My Empire

Chapter 30 - Take refuge in

“It’s the most capable army in the north… Two rounds of volleys, but they didn’t surrender.” Looking at the collapsed city wall in the distance, Chris sighed on horseback.

Exactly as Desaier expected, the reinforcements in North County immediately retreated back to their territory after learning that the fort had been broken by Ailan Hill, and then the man from North County sent him the nickname of Lord of the Wind. A letter came, expressing his willingness to claim tribute.

However, Chris didn’t give him any chance, and directly led the troops to surround the Northshire Castle, making the lord completely utterly utterly utterly utterly rid of the thought of continuing to mess around.

What followed became very simple. As soon as the cannon rang, North County announced its surrender. No matter how the officers urged their soldiers, no one was willing to face the terrible “magic”. Soon someone opened the city gate, and Lord Windlord became a prisoner of Chris.

Almost non-stop, Chris left Wagron to clean up the mess in North County to stabilize the people’s minds, and he took the first regiment to the Hanhai.

This territory, called Hanhai, originally had no borders with the city of Seris. It is actually a cordon set by the Arrant Empire in the north to monitor and alert the nomadic steppe empire in the north.

Therefore, Hanhai is actually a military fortress. The combat readiness is the best in the northern territories, and the soldiers have the highest combat effectiveness. Of course, Chris is also the most difficult to fight.

After hearing that the Tubao and North County had collapsed within a day, the opponent did not make any fluke decisions. Instead, they concentrated all their forces and retreated to their own castle.

“The Lord Wilkes in front of me… is the best lord I have ever seen… In the face of the cannon, he can barely hold on. He is really a tenacious commander.” Looking at the tower in the distance, he was taking advantage of it. Chris exclaimed in admiration for the vast sea soldiers rushing to repair the city wall between Chris’s gunfire.

Along the way, most of his opponents either died under his gunfire, or they surrendered in a mediocre way with no strength to fight back. What impressed him was nothing more than Lawnes of Ferry City and the Lord Wilkes in front of him.

Seeing the other party methodically defending his castle under the artillery attack, Chris even moved his love for talent. There are too few generals available under his hand, so when he encounters one that can be used, his first reaction is to solicit.

“Send a wary soldier to come over and shout to the city to make them surrender!” Chris pointed at the distant castle with his whip, and Walter, the commander of the 1st regiment under his opponent, ordered.

The leader Walter in front of him was actually just a little-known character. He had always been a small captain in the infantry of Serris Castle. The biggest task was to watch the city gate and other chores.

However, this Walter stood out in Chris’ temporary officer training night school because he had read books and had a very strong learning ability. As a declining traditional middle class, Walter was well-educated when he was a child, and this is the capital he now holds the 1st regiment of Chris’ main force.

He is also a sample set up by Chris, a non-traditional commanding talent. As a sample of this, Walter also applied the knowledge he learned to the battle and became the world’s first-generation technical commander.

Of course, he and Wagron’s Adjutant Coria were entrusted with important responsibilities, which also reflected from the side how the Principality of Alan Hill is now in the military command system, how lack of talents.

“Yes! Your Majesty!” Hearing the order, Walter did not hesitate at all, and immediately issued various combat orders. Everything seemed orderly: “Stop the artillery shooting! Send someone to persuade you to surrender!”

After the chaos of the Battle of Tubao, this relatively strong learning ability Captain Walter is no longer as panicked as when he first commanded the battle. Just as snipers are fed by bullets, famous generals are just monsters fed by battle.

The ready-made third round of shelling was ordered to stop. A loud grenadier fumbled to the edge of the bow and arrow shooting range on the castle, and began to persuade the soldiers inside to lay down their weapons and surrender: “Let down your weapons and surrender! It’s not worth fighting to die!”

The one who answered him was a round of bows and arrows shot from the Vast Sea Castle, not dense, but very determined. It seemed that the reason for the opportunity to fire was finally found, and the opponent’s archer shot two rounds of feather arrows in one breath.

Unfortunately, there were no bows and arrows that flew to the grenadier’s hiding place, and there were even no arrows that could fly in front of him. In front of the roar of the cannon, such a counterattack was not even a gasp.

The grenadier stood up with contempt, slapped his uniform twice with disdain, turned and returned to his sequence. After two victories, he already has the pride of being an Ailan Hill grenadier, and naturally he has a heart of contempt for opponents who are on the verge of collapse.

