My Empire

Chapter 33 - War economy

Desaier, who rushed all the way to the Blessed Sea Castle from behind, scattered almost all the supplies he carried halfway, and gave them to the civilians in the three places for free.

This also made the Principality of Ailan Hill’s rule over Tubao and other regions become stable. The civilians who had no concept of the country began to accept Ailan Hill, and the black eagle flag began to flutter everywhere.

After Chris’s troops entered the Hanhai, General Modler succeeded Wilkes, withdrew from the castle with Hanhai’s soldiers, and handed over the defense to the grenadiers of the 1st Regiment of Airanhill.

The first order that Grand Duke Ailanhill Chris gave to General Modler was to train Hanhai’s soldiers to form a brand new infantry regiment.

Because of the rapid expansion, Chris now needs an army too much. He now has a large territory and nearly two million subjects to support the army, which can feed an army of at least 30,000 people.

Why can’t the previous territory feed more troops? In fact, this has to start from other aspects.

The previous territories taxation was very heavy. Basically, farmers were the main taxpayers. Naturally, they could not feed so many troops.

On the other hand, because the military’s attack methods are limited, no one can break through the tightly fortified castle in a short time, so feeding a large number of troops will only bring down one’s own economy, but cannot expand and obtain benefits. Build such a powerful army.

Coupled with the protection of the Holy Demon Empire, the cavalry of the steppe empire did not dare to invade southward, and the borders were just a small fight, and the standing force was naturally lower.

The appearance of Ailan Hill was actually the biggest change in power in this century. Who could have imagined that a Serris who was attacked on all sides could sweep the entire Northeast region in just over a year.

Precisely because of this, Serris Castle used to have a poor standing force of 1,300, and its expansion and preparation for war could only support about 2,000. But now it’s different. Because there is economic support and demand, it is possible to support 5,000 people on a single territory.

The difficulty facing Chris now is how to arm so many soldiers and how to make these soldiers truly become a reserve force in the future so that they can be equipped with more powerful and advanced weapons and equipment.

“This time, money is definitely not something that can be settled.” Leaning on the chair, Desaier clasped his arms and complained to Chris with some helplessness: “The Arante Empire will never let us develop into a worry. Yes, they will definitely send troops to intervene.”

Chris was also helpless, sighed and said: “I can’t help it. Isn’t it afraid of Arrant, we won’t fight North County and Hanhai?”

It is absolutely impossible not to fight. How many workers in how many factories are looking forward to war? If Chris says not to fight, they might replace Chris and choose a new archduke to start the war.

“Winter is coming soon. We can have a few months to breathe.” Wilkes, who was left by Chris, has now become a general of Ailan Hill. Although he did not lead soldiers, he was blocked. Was given the title of staff officer. At this moment he spoke, and Bourgeois and Walter both looked over.

He coughed awkwardly, and then continued to bite the bullet and said with thick cheeks: “It is very unwise to fight in the Northeast in winter. Even the Arante Empire would not make such a stupid decision.”

The corruption and corruption of the Arante empire Dessier felt deeply. The opposing party’s stockpile of supplies on the border will definitely be at a deficit. As long as the generals are not stupid, they will definitely not risk a war against Arante in the winter.

If the opponent really fights, Ailan Hill can actually win easily: even if the elite 1st regiment is not used, and the 2nd regiment is only used to deal with the opponent, there is a more than 70% chance of winning.

“What General Wilkes said… also makes sense.” Dessell thought for a while and agreed: “Then this is good news. At least before next spring, we have a window of peaceful development.”

“Ah, that’s right!” At this point, he remembered one thing, and reported to Chris Hui: “According to reliable sources, General Zorn is planning a crusade against the Dothan Empire in the south…This seems to be right. We are favorable.”

“This is good news!” Hearing this news, Bourgeois, who was still worried, relaxed a lot: “If the Arrant Empire and the Dothan Empire go to war, it will be impossible to attack us immediately.”

It seems that when spring comes, the Arante Empire still has no energy to trouble Ailan Hill. Maybe, the war will be delayed until autumn.

“Huh!” Chris took a deep breath, thinking that the start of the next fall is still a situation he can accept: at least at that time, he can prepare three serious main groups, right?

