My Empire

Chapter 65 - Clash

“Unfold the troops as straight as possible! The line of troops must be controlled! We have to hold the opponent’s attack frontally and defeat the opponent!…” Corea looked at the green King Atlanta flag on the opposite side and spoke to himself The subordinates ordered.

With 5,000 people facing up to ten times their own strength, this is definitely the most tragic battle in human history. A few years ago, these 5,000 people might not even have a chance to retreat.

But now, Coria has never thought of taking someone to retreat. What he thinks in his head is to use his own troops to defeat the opponent head-on. No matter who the opponent is, he wants to give it a try.

He wants to test whether the heavy machine guns in his queue are so terrible. He wants to test whether his artillery is as strong and powerful as it was during training. He wants to test whether there are troops that can withstand him. A frontal attack of 5000 people!

Yes, he never thought about defense at all. He was preparing to attack the opponent head-on from the beginning and defeat the opponent at once.

“Advance drum! Let the soldiers go! We have no time to waste!” He rode on his horse and told the officers around him: “Let the artillery give each other some music! I don’t want them to be neat and tidy. Watch us kill it!”

Opposite him, a royal general in a golden helmet and armor, General Arante Rumbach, also rode on the horse. The gray armored troops in front of him formed a huge phalanx, with countless spears standing in front of him, and the green flag of Arante fluttered in the wind.

“Let the red cannons get ready! They must be ready to bombard us too!” Lumbark pulled the reins and said to his generals: “Let them regret it and give us this weapon!”

“Yes!” a general bowed his head and replied, and then in his shout, one after another huge bronze cannons were pushed out of the crowd. The calibers of these huge cannons were larger than those drawn on Chris’ drawings. , The caliber is also larger, about 100 mm.

Then, countless Arrant soldiers began to work around these cannons. They stuffed gunpowder into the cannon, and then a huge solid iron ball. Only when this iron ball was fired, this cannon’s The firing range can reach the longest distance designed.

“Huh! Ha!” One after another chants sounded on the artillery positions of the Arante Empire. These soldiers pulled the artillery and drove the horses, pushing these heavy artillery into the firing position.

And on the far plain facing them, the commander of Allan Hill’s army, Coria, put down his binoculars and turned his head to look at a general next to him: “What are they doing? Those are more than a carriage. What is huge is also a cannon?”

“I don’t know! General! Our artillery is ready! Can fire at any time…Should we give priority to destroying those’red cannons’ to ensure the safety of our infantry?”

“Of course! Fire immediately! Kick the opponent’s artillery out of the battlefield! I don’t want to hear the enemy’s artillery. It’s best not to let me hear it!” Coria’s expression was deep and he ordered his artillery commander.

The opponent made a fist with his right hand and pressed it against his chest, then took the reins of the horse, turned the horse’s head, and rushed towards the artillery position not far away. Less than a minute later, Ailan Hill’s artillery began to play.

“Boom! Boom!” With the first round of firing, each artillery cannon staggered its own firing time. They want their observers to confirm the landing point of their shells, so that they can adjust their shooting angles in subsequent shots.

After more than a year of rapid development, Ailan Hill’s artillery has formed a system of its own. They have their own technology and their own tactics, and they are no longer simply rookies who fire and pour ammunition.

Afterwards, in Koria’s telescope, in the far Alan troop formation, there was a huge explosion, which lifted up wisps of black smoke straight into the sky. The opponent’s position began to be chaotic, and the original neat square also changed its shape.

“Boom!” After adjusting his shooting parameters, the second round of artillery began immediately, and the post-loaded cannon demonstrated a powerful rate of fire advantage. The caliber of Ailan Hill’s artillery is not big but powerful, and it is easier for soldiers to reload.

More than half of the artillery shells poured out by these 75mm field infantry guns once again fell into the artillery positions of the Arrant Empire. For a time thick smoke covered the artillery positions of the Arrant Empire, and even Ailansi. The artillery observers in Seoul couldn’t see the results of their battles.

“I hope these idiots can learn a lesson! Cannons are not bigger and stronger!” Putting down the binoculars, Coria sneered and said to the people around him. His words drew a lot of laughter, and the atmosphere suddenly became alive. It seemed that everyone was camping instead of fighting.

On the opposite side of the Arante Empire, the atmosphere was not so relaxed and cozy. With his face already ugly to the extreme, Alan Te Rumbach looked at the artillery position that had been almost abolished, and gritted his teeth and gave the order to continue fighting.

