My Empire

Chapter 1681: Within a minute

When Sorens saw the circular man-made planet that was so huge that it could be described as spectacular, he couldn’t help but subconsciously ask his subordinates.

Of course, his subordinates would definitely not know what it was. They didn’t know that the artificial star was called Taiyi, nor did they know that there was an endless hoard of terror in the huge sphere at this moment, and it was tumbling fiercely.

And when he knew all this, it seemed that it was already too late, it was too late! Because everything has already begun!

Chris felt that when the energy in his body was extracted by Taiyi and concentrated on those amplifiers, he was still shocked by Taiyi’s huge energy consumption.

Before, he felt that he should be able to control this weapon easily, because in the simulation experiment, only 119 magicians were used.

He was confident that he must be much stronger than 119 magicians, so he never felt how difficult it is to control Taiyi.

But now, he feels that he…seems to be wrong! The previous experiment didn’t seem to stimulate the full potential of Taiyi, or in other words, even one-tenth of Taiyi’s potential was not stimulated at all!

With the passage of time, the whole Taiyi seemed to be overwhelmed. The whole planet was trembling, and the main structure of the planet made of steel made a distorted sound like a dragon’s chant.

That terrifying voice echoed in the empty corridor, and was amplified to a terrifying point, as if the entire planet had come to life!

It is as if the entire planet is imprisoned by a super terrifying prehistoric monster. At this moment, it is preparing to break out of the cage, to struggle out of the place where it is held, and to break free from everything that binds it!

Regardless of everything, Chris raised his head and exhausted all his strength, facing the Guardian fleet that broke through the Elanhill Empire’s space fleet defense line in front of him, shouting loudly: “Eat my two-way foil! Bastard! ”

Accompanied by his roar, an invisible force spewed out from directly in front of Taiyi, like a spreading sound wave, gradually disappearing into the distance.

It was completely different from what I had imagined before. There was no dazzling light and no spectacular effect. Everything seemed as if nothing had happened, and nothing had changed.

The battlefield is still that battlefield, and the battle is still going on. The battleships of the Ailan Hill Empire are retreating, and the enemy is attacking frantically.

“Failed?” Luther looked into the distance in shock, looking at the battlefield where nothing had happened, and asked desperately in his heart.

Carl also looked at the battlefield in front of him. He saw the energy spreading out, but he didn’t see any change. This made him very panicked, so panic that he didn’t even know what to do.

The two of them just stood in a hurry, and they didn’t even have the courage to look at each other. They are afraid, afraid that they can see the emotion they don’t want to see in the eyes of the other person. That emotion is called despair!

Similarly, while turning on the battlefield, once again aiming his ship’s bow at the enemy’s 1st Fleet flagship Serris of the Ailan Hill Empire, Lawnes is also looking at the 2nd Fleet on the other side. .

They are about to be cut apart by the Warden’s warship, the defense line will be penetrated, and the battle will become uncontrollable.

All hopes are pinned on His Majesty and Taiyi, the ultimate weapon activated by His Majesty.

However, just now, Taiyi shot out a beam of diffused energy, which extended to the distance, and finally disappeared on the battlefield.

In this long, anxious wait, Lawnes did not notice any change, as if the hard blow just now was just a joke.

This made his whole person begin to lose strength, he felt that everything that supported his body was disappearing, and his whole person was shaking slightly involuntarily.

It’s over… everything is over! The battle is out of control, and the Ailanhill Empire is getting further and further away from victory…

These thoughts echoed in Lawnes’s mind, but subjectively, he was unwilling to admit the facts before him. So he still stood there stubbornly, insisting on looking at the battlefield far away, hoping to find something from the battlefield of despair.

I don’t know how long it has passed, or whether it was an illusion. At this moment, he looked out of the porthole. The lights of the friendly fleet in the other direction that were originally clear suddenly became so unreal.

It’s as if… as if it was covered with a layer of glass, and it was that kind of poor quality glass!

He rubbed his eyes, and then looked at the friendly fleet in the distance again to confirm whether his eyes had a problem.

