My Empire

Chapter 172 - Back view

“Okay, gentlemen! I’ll take care of the rest!” After Vivian had rested for so long, she felt that the energy in her body had recovered a lot.

Therefore, this time she wants to stand up and let these mortal soldiers who came from afar see how powerful she is, and let her be a landlord.

In the next second, she floated up in the air, the magic robe automatically went without wind, like a high-speed fighter, rushing to the opposite bank of the Boer River.

She hung in the air, spreading her hands in the sky, and two huge magic circles began to form on both sides of her. It was a magic circle ten times bigger than when she attacked the fighter plane in Ailan Hill.

Immediately afterwards, huge energy began to surge near the magic circle, one after another huge fireballs rushed to the ground, exploded under Vivian’s feet, and instantly swallowed all the demon dogs nearby.

“I…x…” Looking up at the sky, Ailan Hill’s paratroopers watched Vivian’s short figure flying in the sky, and couldn’t help letting out a discordant admiration.

“She… she… this person… can be on top of a bomber formation!” A paratrooper holding a weapon, looked at the god-like Vivian in the sky in shock, and said.

His words obviously resonated with many people. Everyone stopped firing, but looked at Vivian who was angry, and watched her slaughter the entire demon dog army alone.

Those fireball arts seemed to be endless, one after another hit among the demon dog group, until the nearby ground became the same state as the surface of the moon, Vivian’s attack stopped.

Flying in the sky, she was like a superhero in a different world, and the soldiers of Ailan Hill admired her.

And Vivian in the sky didn’t look back, because in front of her, those demon dogs that were so dizzy in number gathered again and began to gather in the direction where Vivian was.

Vivian didn’t panic either, her hands swayed in the sky, and there were two huge magic circles. She was like a heavy turret by herself, hanging in the air and firing at the demon dog troop.

Every fireball technique is more terrifying than the terrifying fireball technique used by the Holy Demon Empire magician to use the magic circle. These fireball techniques exploded and engulfed countless demon dogs on the ground.

“Dafeke, asukexiya, luxikasa, mukusikamiya!” After the fireball technique was finished, Vivian waved her hands gently, chanting something in her mouth, and a huge spinning magic circle appeared on top of her head. From this giant magic Countless magical swords emerged from the array.

With all his strength, Vivian pushed forward with both hands, and the rapier formed by the energy in the magic circle began to fly towards the demon dog in the distance. Unlike the previous elemental attacks, this time Vivian used a pure magical energy shock.

Countless ammunition-like magical energy penetrated the body of the demon dog, nailing these monsters to the ground. Then the magical energy dissipated in the air, leaving only the demon dog with blood holes all over it.

“Ah!” Behind the mask, Vivian let out a sharp yell, the magic circle above her head exudes dazzling light once again, and the magic long swords that shone with light are a little bit more.

“Is this the magician’s battle… it’s terrible.” Seeing the dense magic sword attack, leaving a thick smoke rising on the ground, all the Ailan Hill soldiers on the side of the Pol River , Can’t help but exclaim.

“Ammunition! Hurry up and replenish ammunition!” An officer passed through the trench with an ammunition supply box and loudly reminded his men.

Everyone started to get busy where he passed. Some people began to pry ammunition supply boxes, and some people began to carry various weapons and ammunition back to where they were from the ammunition supply point at the back.

Everyone didn’t want to be rushed by the demon dog when the ammunition ran out, so soon everyone used their precious time.

Some people fill their magazines with ammunition, while others begin to strengthen their frontal defensive positions. Some soldiers piled up grenades in convenient locations, while the rest stuffed loose bullets into their pockets.

“Boom! Boom!” Two fireballs hit the defensive magic circle that suddenly appeared in front of Vivian, and then burst into dazzling brilliance in the sky. The opponent began to fight back at Vivian, but compared with Vivian’s attack, the opponent’s counterattack was no different from moaning.

Soon, Vivian’s attack magic pointed to the location of the double-headed demon dog, and cut the double-headed demon dog that had just breathed fireball at her into pieces.

As if cleaning the yard, Vivian drove the demon dog in front of the position to a considerable distance, and then she put away the magic and flew back to the position behind the Ailan Hill paratrooper.

Her return drew cheers, because without the noise of the bomber, the cheers seemed louder, even she heard some.

