My Empire

Chapter 170 - As many as demons

“You said those demons are the same as the ones drawn in the manual? Are they that ugly?” A paratrooper was brandishing a shovel, laying a mud rampart on the front of the trench.

His companions were also digging the dirt under their feet with a tactical spade, and beside them was a small river that didn’t look very wide.

They have tried the depth of the river before, and the deepest part is probably less than 2 meters. Looking for some shallow areas, the larger devil dog seems to be able to cross the river directly.

Because of this, the commanders of the paratroopers believe that they should deploy defenses along the entire river instead of focusing on certain dangerous places where they can swim.

“I heard that the real thing is even more ugly!” Another paratrooper slapped the dirt wall built up on the front with a shovel, and said: “And it says in the manual that the weapon in our hand can penetrate the opponent’s skin. enough.”

“I don’t believe what those technicians wrote. Only if I see it with my own eyes, I will think it is true.” The paratrooper who spoke first stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said.

Not far behind the paratroopers who were chatting, Hart, the division commander in charge of the paratroopers, looked at the map and complained to several of his staff: “We have 3,000 people and are responsible for the defense of 1.5 kilometers. The pressure is already very high .”

“Yes, the ammunition is adequate. This is the only good news. In addition, since we are the only troops participating in the war, the air force in the entire Greken area can provide support for us.” A staff officer said.

The other staff officer nodded: “I just contacted the bomber unit. They have drawn up an attack plan, and the operation will begin soon.”

“This is really good news.” General Hart nodded and continued to look at the map and said: “Our left wing does not seem to be breached, because Gricken is defending over there, and the main threat to us is the right side. , Where we can only defend with the increased depth and width of the river…”

“Yes, it’s very unsafe. The mines we carry are limited, and most of them are laid in this direction.” The first staff officer used his fingers to outline a general area on a simple map, and said.

“There are also about 200 garrison troops deployed in this direction. In addition, we left almost half of the tanks near the right side.” Another staff officer also said: “This is what we can extract. The greatest strength.”

Hart nodded a little nervously, then frowned and looked to the sky. He heard the depressing engine noise, which is the sound that must appear when the Air Force is dispatched in groups.

Just when he looked up, all the paratroopers noticed the plane above their heads. Everyone stopped their work and curiously looked at the friendly forces flying in formation.

Those B-25 bombers stood next to each other, obscuring the sky from the sky. In the sky above these bombers, there was a formation of escorted P-51 Mustang fighters.

The superimposition of the two formations makes the entire fleet look more encrypted and airtight. Hart lowered his head and glanced at Vivienne standing beside him, and asked, “Are you sure that no devil can go to heaven now?”

“I am very sure that an hour ago, I was still fighting these demons… The sky is relatively safe. They only have a few double-headed demon dogs, which can use some low-level magic to open fire into the air.” Vivian said confidently .

She is not accustomed to using Allan Hill’s time statistics unit, but has to admit that this is a very effective and very accurate time system. Therefore, when talking with Ellen Hill’s troops, she would take the initiative to spend hours and minutes on these words that are a little strange to Greken.

Hart nodded slightly, then looked at the bomber group that had already flown far away. There are almost 200 bombers, and this is just to support their first batch of Air Force bomber units.

Above the sky, Airanhill pilots flying bombers are checking their flight altitude. Their planes are full of super bombs used for bombing. Some planes are even equipped with Airanhill’s mother of bombs. That is, the powerful cloud bomb.

In the air current, the plane was bumping slightly, and everyone was engrossed. After all, this was the first time they had fought a demon they had never met before.

It can be seen that everyone is very nervous, but because of the large number of fighter escorts overhead, this tension is still limited.

“Altitude 4000! According to intelligence, we are about to come into contact with the target!” The navigator checked the map and the data provided by Grecan, and shouted to his comrades: “Watch your feet! They may appear at any time!” “

“Find the target! Find the target!” The pilot who flew in the front shouted loudly to the navigator next to him: “Did you see your feet? Did you see the moving ground? Drop the bombs!”