Then, he confirmed the fact that there was indeed something blocking his warship and the friendly warship on the other side.

That is a transparent thing, or in other words, it is something that shouldn’t appear, and doesn’t exist in the first place!

Just as he frowned and once again tried his best to look at the lights of the friendly warships in the distance, those bright lights, as well as the light from the Star Destroyer, were suddenly cut off by something.

Yes, it is like countless blades that cannot be seen clearly, cutting off all these lights!

But even a fool knows how can the light be cut in half by something? Maybe it can, but how could it be cut off by something out of thin air.

Lawnes wanted to rub his eyes with his hands again, but this time he realized something, and forcibly pressed his raised hand down.

Then, he just stared at the space between the two armies, paying attention to the changes in every detail. In the end, he saw it again, what he shouldn’t have seen before!

The light emitted by the distant friendly fleet was indeed distorted and cut off. An invisible glass seemed to block between the two fleets and at the same time blocked all communications between the two fleets.

At this moment, it seemed that the two fleets belonged to different worlds. Although they could still see each other, they had been completely separated from each other.

What shocked Lawnes even more was that this super huge piece of glass that blocked the first and second fleets of the empire began to shatter silently at this moment!

He saw the cracks, one huge crack after another, staggering the light from the opposite side, as if cutting the coherent light apart!

These cracks are getting denser and bigger. As far as Lawnes can see, there is no end to such a crack!

He swallowed a spit, and subconsciously wanted to get closer to the cracks, until his forehead hit the glass on the porthole, only to realize that no matter how hard he tried to get closer, it was just futile.

So he put his hand on the glass of the porthole and let his breath blow on the porthole, leaving a layer of mist that gradually dissipated.

“That’s Taiyi?” The chief of staff was also stunned by everything in front of him, he murmured, not knowing whether he was asking himself or the people around him.

If it has just begun, and everyone has not noticed that the world in front of you has begun to shatter, now everyone has seen the dense cracks.

In the beginning, the crack was just like a scar on the windshield glass of a car, but now, it looks like cracked tempered glass, shattered like a fishing net.

Those far away, the lights of the 2nd Fleet, have become blurred at this moment, because of the existence of countless cracks, it is even impossible to see clearly.

Although they couldn’t hear any sound because of the vacuum state, everyone could feel that something seemed to be tearing their eardrums and knocking their hearts.

Soon, Lawnes noticed that a battleship of his own, which insisted on fighting, was on the verge of the rift.

He saw with his own eyes that the battleship was swallowed by the traces of fragmentation, as if it had been cut in half by an extremely sharp blade.

Half had disappeared completely, but the other half was still hovering on the battlefield, and even the explosion did not happen, just like that neatly, hovering there quietly.

Soon after, I don’t know if a second has passed or a long time has passed. When Lawnes barely realized the passage of time, the battleship finally began to explode, completely exploding into a pile of powder.

Your Majesty the Emperor… broke the world!

For a moment, Lawnes’s mind had such a sentence that even he himself thought was ridiculous.

However, he couldn’t laugh anyway. Because he really didn’t know whether only the world in front of him had been shattered, or half of the world had been destroyed at the other end of the broken trace.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, as if the soul had just returned to the body, he desperately rushed to the porthole directly in front of the enemy.

enemy! How is the enemy!

He wanted to see if the Guardians, who had just penetrated his defense line, were also shrouded by the cracks in front of them.

In any case, this is the only hope of the Ailan Hill Empire, and this is his only chance for Lawnes to turn defeat into victory.

He pushed aside the crowd, rushed to the front of the porthole, and then saw that the universe that he could see could not be clearly seen.

The Guardian battleships, which were as huge as the mountains, were cut and dislocated by those cracks, which looked very funny.

The distorted picture is like using a broken screen to watch a spectacular scene of Star Wars.

Although it is not clear, although I still don’t know if it is Taiyi’s credit. But Lawnes still felt that his knees were soft, and he almost slumped on the ground.

