My Empire

Chapter 75 - Dragon knight

“Assault the Alanhill troops scattered outside!” This is a solution that Eldo thought of to solve the current trouble after losing half of the dragon knights.

Avoiding the reality is the illusion. This is a tactic that normal commanders would choose. It’s just that the former dragon knights didn’t bother to choose such a tactic, or in their eyes, mortals were actually the same. But now it’s different. They have encountered a hard nail, an unbreakable city!

If the Holy Demon Empire is willing to let this history pass on, then the city of Maricha is destined to be recorded in history: there are already 10 dragon knights shot down here.

On an ordinary anti-aircraft gun position, a group of anti-aircraft gunners were cheering desperately, because in the battle that just broke out, they had already shot down 3 giant dragons. It can be said that they are true dragon-slaying warriors: all the time. Adding up the dragon slaying warriors, there may not be a few people with such a dazzling record of slaughtering three dragons.

“Retreat! We can’t consume it like this anymore!” Seeing another dragon trying to dive and be shot down, Ildo knew that the knights on his side were already afraid, and it was very difficult for them to continue to attack.

Although the other party paid a heavy price, hundreds of people may have been killed in battle, but compared with the dragon knight, this kind of loss can be regarded as insignificant. The mortals in front of them are already on the rise, and if they want to fight fiercely, they will only make the opponent more and more brave.

“Huh!” The dragon under his hip flapped his wings and turned the dragon’s head to fly away. When the other dragon knights saw the knight commander take the lead to leave, they all followed. For a while, the dragon soaring in the sky retreated dingyly.

“Long live Ailanhill!” An Ailanhill grenadier with a rifle guarding the dragon above his head, saw the opponent retreating and flying away, raised his weapon aloft, and let out a hoarse roar.

By his side, hundreds of soldiers were turned to ashes in the dragon’s breath, and he saw his comrades burned to charcoal. But he saw victory now, and those dragon knights who seemed invincible had now retreated.

“Long live Ailan Hill!” All the soldiers around him uttered the same shout, which was a way for them to vent their inner fears and to show off their victory. They have a reason to do so now, because they just used their performance to defeat the invincible dragon.

Now, the dragon’s blood is still flowing on the city head, and the body of the giant dragon is still hanging on the city head, lying under the city, lying in the ruins of the city’s buildings. Facts have proved that the dragon knight can be defeated, and Ailan Hill’s industrial power can prevent mortals from being enslaved by the magicians and dragon knights of the magic empire.

“Come here if you have a kind! We will send you to hell! Bastards!” A soldier lay on the crenellation of the city wall, looking at the struggling dragon on the ground in the distance, using the biggest he could do. Power shouted.

“Is it possible for us to catch that dragon…?” Looking at the struggling behemoth far away from the city wall, an officer looked at the commander of the anti-aircraft artillery beside him. The commander in the red uniform shook his head and replied: “We can’t find such a thick chain for a while, and we don’t have the appropriate equipment.”

“That’s a pity, you can’t send a living dragon… to your majesty.” Hearing this answer, the infantry commander was very sorry and said: “I really want to give this gift to your majesty… He will like it very much.”

“There is no way. If there are more casualties at this time, it is estimated that your report will make you lose your current commander position.” The air force’s anti-aircraft gun commander held his binoculars and looked at the dragon in the distance. : “It’s a pity, it looks badly hurt.”

“Take it away.” The army commander himself knew that if he sent someone to catch the dragon, there might be casualties. When the time comes, his report will be really hard to write, so he can only give up unnecessary temptation.

His companion had already chosen the way to deal with it, so the officer in the red uniform waved his arm forward. Above the anti-aircraft gun next to him, the gunner in charge of the elevation angle began to quickly shake the handle, so that the gun barrel quickly pointed to the ground.

“Boom! Boom!” At the almost immobile dragon, the anti-aircraft gun fired two shells. The first of these two shells pierced the dragon wing, and then smashed a rib of the dragon. , Smashed the internal organs in the abdominal cavity.

Another shell hit the struggling neck of the giant dragon, leaving a huge blood hole in it, allowing the red dragon blood to gush out from this large hole and converge under the dragon’s body. A small brook.

