My Empire

Chapter 168 - speed

They are indeed a group of interesting little guys.

Now these little guys are climbing high mountains in groups, crossing the river, and marching towards a place where they have never marched before.

The mountains and plains of M42 helmets, countless carriages, trucks and tanks spread from Veronsa to the border of the Eternal Empire.

Chris’s staff is now in a state of desperation. They have never organized such a large-scale strategic expedition.

Approximately 200,000 soldiers, and ammunition to support them in battle, are drawn into a straight line on the map. On top of this straight line, there are at least 2,000 aircraft of various types…

Together with them, the 200,000 troops of the Eternal Empire also went to reinforce Grikon. The spectacular scene of 5,000 dragon knights gathering in the sky made many mortals who saw the Eternal Empire’s army unforgettable for life. .

In the conference room in Serris Castle, Chris and his staff are discussing specific matters regarding reinforcement of Gricken.

The officials in charge of the railway department spoke frankly about the pressure on their side, filling everyone’s face with worry: “The pressure on logistics supplies is even greater than we thought, even for train transportation. It will also take a long time near the Eternal Empire.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at his majesty the emperor, and then said: “Our scheduling has reached the maximum efficiency, and logistics supplies are still experiencing difficulties. However, this difficulty is still very limited at present. Once it reaches the grid Rican, we can get some of the oil and supplies we have previously stored.”

“The ammunition was not transported to Greken in advance because of confidentiality. At present, it seems that it is a failure…” Chief of Staff Luo Kai spoke.

The General Staff has always planned to transport a large amount of weapons and ammunition to Grecan for storage, but this plan was not approved by the Ministry of National Defense. The two sides wrangled to the end until Greken was in a hurry and the General Staff gained the upper hand.

Hearing the re-report of the old thing on the staff side, Castner spread his hands and expressed his concerns: “Then we can’t ship in advance. Did we put 10 nuclear warheads in Grecken? Isn’t that a joke? ?”

Luo Kai snorted, and decided not to challenge the Minister of Defense Castner about this kind of thing: “How many carriages are wasted in the transportation of nuclear weapons? I’m talking about bullets… We only have 100 million bullets stored over there. It is estimated that it will only take a few days…”

“We are hurrying to grab the shipment, aren’t we? In addition, we have ordered the troops to stop transporting food, and all the rations are purchased along the way. Grecken also said that it can provide food supplies.” Castner also knows that the Ministry of Defense is in I was too careful in this matter, so I also gave myself a step.

After all, transporting weapons and ammunition to Gricken is not an easy task. If there is no crisis in Gricken for a long time, the ammunition that has been transported will probably be completely scrapped in the Gricken area.

Therefore, Ailan Hill, who had been expanding its armaments and preparing for war and lacked weapons and equipment, finally gave up the plan of the Staff Headquarters to stock up weapons and ammunition in the Greken area.

Precisely because of this, Chris is not going to trouble Archduke Castner now. The reason is very simple: the matter of abandoning the hoarding of ammunition plan, although proposed by the Ministry of Defense, represents part of the emperor’s opinion.

“Even if there is no need to transport food, things are very urgent… If the number of devil’s troops is large, our ammunition consumption will increase…” Just as Chris was thinking about these issues, Luo Kai of the staff continued to speak .

Chris really opened his mouth and set the tone for this matter: “There is no good way, you can only go over there and see the situation before you talk…”

“We are mobilizing 300,000 workers to enter the territory of the Holy Demon Empire. Extending the railway to the territory of the Eternal Empire is one aspect. If the existing railway line is expanded, it must be implemented immediately.” The officials of the railway department looked at His Majesty the Emperor and thought. To change the topic, he immediately took the topic and started talking for himself.

The mutual accusations between the Ministry of National Defense and a certain department of the General Staff have come to an end. Everyone turned their attention to the construction of the railway.

“You’re right. Let’s suspend other railway projects. Transport people to the Saint-Magic Empire Railway. We will build a parallel railway along the existing railway within a month!” Chris nodded in agreement. Made this plan.

Expanding transportation capacity is the only way to ensure that one’s frontline troops fight. In this case, building railways to expand air transportation is a good way to solve the problem. He must do it at the same time and commit at the same time.

“Talk about the mobilization of troops, I heard that Luna did a good job over there?” Chris looked at his chief of staff, Luo Kai, and asked curiously.

Luo Kai nodded and replied: “The Ninth Army’s westward advance is very fast. Now the forward troops have entered the Eternal Empire. The quality of the Higgs troops is really good, and I am a little envious.”

