My Empire

Chapter 83 - Fall down

“Go to hell!” Almost at the same time, an Ailan Hill anti-aircraft gunner pointed his pair of aerial sights at the Saint Demon Empire cavalry who was rapidly approaching them not far away.

“Hope, you guys can hold this too! Silly x!” After cursing loudly, he pulled the trigger to fire, and then the 30mm caliber dual-purpose gun began to sing.

“Boom! Bang!” The seemingly unpleasant rate of fire and the unpleasant sound of continuous firing suddenly made the battlefield noisy. A cannonball hit the knight who was blocking its advancement, and then shredded the poor creature in its way.

Immediately after breaking the giant horse’s neck, the shell broke the knight’s body, then flew behind the knight, smashed another soldier’s armor, and penetrated the knight’s. chest.

Afterwards, with an indomitable momentum, the shell continued to fly forward, penetrated into the body of the third knight, and shattered the knight’s lungs. When he vomited blood and turned over and fell from the back of the horse, there was a blood mist around him.

The second shell hit the crowd at this time, and it was also in an unstoppable state. The blood of this knight splashed on the face of another knight, and the arm of the other knight fell into the arms of his comrades behind him…

On both sides of the position of the 1st regiment, two 30mm anti-aircraft guns began to fire flat, showing for the first time the terrible attack power of this weapon in the ground state. In World War II, the flat-fire of anti-aircraft guns has begun to become a disaster for infantry and tank soldiers on the battlefield. The flat-fire anti-aircraft guns in this different world also brought a lingering nightmare to the magic cavalry.

The crossfire began to harvest the lives of countless holy demon empire magic cavalry. Those giant horse cavalry who were about to crash into a group of positions fell one after another on their way forward.

The battlefield has once again turned into a total slaughter, but this time it is not the knights of the magic empire who have begun to kill the opponents frantically this time, but the mortal empire soldiers who have mastered advanced weapon technology.

“Bullets!” After lighting up the chain of one hundred bullets, a machine gun shooter turned his head to his deputy shooter and shouted hysterically. The enemy was already in front of him. He had to race against time to dump the bullets. Just work.

Next to him, the deputy shooter had pressed a brand new bullet chain into the gun body and buttoned the upper cover. After completing a series of reloading actions, the deputy shooter shouted hysterically at almost the same time: “The reloading is complete!”

“Wow!” Pulling the bolt, the shooter once again pointed the muzzle of the machine gun at the Saint Demon Empire cavalry who had been destroyed by artillery fire. Without hesitation, he squeezed his trigger, and his muzzle spit out flames again.

“Tutu! Tutu!” The densely packed bullets rushed to the enemy on the opposite side, leaving a fire and blood mist on the enemy. In the gap in his aiming camera, he clearly saw the enemies falling one after another in the rainstorm formed by bullets.

General Moss felt that his breathing was becoming difficult. He saw the knights in front of him falling one by one on the way forward, and he saw the knights beside him one after another fragmented in the blood.

Perhaps, his casualties have exceeded 1,000, right? Maybe, there are already 1,500 people, right? General Moss, who didn’t dare to see how many knights were left, had only one idea now, and that was to rush into the enemy’s position in front of him as soon as possible.

In the past, he longed to rush into the enemy’s position because he longed for victory again and again, longing for the great victory that could stimulate his nerves. But this time is different. He is eager to rush into the enemy’s position because he knows that only then can he survive.

It was a ridiculous causality, but General Moss found himself unable to laugh at all. The enemies in front of him didn’t know when they started to become invincible. At this moment, the figures of those tiny mortals became tall like giants.

On his way forward, there seemed to be an invisible wall, and those holy demon empire knights who hit this wall would be **** and shattered. No matter how brave or powerful they were, they became fragile and insignificant in front of this insurmountable wall.

“Last time, when was there such a sense of powerlessness that he couldn’t defeat his opponent?” General Moss asked himself bitterly, but no one gave him this answer. Having been in the east for too long, it seems that even my courage has been consumed…

“For the Holy Demon Empire! Go forward!” Exhausting all his strength, Moss shouted slogans encouraging the soldiers to advance in the center of the cavalry team. This may be the first time in hundreds of years that the troops of the Magic Empire need encouragement to dare to continue to face the mortal army.

