My Empire

Chapter 79 - Influence

The 3 ten-thousand-thousand troops of the Arrant Empire retreated. After leaving the bodies of almost 7,000 soldiers and covering the entire wilderness, they finally left the **** **** of Maricha.

Behind them, the corpses were densely packed, and the flag of the Arrant Empire fell on these corpses, and no one even dared to pick them up. Everyone looked desperately at the city wall that spewed countless tongues of fire in the depths of Xiaolindi, with deep fear and sorrow.

When they were closest to the city wall, they were also more than 200 meters away from Marica. Their archers didn’t even have the opportunity to attack on their backs. They were greeted by the dense bullets. They suffered heavy losses and lost their combat effectiveness.

If the other party suffers a little bit more shame and boldness, it can even wipe out the 30,000 Alantian soldiers completely without letting a person leave. As long as the opponent waits for the opponent to get closer to one hundred meters, and then fires again, the loss of these three Arante phalanxes may be doubled.

“The offensive is basically suicide. The opponent has the ability to slay dragons. We should all feel lucky that we didn’t go out of the city to meet.” Watching our army collapse and retreat, even the last point of fighting intent cannot be mentioned. A commander The official sighed depressed.

He couldn’t believe that his immediate boss, General Zorn, would order an attack on such a city. The combat effectiveness of both parties was not at the same level. Let alone attack, it would be a very good ending to be able to hold the position.

If he knew that there was another term called “plane”, he would even use “not in the same plane” to describe the gap between the defenders of Marijane and the army under his command. That is the gap between the mortal empire and the magic empire, insurmountable…

The other commander of the ten thousand team also had a miserable look. His troops had not been involved in this deadly attack, but he watched the whole process, so he clearly realized the relationship between them and their opponents. The gap: “Yes, if the other party wants to understand this and pull the soldiers out of the line, we have only one way back.”

The third general rolled his eyes, and he could feel his calf trembling on the horse. He saw with his own eyes a 10,000-person team commander who was hit by a shell in the team, and the entire 10,000-person team was plunged into chaos in an instant.

The opponent’s long-range attack power is already stronger than the magic empire’s long-range attack. At least in the area of ​​artillery, Ailan Hill’s artillery can provide firepower support for their friendly forces over 3 kilometers away from the Holy Demon Empire. Less than this.

He is now very glad that he was not the first to walk on such a battlefield, so he whispered: “The question is, can we go? The other party just keeps biting the troops behind our palace and slaughter them, and wait for us to return. In Farud, it would be nice to have 100,000 people left.”

“You are really optimistic. In this case, do you dare to stay at Farud?” The officer who spoke first sneered and said: “Facing such a troop, we definitely can’t hold Farud. .”

Yes, who would dare to face such an enemy head-on? If they really had the courage, they should have died on the battlefield against the Holy Demon Empire long ago when the Holy Demon Empire was fighting against others, right?

Shouldn’t the courage of mortals be trampled underfoot by magicians long ago? Why can the mortal empire Ailanhill on the opposite side have the courage to face the dragon? Why can those mortals who are also mortals complete the feat of slaying dragons?

Throughout the ages, how many heroes have raised the banner of opposing the magic empire? How many brave soldiers are willing to stand up and follow them? But in the end? They were all buried in the long river of history, and none of them succeeded.

The problem is… now a group of people succeeded! They raised the banner of fighting against the Holy Demon Empire, but it was a miracle that they were able to win! This miracle will eventually be like light, illuminating the entire darkness.

God knows how many people will rush to Ellen Hill after hearing about Mariza’s terrifying battle. God knows how many people are willing to use their lives to fight for Ailan Hill. Those who still have hope in their hearts and still use courage in their bones will become the cornerstone of Ailan Hill’s rise.

And all mortal empires know that only those with courage and hope are the most precious talents. Those leaders who raised the banner of rebelling against the magic empire all wanted to recruit these people, so they carried the burden of mortals against the magician.

After countless failures, as long as they shouted the slogan against the magic empire, there will still be people who are willing to use their lives to support such a monarch leader. Then, when the mortals of the world hear about the victory after Maricha, what will they become? appearance?

