My Empire

Chapter 48 - Meet for the first time

Two uninvited wizards walk on the crowded street, like two scholars visiting for sightseeing. They strolled down the street leisurely, full of curiosity about everything.

In fact, every person who comes to Ailan Hill for the first time, or every person who comes to Seris City for the first time, will feel a sense of shock that Grandma Liu has entered the Grand View Garden. They may not have seen so many novel things in their lives.

Here are the best shock absorbers for carriages, here are the BMWs on the grassland, there are magical liquids that emit fragrance, and there are fine porcelains that are as white and smooth as women’s skin.

Rao is the knowledgeable great magician Frenzberg, and this time he can only lament that he is as shallow as a frog at the bottom of a well. He was very curious about everything. He even saw groups of noisy children in school uniforms and asked a few questions.

They saw guards dressed in neat military uniforms, handsomely dressed in armed belts, and carrying strange fire sticks at the city gate. They also saw the strange devices on the city’s head covered by canvas that were dangerous at first sight.

It was a 30-mm caliber dual-purpose gun mounted on a fixed turret on the city wall. These weapons were set up to protect the city from damage caused by the dragon. The city air defense force is responsible for these guns and is under the jurisdiction of the Air Force.

Although there is still some distance from the plane, Chris decided to form his own air force. The current air force is responsible for ground defense, and it is responsible for the management and control of anti-aircraft guns installed in cities and near factories.

Now, Frenzberg is standing outside the original castle mansion, which is the core castle gate of Serris Castle, looking at the Elanhill Guards standing on both sides of the suspension bridge, and exclaiming: “Only a fool can believe it. Countries that can urge so many things they have never seen before in a short period of time will stagnate on weapons of war.”

“Don’t say anything else, but from the point that they didn’t even deploy that terrible cannon in their castle, I felt that it was in Ailan Hill and it was definitely not a high-level weapon.” William also felt that he had a kind of weapon. Feeling deceived.

Originally, giving one’s hole cards to opponents for free was a very suspicious thing. It now appears that the weapon called the Red Cannon is definitely not Ellen Hill’s trump card.

Frenzberg remembered what he had seen and heard along the way, and said: “I have only seen Ailan Hill’s matches and some other small things before. Now, I can see here that it can operate automatically. The machine, I saw a steel monster that can lift heavy objects…”

“Those mortal idiots in the Arrant Empire actually felt that in such a country, their weapons would be so simple! Ridiculous…” When his teacher said so, William could only sigh.

“We were deceived! Did you see the gate of the castle? The soldiers who stood guard there were not using spears! They were not even equipped with armor! What made them so confident? Even the armor that saved their lives Give up?” Frenzberg squinted, and a fooled anger surged in his heart.

He stared at the guards standing guard, and had a murderous heart towards the Grand Duke Ailan Hill who had not yet met: “Moreover, they didn’t even have a long weapon except the saber… This is wrong, this is definitely not a defense. Relax…”

From the state of the soldiers standing guard, Frenzberg could feel the seriousness and caution of the other side. This was not a state of lax defense and absent-mindedness, and even caused some pressure on him.

For a magician, this situation is rare. This is a mortal empire. According to common sense, how cautious the defense here is, it is impossible to create a sense of oppression for a great magician.

But in fact, this kind of pressure does exist, making Frenzberg hesitate. He really didn’t dare to come forward easily and test the guards who seemed impossible to threaten him at all.

“Or, their secret lies in the leather triangle sleeve on the waist! There is a strange metal thing there. I have never seen a soldier wear this kind of thing…” William looked at both sides of the suspension bridge carefully. The guards saw the revolver they were armed with.

Frenzberg also agreed with his point of view, because he also felt that the thing in the sleeve worn by the guards was dangerous: “Maybe, this is the reason why they gave up the armor and the spear! If they can, We should figure out the purpose of that thing!”

“It’s too dangerous!” William thought for a while, and felt that there were many variables when he went all the way in from the door. The opponent’s defensive power is really not weak. If there are more weird weapons, the two of them may be in danger of dying here.

