My Empire

Chapter 51 - The power of magic

There are often such plots in TV dramas. The protagonist says to his enemy: Some important thing is in his pocket. Then, when the opponent came up to look for him, he suddenly got into trouble, followed by a fierce fight.

The protagonist is beaten by the enemy, and then the small universe bursts out and starts a fierce counterattack. Immediately after the bad guy was knocked to the ground, the protagonist won the battle with a scar on his face…

Another classic link is: the wise villain will not go forward and turn the protagonist’s pocket by himself, but cleverly let the other party take it out! Then the plot will reverse. Either the protagonist pulls out something and threatens the villain to destroy this important object, or the protagonist pulls out a pistol from his pocket to reverse the situation.

However, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen in reality…because Chris is a man who has watched countless TV shows and movies. He spoke uprightly and gave a safe answer: “First, tell me what is in your bag!”

Frenzberg felt that Chris opposite him was not like a generous and heroic emperor, but rather like a despicable villain with no sense of security.

He has sworn allegiance, right? Could it be said that in the eyes of this monarch, a magician’s oath is such a worthless thing? He is a great magician anyway! An existence that resembles a **** in the mortal world! How could he treat a magician’s words as a trifle?

With embarrassment, Frenzberg said solemnly: “My great master, Grand Duke Ailanhill! I must reiterate that as a magician! Our vow is based on our supreme glory. Yes! Don’t question our loyalty, at least after we swear allegiance to you, please don’t doubt our…”

“I’m sorry!” Chris was kind, and immediately apologized: “I don’t know much about magicians! But we have a lot of time to get to know each other slowly, do you think it right?”

“Well…” Frenzberg let out a gloomy breath, relieved the depression in his heart, and slowly said: “The time of the magician is precious, so we used magic to create a kind of A magic ball that helps magicians accumulate experience.”

“This kind of magic ball is called the magic ball of knowledge.” While talking, Frenzberg took the rucksack from William, opened the lid, and showed what was inside: “We are here this time. In addition to bringing a lot of magic reserve liquid, he also brought a few such magic balls.”

He took out a transparent crystal ball that looked about the size of a light bulb from a pile of liquid bottles shining with light blue light, held it in his hand, and said: “It is the magic ball of knowledge, a blank one that has not been filled yet. Into the magic ball of knowledge.”

“Users can input some of their knowledge that they want to pass on to the apprentice into this magic ball, and then it can be complete, instill this knowledge into the apprentice’s mind, and will never forget it for a lifetime!” Frenzberg Reached out and handed the crystal ball to Chris in the distance: “The Holy Demon Empire is more powerful than you think!”

“I x…” cursed in his heart, Chris was already shocked by this super learning machine similar to a human USB flash drive. If the earth civilization has this thing, it will no longer be a dream to learn to go overboard.

Such a simple tool that can copy a person’s knowledge can definitely make Chris spread his knowledge a million times faster! He can quickly establish the knowledge system of this world, without having to force indoctrination, and without having to laboriously cultivate talents every day.

As long as he has this thing, his knowledge can be passed on, and the whole world will be changed in the end! This world will not need elementary school, junior high school, or even university. Everyone is born a genius, a genius of scientific civilization!

The power of modern civilization is that knowledge is summarized into systems. As long as these systems are mastered, the results can be inherited and advanced. When the advancement begins, everything blocking the road will be crushed.

Intuitively speaking, the Magic Ball of Knowledge can help Chris create artificial traversers in batches, turning many aborigines into “traversing forces” accumulated with modern civilization technology. And this army cannot be stopped by the backward civilization of this era.

From the perspective of the magic empire’s use of the magic ball of knowledge, which is more magical than the magical weapon, the opponent’s knowledge cannot be systematically promoted, so it is impossible to maximize the power of this magic ball.

What the enemy can’t do, but he can do it, this is really exciting news. But Chris still didn’t walk over to pick up the magic ball of knowledge that might be a bomb, but asked, “So easy to use?”

