My Empire

Chapter 178 - Hurry

“Prince Salux…Our forward troops were devastated near the portal. Almost 300,000 demon dogs were killed.” In the dimly lit room, a dark shadow reported in a hoarse voice.

At the end of the darkness, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly opened, and the atmosphere in the room became restless: “Ah… those guys in Greken, have grown a lot over the years.”

“We encountered many different enemies, and the feedback on the battlefield was chaotic. Some people said that they were attacked by a weapon and lost tens of thousands of people at once.” The shadow twisted and continued to speak.

“Dwarves? Elves? Dragons… it’s nothing more than these poor guys, they made strange things!” The red eyes were full of mockery, with a dismissive aura: “Could it be that we have not grown for so many years… ?”

“Hahahaha…Prince Salux, what you said is so right…If those allies of Greken realize that the future they are about to face, it will be very interesting! Hahahaha!” Sombra laughed wildly. The figure was twisted.

“Go down! Let those people gather in Gricken! They wouldn’t expect that Gricken is a tomb! A tomb containing all the strong men in that world!” The terrifying voice of Prince Salux was in the room. Reverberating inside, but the blood-red eyes closed.

The dark shadow didn’t say anything any more, and reverently exited the room. In the boundless darkness, everything fell silent.

A jeep was advancing quickly on a relatively bumpy road. The driver seemed a bit level. He drove a car in a superb manner, dodged many ravines and potholes, and raised dust all the way.

Capeluna turned the steering wheel, took her captain of the guard, and a staff officer of the 9th Army, carrying a high-power radio, galloping on the open road.

Following this jeep, there are two cars with heavy machine guns on the rear seats, on which are the guards of the group army headquarters.

They rushed all the way and took the lead to enter Greken, which also marked the ground reinforcements of the 9th Army and officially arrived… part of it.

“The road conditions here are not very good! After all, the magicians are flying away!” While avoiding potholes in the road, Luna shouted to the staff nearby: “Take it down! We have to rely on Supplementary materials for these roads! Let the engineers and soldiers repair as much as possible!”

In the bumpy car, the young staff member kept his balance, holding a notebook, and recording the various suggestions made by the commander general along the way in handwriting that was impossible to read.

“Let General Alfred send a telegram to Ailan Hill! Prioritize the replenishment of armored reconnaissance vehicles! I have already seen the map. There are too many plains and hills. I need to establish a clear reconnaissance line! Prevent large-scale detours by the devil!” In the roar of Luna, Luna shouted again to the staff.

She was talking loudly all the way, correcting some details on the map that were not visible on the record report. As a group army commander, her professional level is actually very high in the Ailan Hill army.

The 9th Army was formed in Higgs because they almost won without a fight. The middle-level commanders of the 9th Army have rich experience in actual mobilization and command. , They just don’t quite adapt to modern military theory.

With the supplement of the Magic Ball of Knowledge, their shortcomings have been connected, so from top to bottom, the 9th Army’s military literacy is actually very high.

Luna originally liked to personally lead troops to investigate and explore, and to understand the surrounding battle terrain. Now she is commanding a larger corps, and this hobby has not changed. Therefore, it only took a few days for her to learn to drive a car, and she often drove the car and drove the guard around the group army by herself.

After all, not all women are good at riding horses before Luna, who was born to be a car driver, is still very talented in driving now.

Of course, this may also have a direct relationship with her only driving wildly in the wilderness. After all, in comparison, a congested city actually requires more precise driving, while in the wilderness, there is no need to take into account so many problems.

The staff officer heard Luna’s shout and replied loudly: “His Royal Highness! The order to General Alfred must be stopped before it can be sent out!”

“Crack!” Luna stepped on the brake and stopped the jeep on the side of the road. Several jeeps following her also stopped on the side of the road, and several young sergeants began to vomit when they got out of the car.

The staff officer shrugged his shoulders, pointed at the vomiting non-commissioned officers, and said to Luna: “His Royal Highness, it seems that you have to wait a while. Your radio soldier is vomiting breakfast, and there is no way to work for you for the time being.”