Had it not been for the chief of staff and a few officers to hold him back, he might really have been sitting on the ground.

But Lawnes didn’t feel embarrassed at all, he just stared at everything in front of him, for fear of missing any useful moment.

It didn’t take him long to wait. In fact, it had only been more than ten seconds since the crack appeared.

However, for everyone, for all the soldiers on the front lines of the Ailan Hill Empire, these ten seconds is too long.

In the next instant, in the eyes of everyone, inside the collapsed space, the warship of the guards began to explode tragically.

These sacrificial explosions are confined in the space of frustration, which seems so counterintuitive.

Some explosions filled up a triangular space, but could not reach the debris that was not exploded in the fragmented space on the other side that was close at hand.

And some warships slammed into the invisible barrier so abruptly, and exploded directly, even the guards above didn’t know what happened.

A watcher looked down at his legs in a daze, and then watched his lower body fall down with blood spraying.

And he tried hard to grab his lower body, but his arm was torn to pieces by the twisted space.

As if it were the sharpest knife, pieces of space fragments shattered and destroyed, cutting into the armor of the heavy Watcher battleship, it was as easy as a steel needle cutting into the air.

The battleship pierced by the debris exploded in an instant, but the flame of the explosion was blocked by the fragmented space, and then torn to pieces, scattered into more narrow spaces.

In just a moment, the Guardian fleet, which broke through the defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire fleet, fell into a quagmire in the collapse of a fan-shaped space.

There is no time to struggle, these dense, almost next to each other Watcher battleships, just like things in a torn photo, began to drift apart.

“Damn…this is space magic…but…” a guardian commander saw the twisted and torn space in front of him and shouted in a bad voice.

Unfortunately, because the space collapsed, not many people could really hear his voice anymore. In the next second, he was swallowed by the explosion, and there was no body left.

All knowledgeable Guardian commanders can see that this is space magic, but no one can think of it, who has such a powerful force and can use such a scale of space magic!

Is their enemy another god? A caretaker thought blankly. Before he could understand everything, he was torn apart by space into blood and meat that could not splash everywhere.

One guard after another exploded, dozens of hundreds of guards exploded along with it, as if it were an infectious disease, the explosion spread and spread in the guard’s fleet!

One after another, the Arbiter battleship exploded. As the space was distorted, it turned into irregular shapes, like a piece of plasticine. The unsightly ones were kneaded by invisible things, and finally turned into a violent one. Group of fireworks.

One after another, the World Destroyer battleships were also exploding. The guards and commanders inside just figured out what happened. They became debris in the space and were squeezed into **** dust. .

All this is just the beginning, because the fragmented space seems to have a tendency to spread forward.

These cracks crossed the original defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire, surpassed the Higgs 3 planet, and shrouded the follow-up fleet of the Watchers who were still ignorant.

In the next second, thousands of Warship Warships exploded almost at the same time, and an invisible fireworks burst into the entire star field.

There were smashed spaceships everywhere, and no sound was heard, and even the guards’ contact devices could not receive any disturbing signals.

Because the space has been shattered, everything has been blocked. There was no signal, no call for help, no report, no yelling…nothing!

The wreckage of the Alanhill Empire battleship that was still hovering in the universe and was not swallowed by the watchers, at this moment has also been cut into pieces.

A photo of a family portrait floating in the universe was also torn into two pieces by the broken space, half of which was a young woman holding a child, and the other half was a young man in military uniform.

The smiles on their faces are so serene, and their eyes staring at the camera are full of hope for the future.

“Pull away! Pull away!” Ai’s urgent prompt echoed in his ears. Lu Wuyue gritted his teeth and drove his Gundam to the designated position specified by the system.

“We are getting out of the attack range! The assault effect just now is all over!” Lu Wuyue frowned as she watched the more densely completed enemy fleet that was resuming its formation.

“The highest order on the battlefield sent by Nuwa, our army must leave the specified range! This is the highest order, the emperor’s order cannot be disobeyed.” Ai explained: “This is the only order I can execute without authority.”

