My Empire

Chapter 58 - Army going south

In the next second, fire and shock waves expanded under his crotch and lifted him into the sky. There was darkness in front of his eyes for an instant, and there was only a roar in his ears.

This explosion seemed to sound the horn of the Ailanhill grenadiers’ offensive. As the huge black smoke rose into the sky, countless Ailanhill soldiers with m42 helmets, holding their weapons, passed over. A mountain of corpses of Arante soldiers.

“Long live Ailanhill!” A few seconds later, a lieutenant Ailanhill carrying a pistol stepped on the charred and broken body of the general Arrant, looking at the gate of the city lord’s mansion that had been smashed open. Ordered to his men.

“Charge!” Following his order, countless soldiers with rifles rushed into the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion. Soon, the green king flag of Arante, which was flying over the city lord’s mansion, was thrown down the roof, while the black king flag of Ailan Hill golden eagle was hung on a towering flagpole by the soldiers.

The Ailan Hill officer wearing leather boots looked all the way to the decoration of the city lord’s mansion, which was more luxurious than the castle of their Grand Duke Chris, and walked in front of the city lord Adam of Naaru surrounded by soldiers.

“I…I am the city lord Adam of the Arante Empire! I am a knighted person! I want noble treatment!” Adam, who already knew that he was gone, looked at the “poor people who don’t even have armor” in front of Alan Hill The soldier shouted: “I am willing to pay the ransom for myself!”

“Hahahaha!” The one who came to Adam with a pistol was a battalion commander from Ailan Hill. He couldn’t help laughing after hearing Adam’s nonsense, making the atmosphere in the city lord’s mansion very cheerful.

Then, the battalion commander looked at Adam, the chubby city lord of the Arante Empire, and raised his pistol at the opponent: “Sorry, according to the order of General Wagron, the city lord Adam of Naaru is very wicked. It must be executed.”

Speaking of this, the battalion commander ignored Adam, who was already trembling like a sieve. He pulled the trigger of his pistol, and the bullet flew out of the muzzle, piercing the forehead of Lord Adam. The gun sounded in the empty city lord mansion. The hall reverberated, as if it was a death knell, “Bah…”

Outside the city of Naaru, Wagron, who got off his horse, threw the whip in his hand to his new adjutant. His former lieutenant, Korya, has taken the sole role, becoming a commander in one direction.

He looked at a very special toy in front of him, and said with interest: “With this thing, we can send the news from the front line back to the back?”

“Come on! Push hard! Quick!” Several non-commissioned officers gathered around the iron frame, cheering on the four sweaty soldiers: “There has been a reaction over there! It succeeded!”

That’s right, this is the legendary human power generator, which relies on equipment similar to a spinning exercise machine and a device that relies on people to pedal to generate electricity. On the other side of this device is a radio transmitter.

“Yes! Yes! Hurry up! Send back the news of taking Naaru! Hurry up!” Several command officers saw the electric energy pointer on the machine trembling, and immediately came to their spirits and urged the mechanics to say. .

The mechanic immediately began to beat the firing pin in front of him, sending out the message that had been streamlined to the point that it could no longer be streamlined: “Conquer Naru!”

At almost the same moment, in the distant city of Serris, more than a dozen alchemists were using test tubes in their hands to redeem a brand new synthetic rubber. Their experiments are cautious, and Chris, who is in charge of supervising these experimenters, is constantly searching for the experiment reports in his mind, hoping to get more useful information.

The magic ball of knowledge brought by the great magician Frenzberg helped Chris cultivate more than a dozen “artificial traversers” who could help him complete some of the tasks. However, these people are still in the experimental stage of debugging the knowledge in their minds. Once they are ready, the expansion speed of industrial civilization may increase more than ten times.

William is now working hard to record the method of making the Magic Ball of Knowledge, which is his most important work recently. In addition, one of the auxiliary tasks he needs to do is to dictate some secrets of the Holy Demon Empire.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will never end, Chris must fully understand the strength and weakness of the magic empire, in order to prescribe the right medicine, and grasp the initiative when facing the magic empire army in the future.

Frenzberg is currently studying a new machine. According to him, he should find a way to integrate magic into the machine to make the machine work better. It’s a pity that his research directions are basically wrong recently, and Chris can’t give him any clear guidance in this regard.