“Thank you for your compliment.” After Vivian landed, she waved her little hand at the paratrooper. There were movements in her words, which caused the shouts of nearby paratroopers.

“I have pushed them back. If nothing else, they will come back in the afternoon… We can hurry up and rest…” Vivian said of his combat experience, and Hart kept these rules in his mind. In my heart.

But before he could thank him, a new round of battle began. Countless demon dogs gathered from afar and continued to attack Ailan Hill’s paratrooper position.

“How could this be?” Vivian was also taken aback, then frowned and stared at the battlefield in the distance, not knowing what to say.

“Miss Mage, didn’t you mean… they only come back in the afternoon?” Hart asked.

“I don’t know, they seem to have dealt with more than I have dealt with before… Maybe, there are other demons in this demon dog army!” Vivian looked into the distance very uneasy and replied.

Then she sat on the ground and closed her eyes: “Mr. Commander, I need you to buy me an hour! Maybe, a more terrifying demon will appear in a while, and only I can deal with it!”

“I understand, one hour… we should be able to do it.” Seeing the bomber group appearing again in the distant sky, General George Hart, the commander of the airborne division, said firmly.

This time the battle was not as smooth as before. The number of double-headed devil dogs obviously began to increase. The opponent’s fireball bombardment did indeed cause casualties to the paratroopers.

However, everything is still within a tolerable range. The Boer River has long been stained black by blood. The bodies of these demon dogs are piled up together, and they are about to spread to the position of the Ailan Hill paratroopers.

“Damn, aren’t these demons afraid of death at all?” An Ailanhill paratrooper burned out a magazine, then drew a new magazine from the front of his tactical vest, inserted it into his weapon, and cursed. .

Beside him, a wounded comrade with blood on his face held the stg-44 machine gun in his hand, sifted a demon dog that had rushed into the trench, and shouted loudly: “They have rushed over. Prepare for hand-to-hand combat!”

On the machine gun position, the deputy shooter annoyed and threw the empty ammunition box aside, took off the Mauser 98k rifle from behind, took out the bayonet from his waist, and stuck it on the muzzle: “Come on! I’m not afraid of you! “

Not far behind him, an Ailan Hill paratrooper unscrewed the back cover of the last grenade, pulled out the exposed fuze, and threw it among the dense devil dogs outside the trench.

“For Ailan Hill!” A commander drew a pistol from his waist, looked at the devil dog that was densely climbing on the river bed, and loudly encouraged his soldiers. Most of the paratroopers are equipped with stg-44 assault rifles. They are really not suitable for hand-to-hand combat, so many people use tactical shovels around them.

They are almost running out of ammunition and food, but the demon dog on the opposite side still can’t see the edge at a glance. Now, it is their turn to use their lives to defend their dignity. After all, they promised to stay here for more than an hour.

The enemy is getting closer, and even some people can smell the stench in the mouth of the demon dog. These fast-moving demons with sharp claws and sharp fangs can shred mortal bodies in a single instant in close combat.

Just when everyone was desperate, just when the first demon dog rushed to the Ailanhill paratrooper’s position, a long sword suddenly pierced out of the Ailanhill paratrooper’s head and stabbed in. The devil dog’s blood bowl was in a big mouth.

“Gentlemen, I heard that you need reinforcements here?” A knight in armor with a carved pattern drew a long sword from the devil dog’s mouth and kicked the paratrooper who looked at the trench with a smile on the other side and asked.

Behind him, countless knights in armor crossed the trenches and stood in front of the Ailan Hill paratroopers.

“Elanhill Magic Guard Corps! Go ahead!” The captain of the knights headed by the long sword strode forward, and behind him were heavy armored knights with flames burning on the long sword.

A giant dragon passed over their heads, and then spewed a thick flame at the demon dog in the distance. Farther away, one after another giant dragons swooped down, spewing flames and flying across the battlefield.

“Give our comrades ten minutes! Let them replenish ammunition! Don’t let a demon pass! For the emperor!” Leaving the handsome back of the Airanhill paratroopers, the knight captain held up his length. The sword pointed in the direction full of devil dogs.

Accompanied by his shouting, his long sword was enveloped in a flame, and his back was reflected even taller——

Phew, I don’t owe my readers…to sleep, sleep…

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