“Long live the Holy Demon Empire!” As if it were self-hypnosis, these great horse knights of the Holy Demon Empire also screamed, as if only in this way could they have the courage to continue to launch against the enemy’s position that is constantly spitting flames. Shock.

Unfortunately, under the cutting of steel, their courage became less and less, becoming as fragile as their flesh and blood. Under the attack of Ailan Hill’s heavy machine gun and the ammunition fired by the anti-aircraft gun, the mighty cavalry team became fewer and fewer.

“The dragon knight hasn’t been dispatched yet? This is… really strange.” Looking at the magic empire cavalry on the battlefield that was on the verge of collapse, Chris frowned and muttered with some doubt.

He did not expect that the Holy Demon Empire did not dispatch the few remaining dragon knight troops in the end. According to his idea, when the cavalry attacked, those terrible air forces should join the battlefield.

After all, this is almost a typical blitz warfare tactic. While the “tank” troops were advancing, they used bombers to clear the way. Unfortunately, the opponent did not cause him such serious trouble. They attacked separately and did not join the battlefield at the same time.

“Maybe, their dragon knight has already left…” Wilkes put down the binoculars he was holding and looked at his monarch: “Your Majesty, on the front battlefield, we have already won.”

At this moment when he was speaking, about 3,000 giant horse cavalry of the Holy Demon Empire were almost half down. This was absolutely a fatal blow to a cavalry team, because the remaining troops were completely unable to continue their offensive.

These cavalry were disrupted in formation, and they didn’t know how to face the corpses of their comrades and countless blood. They had lost their fighting spirit, and even lacked the courage to continue to charge forward.

Some soldiers want to pull their horses to retreat, some want to stop and wait for orders, some soldiers have been beaten through their bodies, and some soldiers are helplessly following their commanders to continue the charge.

The cavalry unit that crossed the line of firepower is no longer crushed in black, but has been fragmented into several small units that are no longer continuous. These forces had no threat in front of the Grenadiers in Ailan Hill.

General Moss wanted to stabilize his troops, and he wanted to work harder towards victory. He drives his giant horse and keeps approaching the enemy’s position directly in front of him. He is even ready for magic. As long as he gets closer to ten meters, he can release a fireball and destroy the machine gun in front of him. position.

“Close! Closer!” Seeing that the target was already within his range, he felt that the horse under his hip suddenly lost its strength. His whole person fell forward because of inertia, and the adjutant who had been blocking him was covered with blood and fell down at the same time.

The shell penetrated the adjutant’s body and also hit the giant horse under General Moss’ crotch. General Moss had no time to think. He rolled on the spot when he fell to the ground. At the same time, he threw away the broken lance and drew the sword from his waist.

He slammed into the body of the adjutant’s horse, stood up unharmed, and then faced the Ailan Hill grenadier who was close at hand, and took his own steps. His armor was already gray, and he had begun to gasp. After losing the burden of the giant horse, the heavy armor became the burden of General Moss.

So his steps were a bit staggering, and his figure was no longer agile. While preparing his magic, he was hit by countless bullets coming from the front. The long sword that was already burning could only be used as a cane and stalked on the ground. General Moss tried to stand still, but found that his body had not listened to his commands.

He looked down at the holes in his chest, but he could only vomit blood when he wanted to open his mouth. His knees were already on the ground, and his body couldn’t help leaning forward. When General Moss’ face hit the ground, he could only see the mud in front of him, a little bit soaked with his own blood.

When Ailan Hill’s heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns stopped to cool down the barrels, the holy demon empire cavalry on the front had become a sea of ​​corpses…The scattered knights who had lost their horses were struggling from I stood up on the ground, looking so helpless and hesitating.

“Chang!” Walter, the commander of the 1st regiment, drew out his long sword and pointed it in the direction of the 13th regiment: “1st regiment! Go ahead!”

“Chang!” The officers drew out their long swords following his orders, and the phalanx of the 1st regiment began to move slowly forward with the accompaniment of the drums. The densely packed bayonet forms a forest, a sharp and deadly forest.

“Avenge the brothers of the 13th regiment! We don’t want to be captured in this battle!” The sharp forest panned down neatly in the shout, and then stabbed the giant horses that fell on the ground and were still screaming, and also Knights of the Holy Demon Empire who want to struggle.

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