How many civilians will be willing to become Ailan Hillers? How many troops will enter Ailan Hill to fight for it? How many rich people will be willing to dedicate their wealth? How many will there be…

Just thinking about it, I know how limitless the future of Alanhill is. If Alanhill can maintain Marissa’s victory, then Alanhill can become the only mortal empire in the world if he wants to. !

Just need to fantasize about it, and the scene will make people excited! Hundreds of millions of people will sing aloud to a banner, millions and tens of millions of troops will go through fire and water for a name, and the wisest counselor and the bravest general in the entire mortal world will have allegiance to only one person…

“I really sympathize with Frankie and Adam now…” More and more commanders joined this pessimistic discussion, expressing their views that they are more willing to retreat: “In the face of such an army, It’s not a shame to lose the city.”

The commander’s words aroused the approval of a group of colleagues. Before they heard that Adam was defeated and died, Frankie was invincible, and they felt that the two men were too underestimated or misunderstood. It now seems that no matter how much they value the enemy in front of them, they will not escape the fate of a disastrous defeat.

“Yeah! Worthy of sympathy…” The other commander smiled bitterly, and looked at the huge Ailan Hill black golden eagle king flag on the wall in the distance with longing eyes.

Maybe General Frankie saw the battle of Maricha, he wouldn’t die in the ghost place of Volavo, right? If he knew that Airanhill had finally become the hope of mortals to defeat the magic empire, this old general might also be happy to stand on Ailanhill’s side, right?

There seemed to be some care in his mind, the commander smiled at his colleagues around him, and left the small forest overlooking the entire battlefield. Strictly speaking, this forest is actually within the range of Ailan Hill’s artillery, which is not considered safe.

“It seems that I can’t count on these mortal troops.” Looking at the corpse in the distance, General Moss, the general of the Holy Demon Empire, knew that he continued to send soldiers to attack the city. Apart from losing more troops, there was nothing. Little use.

“Encircling here, siege is not a good choice.” He then spoke again, denying another seemingly reasonable attack mode: “As long as the opponent wants to break through, they can break through and leave. In this case, the siege is divided, except for being divided. If it is eliminated, there will be no better ending.”

“Obviously, these mortals have really made some incredible weapons.” General Moss frowned, thinking about how to stabilize the situation.

In front of an army of hundreds of thousands of mortals, command 3000 magic cavalry to attack the opponent’s city wall? If you put it in the past, of course he would make such a decision without even thinking about it. Anyway, there will be no accidents, and there will be no losses…

But now, he dare not take this risk: if the attack fails, it would be nothing for him to lose some cavalry, but if the mortal on the opposite side is blessed with some “power of faith”, it is very likely that the Arantan troops here will turn back. .

The majesty of the Holy Demon Empire has already been severely provoked, and the head of a giant dragon still hangs on the head of Marisa. In this case, if he loses again, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, he can’t take risks, he can only be cautious and enter the battle when he is sure of victory, and then it is logical to once again show the majesty of the Holy Demon Empire in front of the hundreds of thousands of army, to frighten these mortals who are ready to move.

Just as he was thinking about how to break the situation in front of him, three giant dragons hovered down in the sky and landed on the reverse **** behind the forest. Ildo, who was slightly embarrassed, turned over and jumped off the dragon’s back, and walked in front of General Moss with his sword.

“General!” He stopped in front of General Moss, a little tired, and bowed his head in a mournful voice: “The subordinates did not complete the task of the general, and they were not able to destroy Maricha. I am very sorry!”

It was different from the first time he and General Moss came to the Mortal Empire to execute the warning to the Arante Empire. At this time, he no longer had the arrogance of the Holy Demon Empire Dragon Knight, and seemed to have a bit more fireworks of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. breath.

“Just come back! Just come back!” General Moss patted Ildo on the arm, expressing his tolerance. After he comforted Ildo, he asked about the current situation: “I am going to attack Maricha, what do you think?”

“I just saw this attack from the side. These cunning mortals didn’t use their truly terrifying weapons! So you can’t attack Maricha head-on! It’s no different from suicide!” Hildo stopped General Moss from thinking about it. A fluke risky behavior.

“They have more terrifying weapons?” General Moss was taken aback, and then looked in the direction of Maricha with an incredible expression: “This is really… surprising news!”

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