My Empire

Chapter 194 - The last line of defense

The battle is going on fiercely on the front line of the 119th Division. The Ailan Hill grenadiers have paid the price of more than 600 deaths, but the demons have not been able to break through the defenses of the 2 regiments.

The two sides fought fiercely on the third defensive position, and the commander of the 2 regiment received the order to fight to the end, not hesitating to fight until the last person.

After receiving the order, the regimental heads of the 2 regiment knew that they could not retreat one step further. They must fight to the last moment on the third line of defense, to show that they really did their best to fight.

As a result, every soldier took up a weapon and fought more and more demons on the opposite side under the cover of tanks and cannons.

On the battlefield, a rocket drew a straight line in the rain, leaving behind a string of tail flames, hitting a demon dog, and exploding into a ball of flames. The shrapnel flew horizontally among the demon dogs, washing all the surrounding demons along with the rain.

Compared to the previous rain, it seems that the rain is a bit smaller now, so the visibility is higher, and the battle has become more beneficial to the Ailan Hill grenadiers. After all, the visibility is higher and their weapons can be used. Aim more comfortable.

“! Suddenly!” On the position, the Ailan Hill soldiers were firing violently. They had enough ammunition and reinforcements were already on the way. As long as they held their positions, the enemy would soon be repulsed.

They used all the weapons they could find to aim at each other to attack, and the rockets crossed the position from time to time, and the sound of explosions one after another. The battle in the rain was fierce, and every corner was the cruelest killing.

“Let this group of **** have a taste, our infantry rockets are amazing!” Several soldiers pushed a rocket and rushed into an anti-slope position. They stepped on the muddy **** in the rain and pushed the rocket into the preset position.

This is a test weapon specially equipped for the infantry regiment. Anyone familiar with this weapon with a 107mm caliber 12-mounted rocket launcher knows that this is a short-range support weapon suitable for infantry developed by the Chinese Republic.

Because it is easy to maneuver, and its weight is very light, and its firepower is relatively fierce, it is a “guerrilla weapon” that is very suitable for light infantry equipment. In the earth civilization, it is known as the three major conventional weapons along with the ak rifle and the rpg rocket launcher.

“Go to hell!” After adjusting the design Zhu Yuan, the gunner pressed the fire switch, and the rocket launched a powerful fire.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!” After a piece of white smoke passed, one rocket after another rushed through the Allan Hill grenadier line of defense, and a hapless demon dog just got out of his head and was caught one by one. The rocket hit his mouth.

“Boom!” There was a violent explosion on the ground, and the rocket fire squeezed the devil dog’s offensive with a volley. With this powerful firepower, the soldiers of Ailan Hill threw another round of grenades, and the demon dogs in front of the position were finally suppressed to a distance of fifty meters away.

Everyone took the opportunity to reload the ammunition, replaced the barrels of their machine guns, and completed a wave of respite. When the devil dogs came up again, more fierce firepower one after another, the devil dogs were suppressed again.

It was as if the waves were constantly scouring the huge reef, these demons marched forward and undaunted to death, so that the Ailan Hill soldiers guarding the position felt the strength of the other side.

No matter how fierce an enemy is, it is impossible to attack like this regardless of his life and death. If it were an ordinary army, after losing so many soldiers, it would have stopped to breathe long ago.

But these demons will not stop, they will only continue to attack, recklessly attacking, as if it was not themselves who died.

The 107mm caliber rocket launcher was pushed into the launching position one by one, until the stock of ammunition was emptied, and the demon dogs in front of them were not crushed. These rocket launchers were originally temporarily transferred to the 9th Army, so the ammunition reserves are really not too much.

Who could have imagined that just the consumption of such a battle would turn these rockets into waste without ammunition.

“If we continue to fight like this, our defense line will be penetrated in less than 2 hours.” The commander of the 2nd regiment looked at the defense line in front of him painfully, and said to the staff next to him: “Has the reinforcements of the 1st regiment been reached?”

“The regiment recruited 2 soldiers from over there to reinforce us… It’s done our best. You must know that they themselves are in danger of being attacked by devil dogs. Rushing to reinforce us will affect the security of their defense lines.”

“Call them again! If we are penetrated, they still want to withdraw? By then the entire line of defense will collapse, and they will be the first to be surrounded and eaten!” said the commander bitterly.

“Yes! I’ll call to remind you!” The staff officer stood up and saluted, and then went back to the field command post next to him.