Luna’s long legs stepped out of the jeep from the driver’s seat, and her dusty leather boots set off her slender thighs that were straight and sexy. She opened her sunglasses with her hand, and squinted her beautiful eyes to look at everything around her.

“Huh!” A giant dragon fell from the sky, fanning the surrounding dust, causing the soldiers in the convoy to cover their noses involuntarily. Some people wrapped towels around their faces, and at this moment they showed very wise eyes.

The knight on the dragon’s back turned over and jumped down, walked up to Luna’s vigorously, and immediately lowered his head and asked: “Your Highness! Why has the convoy stopped?”

“The soldiers are bumping all the way, and need to rest for a while.” Luna took her gaze back from the woodland in the distance and asked, “How is it in the sky? Is there any village nearby?”

“A little further along the road, there will be a small town.” The dragon knight in charge of sky security replied: “Because of the war, Greken did not deploy any decent troops on the border… After all, they are not A large combat force is needed.”

“I’ve seen the combat briefing. No matter if they needed an army before, they need it now!” Luna said noncommitantly, and then looked at the soldiers who had vomited enough: “Post the question to the rear team. go with!”

“Yes!” A group of soldiers began to get busy. After all, it is not easy to set up a high-power radio station.

The guards began to disperse their guards. Some people went to release water next to the forest. The rest helped erect high-power antennas and prepared to connect the equipment to a small gasoline generator.

In order to arrive at Gricken as soon as possible, the 9th Army had almost run away. The 9th Armored Division, the most elite in the group army, has now arrived in Gricken, and half of the 19th Division, which is equipped with more trucks, is struggling within the Eternal Empire.

In addition, the Katyusha Rocket Unit, which was assigned to the group army, moved quickly because it was an all-truck unit. It even ran ahead of the 19th Division, only one step behind the 9th Division.

However, the large number of infantry and heavy artillery belonging to the 9th Army, most of them are still scattered in the territory of the Eternal Empire, and even some troops are not too far from the railway terminal of the Holy Demon Empire.

“The news just came! Your Royal Highness!” The young staff officer seemed to be a little victim, and handed Luna a message from Ailan Hill.

Luna pulled the message and looked down, then frowned: “The extermination plan has been launched? What’s a joke? Is the pressure caused by the devil on the frontline so much?”

She walked quickly to the side of the jeep, pulled a radio walkie-talkie, and pressed the call button to call: “Hey, can you hear me? I am a pill box! Call for pills!”

After trying several times, Luna had to leave the earphones in the car. She was in a hurry, and the liaison troops were also in a hurry. Now many troops are unable to contact, and even many troops themselves are unable to contact their subordinate units.

Sometimes, it is quite normal for a teacher to find his regiment. After all, not everyone can gather their troops in the densely packed army.

However, these troops will still be found after all, because whenever they stop, they need to supply food and find the nearby superior command department…maybe the troops that cannot be found during the day will return to the organizational system at night.

“General Alfred cannot be contacted. It seems that he received my message and has to wait for the evening…” Luna, who regretfully gave up contacting the Chief of Staff Alfred, complained: “After all There is a radio team on duty.”

“It seems that we rushed over in such a hurry, it is still useful! The paratroopers and the air force on the front line have implemented the extinction plan… This shows that they have used secret weapons.” Capeluna said solemnly.

She was also a general who had seen nuclear weapons tests at the time, and had the most intuitive understanding of the power of this weapon.

In her opinion, if it is not necessary, there is no need to use such a powerful bomb to solve the opponent.

But now, Ailan Hill has used it like this without hesitation, and used two of them all at once! This is clearly a situation where something went wrong on the front line.

“Then, we should join the paratroopers as soon as possible… Let’s actually take a look at the battlefield situation.” said the dragon knight.

“That’s all! Let’s rest for a few minutes! Then we set off!” Luna turned her head and ordered the pale radio soldiers: “The friendly forces are fighting! We have to go over and help as soon as possible!”

Soon, the unit was on the road again, and they swiftly moved west along the road. After passing through the villages and towns, they didn’t stop to rest. Luna seemed to have no interest in the exotic magical buildings of Greken, and directly led some of the leading troops of the 9th Division to the supply base near the front.

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