He thought for a while, looked at Dessier again, and asked, “Could you think of a way to… drag the war for a while…?”

“It’s not easy to handle. With the cannons we provide, fighting Dothan is likely to become a quick battle…” Desaier shook his head and said, “It’s all one cause and one effect. There is no way. Avoided.”

In his opinion, if General Zorn didn’t get the artillery drawings, the crusade against the Dothan Empire would not start. At that time, Arante might first go north to punish the small country that is not obedient.

Now that General Zorn got the blueprint, and with the cannon, he would first go south to attack the Dothan Empire, and gave Ailan Hill a chance to delay.

“I hope the Dothan Empire will work harder… to hold down Arrant for a few months. When the winter enters the north, it can be delayed for a few more months.” Chris said greedily.

Once this hope is realized, Chris will have a whole year to prepare for war. At the current pace of development, one year later, at least the problem of bullet supply can be initially resolved.

“Yes, if the Arrant Empire goes north and suffers a loss here, it may alarm the Holy Demon Empire…our army, facing the magician and the dragon knight… It is still somewhat reluctant.” Desaier Scratched his head and answered.

Magician? Dragon Knight? Listening to these shocking words, Wilkes and Bourgeois on the side looked at each other, what kind of country did they join? How dare to have a meeting to calculate the magic empire?

After talking about dealing with Arante, it was time to calculate the benefits of the war. It was only when it was exciting that Desaier was very happy: Tubao had two large iron ore mines. These iron ore mines are mature mining conditions and the personnel are also available. The output can basically meet the consumption of Chris.

In Desaier’s view, just these two large iron mines urgently needed by Ailan Hill are almost worth the cost of this war: even if another 100,000 gold coins are invested in, Desaier will not feel lost. .

Similarly, Tubao and North County are big coal producers. In the past, most of the coal mines that Ailan Hill wanted to buy came from these two places. Now, these purchases of steel and coal can basically save money. Down.

With these high-quality coals, metallurgical technology can be improved and heat energy can be sufficient. With the steam engine, the factory has a steady stream of power, and with the thermal power plant, Chris’s idea of ​​electric energy can also be implemented immediately.

In addition to these two, there is also a small kerosene mine in the Hanhai area, which is the oil mine in Chris’s cognition. It’s just that the output of this oil mine is very small and there are many impurities, so it needs purification before it can be used. But even so, it is much better than Allan Hill’s previous oil reliance on acquisitions.

For Chris, the biggest gain in the Hanhai area is actually the reinforcement of saltpeter and sulfur mines. These mineral deposits are vital to the production of gunpowder and are also essential raw materials for many chemical products.

In addition, Chris also seized a large amount of kerosene used to defend the city in the three castles, as well as some gold coins reserved. In the past six months, the proceeds they blackmailed Alan Hill, basically returned to Chris’ pocket.

“It’s no wonder that powerful countries and those capable monarchs like to fight so much… We spent almost 500,000 gold coins before, and this battle returned more than 200,000.” Looking at the accounts in his hand, Desaiel was satisfied. Exclaimed.

After spending two gold coins, almost one gold coin will immediately return to his pocket. Everyone is willing to do this kind of business, and the same is true for Desaier. He even felt that if conditions permit, it is the right choice to directly fight another country to make money.

He had thought that there would be a lot of gains from war, but he really didn’t think that a quick victory could expand the gains to this extent. Just by the speed of gold coin return, it can be said that this battle has not lost money. If you count the income from the mines and the population, it is really a good deal that has doubled.

“There is no shortage of copper. At least, there is no problem in producing 100,000 copper shells.” Chris saw the number of copper mines in the material statistics and said with satisfaction: “I don’t know the production of bullets. It will speed up a bit.”

“I don’t know about bullets.” Desaier shook his head and said: “But I know something about artillery. The second equipment in the arsenal has been put into production…The production speed should be twice as fast as before.”

“That’s really great.” Chris nodded in satisfaction. It seems that when he was fighting, the family’s production has not fallen behind. This is all thanks to the efforts of Diens and Gurlo. They It can be said that it is the lubricant that supports the operation of this country’s machinery.

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