Just when Chris tried to persuade the defenders to surrender in Blessed Sea Castle, on the edge of the remote battlefield, on a hillside, there was a pair of eyes looking at Ailan Hill’s offensive troops.

A middle-aged man with a neat beard dressed in leather armor and a long sword slung on his back, riding heroically on a group of black war horses. He was alone, with a small suitcase hanging behind the saddle.

He took the water sac from his waist, unplugged the cork, took a sip of the water in it, and wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand. Hanging the water bag back to his waist, he pinched the horse’s belly lightly, and then proceeded on the horse, rushing towards Ailan Hill’s army.

At the same time, within the walls of Vast Sea City, Lord Wilkes pressed his sword, worriedly through a crenel, looking at the terrifying white smoke-spitting weapons on the horizon.

Facing the nomadic peoples in the north, he has always been known for defense. The soldiers of Hanhai are also very good at defense, because what they do the most is to hold on to their city when the nomadic cavalry goes south.

As long as they hold on for dozens of days, the flanking cavalry will counterattack the nomads under the cover of North County soldiers. This tactic has been used for hundreds of years, and there has been no major mistake.

But who could have imagined that in just a dozen days, a rising principality, Ailan Hill, would be able to break the Tubao and North County one after another?

“Oh…” Wilkes groaned indistinctly as he stroked the hard buttress. This time he has no reinforcements. How can the soldiers of Ailan Hill outside the city retreat? After thinking about it all morning, he still didn’t think of the answer to this question.

“My lord!” His adjutant walked over with the sword, and the armor on his body made a nice clatter, and there was still some dust on the adjutant’s face, which made him look a little embarrassed: “The other party sent someone to persuade him to surrender. Scared away by us.”

“This time we have no reinforcements, Bourgeois.” Wilkes shook his head and sighed to his adjutant: “The enemy outside the city will not retreat… We… won’t last long.”

Every lord has some of his own confidants and his subordinates, and the officer that Lord Wilkes can fight most is his deputy, Bourgeois. The lieutenant of the vast sea territory is also famous, and he is also a powerful figure who can fight tough battles.

However, no matter how powerful he is, facing a cannon that he has never seen before, he has no choice but to bite the bullet and stick to the wall, hoping to wait for a miracle to appear.

“My lord, the enemy has this kind of weapon. It’s not surprising that the Tubao and North County have been defeated one after another…” Bourgeois pressed his sword, bowed his head and said to Wilkes: “But we can still hold on…”

But…what’s the use of persistence? Even if the opponent does not have weapons such as cannons, after losing the ally Tubao and North County, the isolated and helpless Boundary Sea will not allow Ailan Hill to retreat. Once such a stalemate persists, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the smaller Hanhai.

Their only hope of victory is to be able to hold on until winter comes with a strong castle. When the temperature drops, the troops stationed in the field will naturally suffer and will retreat without fighting.

What makes people desperate is… the other party has cannons to demolish the city wall, let alone persisting into winter, if the other party has enough ammunition to attack with all-out strength, Vast Sea Castle may not be able to hold on this afternoon.

“Wait…maybe, a miracle will happen.” Wilkes frowned, looked at the Ailan Hill army formation that had been silent for a long time in the distance, and squeezed out such a sentence after a long while.

On the other side, Chris, who was preparing for a new round of offense, got an interesting report: someone wanted to see him.

This is really a new thing, because this is on the battlefield. His army was still bombarding the enemy’s castle. The sound of the cannon blasted through the sky. After hearing it, ordinary people would have been far away in the mountains and forests. Where could anyone take the initiative? The one that comes up?

“The other party is wearing a sword… wearing leather armor… with a neat beard, and looks very energetic.” The soldier who came to the report described the other party’s image as much as possible, which made Chris even more interested.

“Let him come over!” Chris rode on the horse, tapping his fingers on the hilt, waiting for the other party’s arrival with great interest. Behind him were a dozen loyal Serris cavalry, and there were hundreds of rifles in front of him, so he was not afraid of the other party doing tricks.

So, he calmly watched the other side lead the horse closer to him step by step. This middle-aged man is not tall, but he feels very temperamental. He led the horse and pressed the sword, just stood in front of Chris, and said faintly: “My name is Modler, I’m here to take refuge in Duke Ailanhill.”

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