“It’s not without limitations.” William, who has used this kind of thing since he was a child, seems to have a more say when talking about this thing: “It can be passed on, it is some fixed knowledge, that is to say. , To understand this kind of thing… it is necessary for the successor to comprehend it.”

“Uh…” Chris understood. This thing is a memory. It depends on the individual to understand. It can only inject something into people’s memory, but it cannot replace people’s thinking.

In other words, what it can create is not a super schoolmaster who knows everything, but a group of “nerds” who have only memorized books. Chris suddenly felt a little lost, but then he suddenly realized: A group of nerds is better than a group of natives who have to raise everything from scratch!

The nerd is just a nerd… Chris murmured in his heart, and then felt that it would be better to ask more about the instruction manual before using it. After all, this thing is like taking medicine. No one wants to just grab a handful of white pills and stuff their mouths without reading the instructions…

“So, does it have any side effects? Can mortals use it?” Chris asked, “Or, if you use it, you will be instilled in some other things. You must be loyal to someone.”

He didn’t want to cultivate a large group of diehard loyalists to the magic empire. Isn’t that a wedding dress for others? Even if he asked at this time, he didn’t dare to believe Frenzberg and use this kind of thing on a large scale.

“There are side effects. The user will vomit and cry…In any case, there will be an adverse reaction, which lasts about a day…” Thinking of what he was like at the time, William’s stomach felt a little uncomfortable.

Frentzberg continued to explain: “Of course mortals can use it, because our magic empire uses this kind of thing to “enlighten” magic apprentices. Those apprentices have not been exposed to magic before, so their state and mortals should have nothing to do. the difference.”

“And you said that you can’t change people’s thinking. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be possible to easily control other people’s thoughts? With such a good thing, we directly use this magic ball of knowledge to control all mortals. Isn’t it easier?” Frenzberg said.

Chris has thought about the problem that countless wizards in the magic empire have thought about. Since the day the Magic Ball of Knowledge was born, some people have been studying the feasibility of implanting “mind control”.

Because this is a shortcut that can effectively control others and consolidate the rule. It is a pity that this kind of research failed in the end. The magic to control others is too advanced and consumes too much magic. It is basically a flashy tasteless, and it can’t be applied to the low-level magic consumables such as the knowledge magic ball.

“As for the limitations of this thing, in addition to side effects, the biggest problem is’capacity.’ It can instill not much knowledge, and everyone can only use it once in a lifetime, so…” Frenzberg Turned around and took out the other two from the backpack: “It’s very cheap.”

In any society, in any era, there is always a cost that restricts the use of something. Whether it is easy to manufacture or use, whether it is manufacturing cost or use cost, is the main factor in whether a thing can become popular.

“It can’t be used repeatedly. After using it, it will be dim and turbid, and it will no longer be so transparent. Its main production material is magic concentrate. Now you know, the ore that mortals have been mining for magicians, why is it so important? It’s…” Frenzberg continued to introduce knowingly.

Hearing this, Chris finally knew why the magic concentrate in the hands of the Arrant Empire and the Dothan Empire were so important, because that was a consumable that many magic empires had always used. How many babies are born in a year and how many teenagers become magical apprentices, you need as many magic **** of knowledge and magic concentrates!

And according to Frentzberg, it is not only the magic ball of knowledge, but also the creation of magic reserve liquid, and the creation of magic essence coins commonly used by magic empires, all of which require magic concentrate.

This kind of demand is endless, so magicians tolerate mortals to survive in the forbidden land where there is no magic.

Now, in addition to the Holy Demon Empire, or those magic empires, another person is eyeing the magic concentrate. Chris really wants to own such a vein, and then produce a magic ball of knowledge to quickly improve his national quality!

“Let Smith come here!” Chris has decided to try to experiment with the feasibility of disseminating industrial knowledge. Among the many subordinates, Smith has the most and best industrial knowledge. It is normal for him to do this experiment.

“It doesn’t need to be so troublesome!” Frenzberg pulled out a copy of junior high school physics from the bookshelf, pressed the magic ball of knowledge on the book, and magical things began to happen.

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