“Open the hatch! Open the hatch! Ready to drop the bomb!” There was a noisy sound inside the radio, and all the crew members were upset, and countless shouts echoed in the earphones: “Descent altitude! Descend altitude! 2000 meters is all right.” The opponent has no anti-aircraft fire!”

“Damn! We don’t need to aim at all! Those **** demons are everywhere below!” A bombardier took his eyes off the sight and shouted at his comrades next to him: “Don’t save bullets, fire!”

“Tutu Tutu!” The 20mm caliber cannon mounted on the nose began to roar, and the tracer bullets rushed to the ground and shot directly into the dense ocean of demon dogs. In an instant, these demon dogs were swept down, behind. The demon dog began to flexibly evade these ammunition.

However, there are some things they can’t avoid. Because above them, all the b-25 bombers have slowly opened their bomb bays.

“The bombing begins! The bombing begins!” In the radio, all commanders are ordering the bombing, and all the bombers have pressed the control switch to start bombing.

“Crack! Click!” With the sound of metal friction, one bomb next to each other escaped from the b-25’s bomb bay. These bombs were scattered in the airflow, and finally formed a straight line with the flight trajectory of the aircraft.

Because of resistance, these bombs soon headed down and smashed into the ocean of devil dogs.

In the next second, the explosion began. A huge flame exploded in the middle of the devil dog, and countless shrapnel flew across the flesh and blood.

The shock wave smashed the surrounding demon dogs into pieces. Before the demon dogs further away had time to evade, they were sieved by bullet-like explosive fragments.

Such explosions were next to each other, as if a blanket had been laid in the ocean of devil dogs.

The most famous carpet bombing in World War II was accurately and effectively replicated by Airenhill Air Force pilots when they first fought against the devil.

“Hit the target! I feel a bit weird to shout like this, the following are all targets!” A bombardier looked at his comrades beside him and complained loudly.

As these bombers swept past the devil dog’s army, the devil dog’s body swallowed by the explosion stretched for several kilometers. Charred craters and broken flesh and blood were everywhere, turning the originally beautiful plain into a realm of death.

“The attack worked! The attack worked! We don’t have any bombs! Let’s return now!” the commander of the bomber unit commanded loudly over the radio.

“You can leave first! Leave the rest to us!” A firm voice replied in the radio channel of the p-51 Mustang fighter unit flying higher in the sky.

Immediately after the bomber unit began to return, the cloud layer has been alerting the p-51 Mustang fighter cluster above the battlefield, and began to fly side by side and dive one by one, rushing to the regrouped Devil Dog troops.

“Fire! Fire! Break them apart!” With the dive of one Mustang fighter after another, the second round of attack has begun.

The Mustang fighters equipped with large-caliber cannons began to roar, and the tracer shells of the 30-mm cannon cut a **** path among the demon dogs.

“The amount of ammunition carried is too small! The ammunition was burnt out in one dive!” In the headset, the pilot complained loudly.

Although the power is guaranteed, the performance of the modified Mustang fighter from the lovely Lanhill is really not as good as the original version. Because the 30mm caliber cannon on the wing is larger, it affects the roll performance of the aircraft and also affects the fluid flow of the wing. structure.

But the impact of flight performance is still a small matter, after all, there are not too many things that can catch up with the p-51 fighter in the sky. However, the reduction in the amount of ammunition carried made the pilots a little depressed.

Their firepower was prepared for the Eternal Empire or Gricken, and the goal of hitting the Devil Dog seemed to be a little overkill.

As a fighter jet dived and fired, the devil dogs on the ground began to chaos again. They roared at the sky, but it seemed that there was no good way to take the target above their heads.

However, they soon started to act again, and began to rush towards the small river called the Pol River.

It seems that they really can’t use magic, nor can they attack heavenly targets. The only thing they are daunting about is that they can be said to be an endless number.

Standing on the high ground and watching the explosions in the distance, the giant wolf Boken looked at Vivian next to him in shock: “I can’t tell, those mortal flying machines that are not magical… are still very powerful… …”

“Yeah, the point is…like those demons, there are enough of them…” Vivian stared at the exploding distance, and breathed a sigh of relief.

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