Speaking of the dazzling performance of the 9th Army, Castner’s face flashed. He smiled and reported to Chris Hui: “They are trying to speed up the march. I heard that Greken has already arrived. Two telegrams urged us to reinforce.”

“Yes, it can be seen that Gricken’s current defense pressure is very heavy. The puppet empire has not reinforced Gricken until now, not because they are overwhelmed, or they plan to sit back and watch Gricken destroyed.” Chris was a little worried. Said.

In his opinion, Greken’s biggest allies should be those high-level magic empires that Vivian said. For example, Vivian is very respected by the dragon family, the elves who see the dragons without seeing the end, the dwarves, and the mysterious and very unfriendly puppet empire.

According to the truth, even if the puppet empire is full of ambitions, that should be the order in which the demon invasion should be solved first, and then the internal fighting should be carried out. In such a crisis, he can’t save him, and a face that doesn’t understand his lips and teeth. This is not in line with the wisdom of the ruler of the advanced magic empire.

Therefore, Chris has always been worried, worried that the puppet empire is planning something at this time, not afraid of thieves, but afraid of thieves thinking about this feeling, so Chris has to take precautions.

While producing nuclear weapons on a large scale, he is working hard to develop long-range strike methods, in order to tie the puppet empire to the wheels of nuclear **** one day in the future, restricting the other side’s various “bad thoughts.”

“There is no way to urge, we are now doing our best to transport our troops.” Chief of Staff Luo Kai said with some regret, shaking his head.

“Yes, we have tried our best to project our troops onto the battlefield as quickly as possible…” Defense Secretary Archduke Castner also nodded in agreement.

At the same time that this meeting about reinforcements for Gricken was under intense discussion, Gricken built a very flat field airport.

A -47 transport aircraft’s engine whizzed down from the sky and taxied onto this runway. Before the plane completely shut down the engine, the hatch on the fuselage was pushed open from the inside, and one by one Ellen Hill soldiers jumped out of the plane.

They were carrying their own weapons and equipment, wearing m42 helmets wrapped in three-color camouflage, and looking at everything in front of them with curious eyes.

As the first group of mortal soldiers to enter the Gricken battle, they saw the magical eye that went straight to the sky in the distance, and saw the…”Grakon Residents” standing on the edge of the airport runway welcoming them.

“Gu…” Holding his stg-44 assault rifle nervously, an Ailan Hill paratrooper who jumped off the plane first looked at the pick-up team in front of him and swallowed a mouthful of water.

The comrades standing behind him were not much better. He also stood there carefully clutching his weapon, for fear that he could not help firing on the familiar and unfamiliar “guys” in front of him in the next second.

“Welcome Greken!” a huge she-wolf uttered, and with a group of cubs about the size of ordinary wild wolves behind her, she stood in front of the Ailan Hill paratroopers shaking their heads.

“I’m sorry, I may have scared you. I am the magic wolf clan of Gricken, and I am responsible for protecting the safety of this airport.” The giant wolf said as he habitually shook the fluff on his body. The paratroopers who jumped off the second -47 transport plane were startled.

“Very, very nice to meet you…” A lieutenant Ailan Hill who commanded the paratroopers stammered and said: “We are ordered to land here, and we will wait for combat orders after assembly.”

“Please forgive Greken for his impoliteness… The magicians have all assembled to the front line, and the battle has been going on. The rear can only let us beasts to defend. The situation has begun to get out of control. Thank you for being able to do so at this time. Reach out a helping hand.” The she-wolf said with a gentle voice.

While it was talking, one after another -47 transport plane stopped on the side of the airport runway, and a group of Airlandhill paratroopers, connected by one group, jumped out of their plane.

Although everyone was very interested in a house-sized, human-speaking wolf, under the orders of their respective commanders, they quickly arranged the team and began to gather towards the distant lawn.

In just such a short time, about 50 -47 transport planes landed on this airport, and more than 1,000 soldiers began to gather near the airport. With them landing, it was a large number of weapons unloaded from the transport plane.

“Send the bazooka over there! Yes! Put it together with the mortar! Set up a headquarters nearby! Put up the high-power radio antenna! Tents! Those tents! Be careful!” Standing on the open grass, in Among dozens of curious gazes of young wolves, an airborne regiment commanded loudly to his men.

The paratroopers quickly established a field camp on the side of the airport. The tents were erected one by one, the radio equipment was also ready, and the wooden box was pried open, revealing the diesel generator inside.

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