“Let the remaining artillery be ready to fight back! Even if there is only one cannon, we have to give each other a bit of color!” He ordered, while looking at the Ailan Hill formation in the distance.

It is more accurate to say that it is a line of soldiers than a line of soldiers: the opponent seems to have only three rows of soldiers, and the line drawn by the battle line is about the same length as the 50,000 people of the Arante Empire here. Such a line of defense is not thick at all, and it can’t stop the impact of cavalry or infantry at all.

But the premise is that there are cavalry or infantry that can rush to this line. Although there was an ominous hunch, looking at the opponent’s slender line of troops, Alan Te Rumbach still thought that he should tentatively attack his opponent before making plans.

Even if it weighs over 10,000 people, he still has an advantage. It is better to be able to defeat the opponent. If he can’t defeat the opponent, he seems to have time to retreat. Anyway, the opponent doesn’t have a dragon knight, and of course it can’t do the whole process of crushing and killing.

“General Amir! Take your 10,000-strong team forward! Break through the thin line of defense of the opponent, I guarantee that His Majesty the Emperor will promote you to a general!” Looking at the brave general next to him, Lumbark snapped Commanded.

After destroying the artillery of the Arante Empire, the opposing artillery began extended shooting. Several infantry phalanxes had been hit by artillery shells, and the losses began to scare the soldiers. If you don’t attack anymore at this time, the entire army will collapse.

So Lumbak started a counterattack. He wanted to overwhelm the dominant force and let the two armies contact as much as possible. As long as he fights together, he can take advantage of his military strength and crush the opponent’s line of defense.

“Let the two-winged cavalry attack! No miracle will happen when you wait in place!” Although he is not very optimistic about his cavalry combat effectiveness, Krumbach decided to put pressure on the opponent’s two wings as soon as possible, so that the opponent cannot use artillery unscrupulously. .

“Elan Hill has her own new cannon! Send this news back to the King City immediately! We were fooled!” He handed the envelope with his own seal to a messenger, and Lumbark asked the other party: “Maybe Ailan Hill may have other weapons, so your Majesty must be careful!”

The messenger nodded and rode his horse to fly south. A dozen knights joined behind the messenger in the distance. Watching these cavalry run away, Lumbak turned his attention back to the battlefield.

At this time, the artillery of the Arrant Empire, who was finally ready, fired their first artillery sound: “Boom!”

An artillery shell smashed behind the grenadier of Ailan Hill, splashing a piece of dust on the clearing, and did not cause any casualties to Ailan Hill. And Ailan Hill’s artillery responded to the opponent’s provocation, and another round of shelling accurately landed on the position of the Arante Empire artillery, burying it in black smoke again.

“Go forward!” With a command next to each other, the phalanx of the Arrant Empire soldiers in gray armor began to move forward slowly. They stepped neatly, holding their spears high, and chanting slogans to their opponents. .

Opposite them, with the continuous beating of the marching drum, the Ailan Hill grenadiers had advanced hundreds of steps. These lightly armed infantry without armor protection moved forward step by step, and the muzzle of the rifle against the shoulders swayed from side to side.

Beside them, soldiers pushing heavy machine guns shouted slogans, bending over to keep the heavy Maxine within the infantry front. Behind them are the platoon commanders, company commanders, battalion commanders and regiment commanders who are advancing with the troops.

“The opposing cavalry is moving towards the two wings…” An officer looked at Korya and asked: “Should we pause to advance and be careful about our flanks?”

“No need! Let the prairie cavalry deal with the Arantan cavalry! If they lose, it doesn’t matter! I will penetrate the Chinese army on the opposite side, and I will have time to organize the formation!” Coria waved his hand confidently and denied. Followed the advice of his subordinates: “I only need one attack! That’s enough!”

“One, two, one! One, two, one!” On the battle line, every platoon leader kept chanting slogans to keep his soldiers in order. These soldiers have shortened the distance between themselves and each other to 500 meters, and now they are very close to each other.

“Go ahead! The enemy is right in front of you! Victory belongs to Ailan Hill!” Pressing his foot, a company commander pressed his saber and loudly reminded the soldiers next to him. Now he is also very nervous, because he was just a soldier who participated in the Battle of the Eastern Forest a year ago.

Now, he can command a company of soldiers, and he can’t believe that he will be a commander one day.

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