My Empire

Chapter 189 - Rocket launcher

On the silent Grecan battlefield, next to a truck produced by Ailan Hill, several soldiers are doing their final preparations.

An officer walked up to this group of soldiers and asked, “How are you preparing?”

“All the connections are ready, you can fire at any time!” The headed sergeant saluted and reported.

They have connected the power supply, the wires have been connected to each rocket, and all the rockets are ready to launch.

This is a Katyusha rocket launcher, a powerful multi-track self-propelled rocket launcher. There are a total of 8 launching rails, a salvo can fire 16 rockets with a caliber of 132 mm, mounted on a truck.

The rocket has a maximum range of 8.5 kilometers, which can be single shot, partial burst, or one salvo. It takes about 5-10 minutes to load a salvo of ammunition, and a salvo only takes 7-10 seconds.

Because of the truck chassis, this rocket launcher can move and transfer at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. It is a self-propelled artillery with very good maneuverability. Without being able to add more self-propelled howitzers to the 9th Army, Chris deliberately ordered a Katyusha rocket unit from the 1st Army to be strengthened to the 9th Army.

The gun has fierce firepower and a wide range of damage. It is an effective weapon to wipe out the enemy’s intensive forces, suppress the enemy’s firepower distribution and destroy the enemy’s defenses in a large area.

It is composed of an automobile part and a launching part: the launching part is composed of a slide rail bed, a gun mount, a rotating disk, a base frame, a sighting device, and a launching device. Before launching, the rocket is clamped in the directional groove of the slide rail groove with the directional button clamp. The battle part of the rocket is filled with tnt explosives. The cartridge part is composed of seven tubular propellant cartridges, and the firing wheel of the launcher is installed in the cab of the car.

At the back of the truck, there are two manual jacks placed to support the body of the truck to fix the body during launch.

The rocket loaded on the launching rail has a length of 5 meters and a diameter of 132 mm. The length of the rocket is 1,450 mm, and the weight of the projectile is 43 kg. The maximum range is about 8 kilometers.

It can be said that in addition to shooting accuracy and some defects in the weight of the projected warhead, the other performances of this rocket launcher are much better than traditional artillery.

At this moment, Ailan Hill’s artillery was making preparations to counterattack the demon dog troops that were attacking the Ailan Hill position near Alan.

“Ready for a salvo!” With a command, all the launchers pressed their hands on the energized switches.

“Launch!” The commander shouted out the order to launch, and everyone pressed the launch switch in their hands at almost the same time.

“Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!” In a short period of ten seconds, 20 cars and 320 rockets all flew out of the slide.

The entire launch position was blown up with dust by the tail flames of the rockets. The smoke was so big that people couldn’t open their eyes. Everyone was inciting their palms to drive away the dust that obscured the line of sight in front of them.

Probably, it was ten times more serious than the most serious sandstorm. The smoke and dust blown up by the tail flame of the rocket filled the air, making all the soldiers could not help coughing. Some people withdrew from the launch position, some people suffocated their breath and got into the cab of the car.

In short, after the mess, no one cares about the effects of the shells they fired.

In fact, they don’t need to care anymore. After flying over a long distance, these shells fell on the battlefield attacked by the devil dog almost at the same time.

The dense cannonballs smashed on the head of the Demon Dog unit like raindrops, and the Ailan Hill grenadiers who were not far away in the position had forgotten to continue firing.

In just an instant, more than 20 Katyusha rockets fell. These rockets exploded on the ground with residual solid fuel, forming a rain of metal shrapnel, spreading and washing among the devil dogs.

Soon, the shrapnel formed a **** wind, engulfing the flesh and blood of countless demon dogs, spreading to the distance.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” In the shocked eyes of the Ailan Hill soldiers, the explosion began to extend to the distance, and waves of explosions that were higher than waves swept the entire battlefield in an instant. There were struggling and convulsing devil dogs everywhere, black blood everywhere, and broken bodies everywhere.

“You just… called which artillery position… the support you need.” In the front command, a regiment commander put down his binoculars, turned his head to look at his staff, and asked in disbelief. .

“I… I don’t know… I just wanted the artillery position… and asked for support…” The chief of staff was also taken aback by the explosion in the distance, and replied somewhat stutteringly.

In his opinion, this is almost the most powerful battlefield support artillery fire. In just a moment, there was only the corpse and the smoke of gunpowder on the frontal ground that was densely packed with devil dogs just now.