“Now, send troops to deal with these corpses properly! At least, let our enemy, don’t forget today!” Seeing that the dragon struggled twice at last, and then did not move again, the air defense artillery of the Air Force The commander suggested with a smile.

“If you don’t tell me, I know what to do! Let them think of death when they mention Maricha!” The army officer pressed his sword and walked under the city wall. There, there is already a army waiting, they are going out of the city to check all the dragon corpses.

In the city, among the ruins of a collapsed house, a dragon is leaning on the edge of the ruins to breathe. It can no longer emit deadly flames, nor can it emit those roars that make people and domestic animals tremble.

It can only lie there quietly now, breathing in ordinary air without magic, continuing its life that is about to come to an end. Its pupils, erected like poisonous snakes, are losing their luster a little bit, but they are still stubbornly reluctant to close.

“Sorry, I didn’t take you to victory.” By the side of the dragon, a dragon knight stretched out his hand to press the dragon’s trembling neck, and comforted his companion in a low voice.

Like the war horse of the steppe, the dragon knight will also take good care of his dragon. Because dragons have longer lives, the giant dragons that many dragon knights ride on are precious treasures handed down from their parents and even their ancestors.

These dragons are the “comrades” of the dragon knights, not mounts in the traditional sense. They fought side by side with their partners and served the magic empire until they died, and then they were gloriously returned to the dragon tomb and turned into magic power to nourish the offspring that had not hatched.

“Now, I’m going to fight! Man! I won’t let you hurt any more!” said the dragon knight, taking his hand back to his side. He drew a long sword gleaming with magic light from his waist and looked at the Ailan Hill soldiers who were surrounding the rubble.

“I have to say, you still underestimate me!” Looking at the Ailan Hill soldiers with rifles, he waved his long sword and shouted loudly: “Go to death! Stupid mortals. You are ants after all! Only worthy of being trampled underfoot!”

With his shout, his long sword suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a lightning bolt jumped from the blade of the sword and struck an Ailanhill grenadier in the distance. After the lightning struck, the light on the blade of the dragon knight’s sword became a lot dim.

He had seen the weapons in the hands of the Ailan Hill soldiers on the opposite side firing. He also knew that he could not hold the opponent’s attack, so he came up and prepared to use the fastest attack to kill as many enemies as possible.

“Crack!” In the next second, with a finger of his long sword, another bolt of thunder surged from the sword, hitting an Ailan Hill grenadier who was pulling the bolt and preparing to attack. This immediately smashed the soldier into black charcoal, and after falling to pieces, it was still steaming.

The remaining Ailan Hill soldiers were not in the mood to be polite, they immediately opened fire, pouring firepower at the dangerous “magic”. The bullet hit the gorgeous armor of the dragon knight, and shot out a burst of sparks.

This armor seems to have much better protection than ordinary armor, but it can’t completely prevent bullet attacks. A bullet pierced the armor, and the dragon knight knelt on one knee immediately, unable to advance half a step further.

The light on his armor is no longer there, and the long sword in his hand has no light anymore. There was blood constantly pouring out of his mouth, and his whole body was dizzy, and he didn’t have the strength to fight anymore.

In the end, he still struggled to move forward, but was overwhelmed by the rubble under his feet and fell to the ground. He lay on the ground and pulled his face, looking at the dragon corpse that was no longer breathing, he smiled bitterly and didn’t know what to do.

In his desperate sight, he saw the Ailan Hill grenadiers in the distance had bayonet their weapons. Those slender three-rowed army thorns reflected chilling light in the sunlight.

Is he going to die here? It’s really a pity… This dragon knight wanted to prop up his body, but he could only turn over with all his strength. He was originally lying on the ground, but now he can finally see the sky he once soared.

The black smoke brushed in front of his eyes, making the sky look ugly. Soon, in his line of sight, several bayonets split the sky.

“Stop!” Just as these bayonet knives were about to pierce through the gap in his armor and pierce his body that had run out of magic, a voice came abruptly from a distance. The grenadiers finally stopped, and did not pierce the sharp army into his neck and chest.

“The dragon didn’t catch… It’s okay to catch a prisoner of the Holy Demon Empire!” An officer holding a sword came over and stood beside the dragon knight, looking down at the man from the Holy Demon Empire at his feet.” Monster”, he said: “Catch someone alive, and give it to your majesty!” ——

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