Frenzberg thought more far-reaching than William. He nodded and agreed with William’s words: “Yes, it’s too dangerous! If these people continue to develop like this, the dominance of the magic empire may be Shake it.”

Hearing that the kingdom of mortals might threaten the Holy Demon Empire, William was a little unable to sit still. He thought for a while and said to his teacher: “Then we should destroy this place! Kill their leader, destroy. Everything here.”

“You are right. We should do it… However, I want to see the leaders here. I always have a hunch that such a person will give me an infinite future. I think I have never been like this before. It’s an exciting feeling to be close to the truth.” Frenzberg was unwilling to do it again, hesitating to do it.

“Well, teacher, let’s be safer at night, and dive directly into this castle… and then see what kind of person this person is.” William said to Frenzberg.

Frenzberger nodded and agreed to the plan: “If he is dangerous, we will destroy him and destroy everything here. If he is willing to share everything about him with us, then we will bring him back to the holy demon. Go to the empire!”

Chris, who was flying in his study, didn’t know that a magician was already hundreds of meters away, discussing about kidnapping himself. He is in the newly appropriated study room, contributing to the future of Ailan Hill.

Copying textbooks is not an easy task. You have to write it out one by one. The original elementary school textbooks and junior high school textbooks are still very simple, but the high school textbooks and university textbooks are completely different.

The mere increase in word count has already caused Chris a headache. He still has no way to pass on his knowledge directly to another person and let the other person do it for him. He can only use his rest time tirelessly to expand the world’s book reserves.

“Can you believe it? I don’t know what mess I’m writing myself.” Chris joked while perfecting the advanced mathematics in front of him without looking up. He heard the sound of the door opening, thinking it was Desaier or Wagron who came in.

After all, there are quite a few people who can break into his study without knocking on the door. Gurlo is sometimes too excited and forgets to knock on the door. Everyone is very familiar with his Grand Duke. He is approachable and doesn’t care about the politeness. He is a very pragmatic monarch.

The other party did not speak either, and seemed to be attracted by something. It took a long time for a voice to be heard abruptly, which made Chris’s hair stand up in an old and unfamiliar voice: “This drawing is so beautiful! It’s more exquisite than any artwork! It’s almost, it’s a miracle.”

Chris suddenly looked up and saw an old man in a normal robe, standing in front of his bookshelf, pulling a huge drawing, looking at the three-sided drawings of the parts on it.

Beside this old man, a young man stood respectfully, as if he was a follower, but the dangerous aura exuding from him was not weaker than the old man at all.

Chris put down the delicate charcoal in his hand and stared at the two people in front of him with a pair of sharp eyes. He knew that the other party was definitely not a character to deal with, and it was definitely not as simple as it seemed to be able to not disturb the many guards standing here outside.

Magician? It seems so! But what exactly did these two dangerous magicians come for? Whether the Arante Empire came to deal with Ailan Hill, then Chris didn’t know. What he is thinking about now is how to protect himself and let himself live safely.

The good news is that his pistol is hanging behind the chair, and there are 6 bullets in it that are enough to kill an ordinary person! Now Chris regretted it a little bit. When he faced two dangerous magicians alone, he regretted why he had to use 9mm pistol bullets.

If he had known this situation a long time ago, if he knew that those magicians could easily break through the security line and come to him to chat and laugh, he would be more willing to give himself a .45 caliber revolver, or simply come to a desert one. Eagle is more at ease.

Anyway, those pistols that can kill elephants can make Chris more confident when facing the magician alone.

The good news is that the other party didn’t hold a pistol at his head and shouted “Don’t move” that made him laugh or cry. Now he can at least move his body and pretend to be indifferent.

“You are calm! Maybe you didn’t realize what you were facing.” Frenzberg praised Chris, who was slowly moving his body: “But you are more calm than the mortal monarchs I have seen. “

“I know, you may be magicians, very powerful ones.” Chris pulled the pistol out of the holster with his hand behind his back. The smile on his face finally became more natural, and he replied: “No. Meet me once, introduce myself, my name is Ailan Hill Chris!” —

I haven’t called for a few days, and Long Ling has to scream again, begging everyone for recommendation tickets, rewards, collections, book reviews…

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