The remaining demon dogs seem to have no plans to attack anymore. After experiencing the pain, they don’t know why they gave up another tentative attack.

These demons seem to have become cowardly recently, they frequently tentatively attack, but do not seek breakthroughs. Every time after being suppressed by heavy firepower, he honestly gave up the attack.

This is very different from their performance when they first attacked the paratroopers, and it always makes people feel that they are brewing some conspiracy.

The commander of the 9th Armored Division looked at the chief of staff in front of him and put down the phone, and asked with a sneer, “Give up again? We retreat without even touching our first line of defense… even more than last time. Just make it easier.”

The chief of staff nodded and replied: “I heard that they are on the other side. They must be firmer when attacking the defenses of the Eternal Empire. They have occupied some deserted villages.”

“Bullying and afraid of hardship? Knowing that we can’t take advantage of it, we should go to the idea of ​​fighting the eternal empire?” The commander of the 9th Division laughed and said sarcastically.

“No, the report given at the exchange meeting is that the demons are not as active as they used to be on all fronts. They seem to be delaying time, and they seem to be waiting to die. Anyway… it doesn’t match their real offensive capabilities.” Chang shook his head and said his own judgment.

“What did the Air Force say?” The commander raised his eyebrows and noticed a tinge of uncomfortable smell.

“The Eternal Empire and Gricken described the scale of the devil’s attack…it does not match the scale reported by the Air Force…The Air Force believes that the demons are on the increase in general.” The chief of staff stared at the spread on the table. The detailed map nearby, said.

The teacher threw a red pencil in his hand on the map, and said depressedly: “Cunning bastards!”

Because of the frequent tentative attacks of the devil, Ailan Hill’s counterattack has been hesitating. Luna and General Alfred’s plan is to wait for the next batch of supplementary ammunition to arrive before considering advancing to Barraso.

However, if this situation continues and the next batch of ammunition arrives at the front line, they will still have to passively defend because of insufficient ammunition.

However, because they have been in a defensive state, the fuel consumption has been lower than estimated, so they have stocked up some fuel, which can be used in the next counterattack.

The air force’s reconnaissance has always been sending a message that the number of demon forces is increasing. They are scattered and deployed in vast areas. Nuclear weapons attacks will not yield huge benefits as before. Therefore, the Air Force has no plan to use nuclear weapons again for the time being.

The fighter force firmly controls the air dominance on the battlefield, but the number of radars is too small, which affects the air force’s interception efficiency.

There is no other way. Gricken originally deployed a large number of radar stations. They used to monitor the Eye of Magic to prevent some flying demons from escaping and harming civilians.

However, the demon army destroyed the radar station near the Eye of Magic, causing Greken’s radar detection system to collapse. Fortunately, there is a part left, how much it can support the operations of the Ailan Hill Air Force.

Without these remaining rear radar stations, the Airenhill Air Force’s record would certainly not be as good as it is now.

In fact, the ground forces of the 9th Army helped the Air Force bring several new radar vehicles, but unfortunately, half of these radar vehicles were seconded to the Eternal Empire, and they were used as early warning radars…

The new radar vehicle has been on the road and is on the way to Grecan. After these radars are in place, the Air Force can organize larger combat operations.

Of course, the Air Force has not been idle recently. They made a brave attempt. The B-17 bomber unit bravely experimented with the Eye of Magic once. The result was very frustrating. They lost two bombers, but they couldn’t get close to the Devil’s Eye because of bad weather conditions.

This was a very heroic feat. The pilots participating in the experiment had a total of 5 crews. They drove bombers to try to get close to the Eye of Magic, but they all ended in failure.

The returning pilot confirmed the Gricken magician’s statement: the airflow there was very unstable, and the whirlwind formed by the magical atmosphere made flying very dangerous. In addition, the sky is densely covered with dark clouds, and the climatic conditions of lightning and thunder are very unsuitable for bombing missions.

In other words, it seems unlikely that the Air Force will be dispatched directly to attack the Eye of Magic and end this war…

Now, it can only use the most stupid way to let the Army push the line of defense within the range of ballistic missiles, and then use SCUD ballistic missiles to carry nuclear bombs to attack. This is also the reason why the 9th Army has been making a fuss around Barasso. After taking it, it is possible for them to push forward and let the Scud missile unit enter the attack range!

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