerful had long been evaporated in the hot airflow, leaving nothing behind.

Unsurprisingly, the nuclear counterattack of the Ailan Hill Empire began, and one nuclear bomb after another, like no money, slammed into the guardian’s control area.

Under such intensive nuclear bomb attacks, it seems that the entire planet is trembling under blossoming mushroom clouds.

The scene in front of me is not an exaggeration even if it is described as the end of the world. Behind the countless Sweeper troops, the huge black smoke that surging upward almost obscured half of the sky.

Inside the battleship of the flagship Serris, in a cabin responsible for filing documents, an officer looked at the documents being sorted by two female clone officers with some curiosity.

He reached out and picked up a pile, before looking down at the content, he asked, “What is this?”

A female clone officer who was sorting and filing documents and making records said, “This is the sinking warship, a message from the captain.”

The officer was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly lowered his head, looked at the stack of messages in his hand, and said in amazement, “Are these all?”

“Yes, these are all.” The cloned lady officer nodded and said, “Just sent…”

Hearing what the female clone officer said, the officer looked down at the paper in his hand in a flustered manner.

He suddenly felt that these things were a bit hot, but he didn’t dare to let go. This kind of feeling is very bad, and there seems to be something burning in his chest.

There are some obvious wrinkles in the teletext paper, which seems to be caused by the people who read these telegrams subconsciously pinching the paper.

And on these electronic texts, there are simple but heavy sentences line by line.

“All the officers and men of the battleship Lily vowed to live and die with the battleship! Captain Hawke.”

“For Ailan Hill! My ship will fight to the last minute! Captain Russell of the Battleship Bestin.”

“The battleship Dolinis is already under damage control. Goodbye Ellen Hill! Goodbye! Captain Howard.”

Pieces of paper were filled with last words.

These last words representing a living life blocked the officer’s chest and made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

It was only when he turned to the last message that he realized that his eyes had been blurred and his face was full of tears.

Embarrassed, he stretched out his hand and wiped his face with the cuffs of his military uniform full of patterns, ignoring the uniform that he had been ironing and cleaning carefully all the time.

No one laughed at his miserable appearance, because the little girl who sent these over also cried, tearful and pitying.

The correspondent who received these messages also cried, and the good man cried like a man of tears. The signal officer commander standing behind him didn’t say anything to blame.

In this day and age, tears are worthless. But it is still the most direct and real thing that people express their feelings and precious things.

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