My Empire

Chapter 1692

    It is not only the watchers who are saddened. Although the Alan Hill Empire has confirmed its victory, the rear of the battlefield is still a mess.

      The previous battle had cost the Alan Hill Empire thousands of battleships, and countless corpses and wrecks of battleships were floating on countless battlefields!

      From the Higgs region, where the war is most intensive, to Dothan, and to the Arrant region, there are traces of war everywhere.

      Behind the Higgs line, there are countless supply stations suspended in the universe, many of which have been attacked by the watchmen warships that have penetrated the defense line.

      Those previously established space stations are densely populated, some are busy supply stations, some have been destroyed, and some are half-devoured supply stations!

      The warships that were damaged in the past are now directly paralyzed in the dock of the maintenance space station, where they were just sunk on the maintenance platform by the artillery fire of the warships of the watchmen.

      Beside these wrecks, there are some warships waiting for repair, which have also become sunken ships, hovering beside the brothers and sisters. Such wreckage, in many places, cannot even be seen at a glance!

      A collection of spaceships collects and cleans up the garbage and debris floating around in the area where the battle has stopped, and recovers useful things as much as possible.

      Although the victory of the Alan Hill Empire in this battle was devastating, it still lost a lot of battleships.

      Especially in the stalemate stage of the war, tens of thousands of warships were sunk by the Alan Hill Empire!

      Countless wreckage is scattered across the universe, and some even coalesce into one piece due to gravity. The corpses in spacesuits floated beside the wreckage of the warship covered with melted perforations, the white hulls still clearly visible.

      Not all warships will die when they sink, and many warships become lifeless space ghosts just because they are damaged by penetration.

      There are even lights on the wreckage of some warships, and survivors can even be found in many broken warships!

      So, the job of cleaning up the battlefield quickly unfolded, and tens of millions of robots were immediately sent where they were needed.

      Inside the wreckage of a battleship that looks to be intact on the outside, a self-closing isolation door was opened by a robot.

      The gas of unknown composition suddenly leaked out, and even some other things rushed out.

      Several robots avoided these debris, and just wanted to go inside, when they saw a clone who had no time to put on a helmet and floated out of the hatch.

      His face was slightly distorted due to the pressure and tearing, and beside him, a damaged helmet rolled over, and it didn’t change the direction of flight until it hit the door frame.

      A soldier in a spacesuit saw the dead clone, looked down at the life signal detection device in his hand, shook his head and said, “Go in and clean up… There are no survivors here.”

      Several robots Nodding slightly, then they entered the wreckage of the battleship to recover those useful things.

      Farther away, next to the wreckage of another utterly sunk Alan Hill Empire battleship, a ship was fixing its leash.

      Although it has been completely scrapped, if you can get back such a huge steel structure, you can at least sell it for a lot of money.

      Therefore, the work of recycling scrap iron is actually outsourced. Most of them are done by civilian companies, and the government just issues qualifications to them.

      ”These goddamn watchers… they only penetrated our defense line for less than ten minutes, and we lost so much.” On a patrolling spacecraft, a crew member looked at the tragic people through the porthole beside him. The sight exclaimed.

      As far as he could see, there were debris and material parts scattered in the universe.

      Even some materials have not been opened and used, and they still maintain their original packaging: weapons and spare parts that are fixed in containers, food and clothing that are packed in containers, and so on.

      Immediately after, he saw a sunk transport ship lying there, surrounded by armored vehicles drifting into the universe, as well as brand-new warrior armored jeeps.

      Obviously, these things were not originally used in the universe. They are meant to be sent to the ground battlefield.

      It’s a pity that the transport ship that transported them was sunk… so the cargo was scattered across the universe, where they shouldn’t have been.

      Of course, there are countless fine debris here, and even many debris are like impurities in the air, constantly hitting the hull of the moving spacecraft.

      There are too many debris scattered here, including debris from fighter jets, daily necessities on battleships, and even the broken limbs of some puppet robots.

      Through the thick porthole, he could even see his spaceship, shattering a pair of glasses floating in the universe…

      However, what is exciting is that in this desperate universe where debris is floating everywhere. At the end, a huge sphere that is still clearly visible even if it is blocked by countless debris is moving forward slowly along a special track.

      Taiyi! That’s the new toy from the Empire of Alan Hill! The most powerful weapon that can decide the outcome of the war!


      ”Okay… Sorens! Everything is over! The Alan Hill Empire has the ability to tear apart space, you and your guardian… have been destined to be unable to complete the eradication of the Alan Hill Empire. Mission.” In the darkness, God’s voice was calm and long, as if saying something that had nothing to do with the watchers.

      Listening to the calm tone of this god, Sorens lowered his head and kept silent. He couldn’t resist the will of the god, but he was really unwilling and unwilling to his own failure.

      At this moment, he really envied Chris, the real lives born in the law.

      Even if there is no long life, even if it is impossible to achieve eternity, but those real living beings can do what they cannot do and refuse God’s orders!

      At this moment, he does not want to admit defeat! But he couldn’t have any courage to disobey the gods because everything about him was bestowed by God!

      If God doesn’t give him a chance, he won’t even have the ability to rally his troops again. The Guardians have lost their numerical advantage, how can they compete with the Alan Hill Empire again?

      In fact… the lengths and weaknesses have been divided, and there is a winner…isn’t it? Sorens thought bitterly, and his face became even more distorted.

      ”Go!” Just when Sorens was in agony, the voice of God rang again, with an unquestionable order: “Go see Chris! Admit your failure, and…take me to see him !”

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