“Your Majesty’s order? It’s good, why did your Majesty order us to retreat?” Lu Wuyue adjusted her breathing, trying to get rid of the soreness of her arm from her consciousness.

“Isn’t there a problem on the frontal battlefield? The 1st Fleet was defeated?” Lu Wuyue looked at the situation map on the battlefield and seemed to have found an answer.

She saw that on the front of the battlefield, the location of the junction of the 1st and 2nd fleets had been chaotic, a large number of warships had been evacuated, and the remaining warships were fighting on their own.

It can be said that in this situation, even a layman like her can tell at a glance that the state over there is a bit wrong.

“No, it’s because Taiyi launched it!” Ai replied, correcting Lu Wuyue’s conjecture: “Most of the star fields in front of us are areas where attacks may cover…”

“Taiyi?” Lu Wuyue still frowned. She knew Taiyi, but she didn’t expect that Taiyi’s activation would affect the universe she was in.

There is at least tens of millions of kilometers away from the front battlefield, okay, what kind of weapon fires, can cover such a whole star field?

Just when she was thinking about it, she was surprised to see that at the place where she had just fought, the Guardian battleship that was chopped in two by her own hands, she did not know what was cut into pieces. status.

It’s like an invisible knife. It’s cutting a thick sausage just too fast. It first cuts it into slices, and then all cuts it into cubes in an instant…

Even Lu Wuyue didn’t know what was supporting her and kept watching. She saw the fleet in front of her that had gathered to deal with her. At this moment, it was like a bunch of green vegetables on the chopping board, cut neatly.

Those huge arbiter battleships were cut apart by invisible transparent blades, and they were as soft as butter.

Explosions began one after another. Ai controlled the Gundam body that landed on the moonless without a word, and then quickly retreated several tens of kilometers before stopping again.

Lu Wuyue, who was seeing the explosion and destruction in front of her, never recovered from the beginning to the end. She just watched so quietly, watching the enemy who had made her mad for several hours before her, and it was wiped out in a few seconds.

The fireworks that bloomed next to each other still did not stop, and the entire fleet of Watchers on the battlefield completely lost the capital for offensive in an instant.

Countless battleships were submerged in the explosion, and the flames splashing everywhere made the entire universe extremely bright.

If you look at it from a distance, it is more like the surface of a tumbling star, but after a moment, most of the area has returned to silence.

Yes, after the manic explosion lasted for a few seconds, because of the end of the energy blast, the universe in the vacuum state became quiet again in an instant.

And this time the silence seems to be eternal. There are no more chaotic battlefields, no more warships, everything seems to be silent, everyone is careful, and even the breathing is as gentle as possible.

“Knot… it’s over?” Lawnes, who looked at the explosion in front of him for a moment, didn’t seem to dare to accept this reality for a while.

He asked gently, not knowing whether he was asking the chief of staff behind him, or just asking himself.

No one answered his question, because everyone was still watching the battlefield, and there was no leisure to even glance at the people around him.

On the entire battlefield, there are numerous wrecks of warships that have been cut and destroyed, and the space is torn apart, and then the storm formed is quickly repaired, still raging everywhere on the battlefield.

Any behavior that wants to re-enter this universe is no different from suicide. No one knows how long it will take for such a scale of space damage to be repaired.

“Grumbling…” The chief of staff swallowed, without the courage to speak. He seemed to be still afraid, afraid to disturb what was around him.

Awe may be his only feeling now. If he was worshiping his emperor before, then he now feels that his emperor is a god!

God! What a noble vocabulary… But there is already someone who has really touched this dazzling word!

The former magicians also considered themselves gods, and the elves and dragons also felt that they were comparable to gods… However, in the face of everything that just happened, these thoughts of thinking of themselves as gods were all naive and ridiculous. .

Because, just now, there was one person who almost wiped out the guards in less than a minute!

“I…” In the corner, I didn’t know who it was, but finally suppressed my voice and issued the most common compliment…

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