This is a temporary headquarters built in the trenches with rain-proof cloth and logs. The inside is not very spacious, only a broken table and a few chairs. A kerosene lamp hung overhead, and nearby defense maps were scattered on the table.

A radio communicator was sitting in front of the equipment, pressing the headset and looking at the chief of staff who came in. There was still rain dripping on the opponent’s raincoat, and the whole person’s face was not knowing whether it was frozen, or because of the situation of the battle, it looked pale.

“Telegraph to the 1st regiment and let them reinforce some troops as much as possible! Our line of defense is at stake, and the devil is in immediate danger of penetrating our line of defense.” The chief of staff shook off the rain on his body and then looked up Opened the mouth and ordered.

The telegrapher nodded slightly and began to tap the radio transmitter in front of him. Behind him, several wounded were sitting in the corner, stuffing loose bullets into the magazine.

Every loaded magazine is placed in a large box that is woven and I don’t know what it was originally loaded. Soon someone will pick up this large box and send another shell full of empty magazines. box.

Asking the wounded and the logistics staff to help fill the bullets was also a way that the Ailan Hill soldiers came up with while fighting. They must make reasonable use of everyone, and then find a reasonable personnel distribution plan, in order to ensure that there is a steady stream of ammunition for the frontline battles to be poured out.

The battle in the rain is still going on, and the casualties of the 2 regiments are gradually increasing. With the fall of the two positions, they have now reduced their personnel by about one-third compared to when they started fighting. This is already a proportion of casualties that are enough to cause a troop to collapse.

At this moment, a flame suddenly poured down over the ocean of demon dogs in the distance. Although the relationship between Misty Rain did not seem so real, it really inspired the fighting determination of all Ailan Hill soldiers.

Then, a huge black shadow flew toward the human position, and a giant dragon whizzed past everyone’s heads, then circled back not far away, and rushed in the direction where the demon dogs were once again.

“Huh!” Along with the flight of this giant dragon, it lowered its head and spit out flames, passing over the abandoned trenches full of devil dogs. The flames filled these gullies full of corpses and devil dogs, turning everything All evaporated to ashes.

“Great! The magician is here to reinforce us!” An Ailan Hill soldier plugged his Mauser rifle into the magazine while yelling mobilely: “Look at those dragons! I love them!”

“In the early years, we saw the dragon but we had to open fire with all our strength!” An veteran threw the empty magazine under his feet, drew a new one from his chest pocket and inserted it into the stg-44 assault rifle. Inside, he pulled the bolt skillfully.

He looked at the flying dragon in the distance, with a smile on his face: “Now we are in a group! Those magicians have come to save us! Although I don’t want to say it, I also feel that I love them! “

One after another giant dragons swept across the battlefield, some were hit by the stones thrown by the quadruped orangutans, and some spewed flames, burning the quadruped orangutans and the two-headed demon dogs that attacked in the air to ashes.

The battle was not a one-sided situation as imagined. Soon more than a dozen dragons were shot down and plunged into the ocean of devil dogs, and then they were instantly covered by the devil dogs, and there was no sound anymore.

Those huge dragons hovered in the sky, swooping and spitting flames again and again, helping the soldiers of Ailan Hill to stabilize the line of defense. However, with the passage of time, these dragon knights who came from afar began to gradually lose their support.

After all, dragon’s breath is also a kind of magic, and the dragon also needs to rest. After the attack blocked the demon dog’s attack for more than half an hour, these dragon knights also had to return to the rear of the human position to take a rest to recover their strength.

The battle was once again restored from a three-dimensional to a flat state. The short-term surprise of the Dragon Knight did not give Alan Hill’s line of defense any substantial time. As the battle became more intense, the human line of defense once again became shaky. .

Although I was given some time to breathe, there were too many demons on the opposite side. They seem to be unwilling to give up the opportunity to attack, and want to wipe out humanity in bad weather.

In fact, if they can penetrate human defenses, then they have the hope of moving fast and raid all nearby field airports. Because of the rain, these airport personnel had to leave the plane and escape.

As long as they can achieve these combat goals, they are likely to use this attack to destroy about one-tenth or even one-fifth of the Ailan Hill aircraft. Including hundreds of p-51 fighters and hundreds of b-25 medium bombers…

It is completely certain that once the demon succeeds, it is only a weakening of the Airenhill Air Force, and it is almost worth the loss of the demon force! ——

The third update…addition is complete…continue tomorrow…

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