After all, what Chris mastered was industrial civilization, and he didn’t know anything about magic. So he can simply draw the design drawings of a car, but knows nothing about a car driven by magic.

“Huh…” An alchemist, or what should be called a chemist now, put down the test tube in his hand and took a breath, and completed his experiment: a synthetic rubber with better elasticity and not easy to aging was born. This is A special material requested by Chris.

With this material, Chris has to miniaturize his internal combustion engine and start working **** gasoline engines: in his opinion, only by making cars as a means of transportation can his combat troops be assembled and acted more quickly. .

If you count the economic benefits of automobiles in transportation, the changes that this kind of transportation brings to Allan Hill will be obvious. After all, it takes time to lay the railway, but the car can be used as long as the road is not too potholes.

“We started laying the railway in three sections, and repaired the rails from both sides to the middle in each section. The speed was actually very fast.” This is Desaier’s report on his railway work yesterday. It is expected that this brand new railway will be 70 It was completed and opened to traffic within days and became the main artery of Allan Hill.

Had it not been for the sudden outbreak of war, this railway would have been far from being built at such a speed. Because of the need to mobilize more materials, Chris ordered the speeding up of road construction throughout the country.

What’s more interesting is that in addition to the railway from Ferry City to Serris and then to Tubao, the railway from Hanhai to North County is also being constructed at the same time. This construction speed is really jaw-dropping because no one would build a railway like this, just like a joke.

Even the most sane person, when building a railway, will think about whether it will lose money if the railway fails to meet the requirements for use. Chris didn’t need to think about this kind of boring question. He knew the answer for a long time. From the beginning, he invested 120,000 enthusiasm to build a railroad track where no one knew the future.

This kind of construction mode can only be used by Chris, who has a golden finger. He started investing in the construction of the railway before the locomotive was produced! Now, a railway nearly one hundred kilometers long is about to be completed, and Chris’ locomotive is still being assembled and tested in the factory…

Now, the lord of Ailan Hill, the thing in his mind is whether to start construction now and build a railway from Seris City to Naaru City so that he can quickly transport his troops to the front line and invest in During the war.

“Dangdang…” Just as he was thinking about it and pulling his thoughts to the far front of the war, the door of the laboratory was knocked from the outside. After getting permission, an officer opened the door and walked into the laboratory, standing behind Chris.

“Your Majesty! With the news that we have just returned from the front line, our army has won a great victory. The first stage of the attack target Naaru City is already under our control.” Seeing Chris stopped his work, The officer immediately lowered his head and softly reported the latest news from the front line he had just received.

“Oh? Naaru has taken it down?” Chris was very excited when he heard the news, put down his hand, and took the telegram from the front line from the officer’s hand.

This thing can be said to be very precious, because this is the first time in human actual combat that the telegraph is used to convey the news of victory, and the battle situation on the front line only took a few minutes to spread back hundreds of miles away. rear.

“Capturing Knaru…” Looking at the brief statement in the message, Chris showed a smile on his face: “Good job! Send the news! Then order the soldiers to propagate in the city and spread the news of the victory. Get out! This is a victory for all the people of Ailan Hill! This is a victory for all of us!”

At the same time, on the front line, Wagron didn’t have a happy expression. He frowned slightly, a little unsure whether he should continue to attack south and east, or stay in place.

The previous attack speed was too fast, everything went too smoothly, and the smoothness made him a little confused: further south attack, his troops will rush to “Bude” and “Marica” ​​respectively, including Na Lu is equivalent to letting him disperse the already precious troops.

If you count the city “Wolabo” in the east, and the roads connecting these cities and land, then Ailan Hill’s attacking forces are almost completely dispersed. Wagron was the commander-in-chief of this battle. He had only 12 regiments under his command, and 5 dissatisfied with the combat force of the division.

The current situation is that the two divisions going south are not the main divisions, and their strength is not full. They are the 5th division under the command of Korya in the direction of Bud and the 6th division under the command of Bourgeos in the direction of Maricha. .

The forces attacking east were the 4th Division commanded by Modler, the general reserve was the 3rd Division commanded by Wilkes, and the 2nd Division commanded by Wagron… In addition to the 3rd Division of the Reserve, there were Except for the 3 regiments under the jurisdiction of the 2nd Division, the rest of the troops are all composed of 2 regiments, which is actually not sufficient.

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