My Empire

Chapter 97 - fly

“You tell me…you won’t die if you jump down?” In the twisted dream, a boy stared at his friend with an unbelievable expression and asked.

He was standing on a cliff with a terrifying abyss at his feet, but his friend actually vowed to tell him that he would not fall to death if he jumped.

“Like a bird, give yourself two wings? Do you think we are magicians? Can fly in the wind?” The boy looked at his companion nervously, and persuaded, “I advise you not to try…”

“The teacher said, don’t be dominated by fear!” With his hands carrying a huge sail-like glider, the other boy was full of confident smiles: “A mortal can fly!”

“I’m here! Long live Ailan Hill!” With a sudden force on his legs, the boy took a step toward the canyon. Because the glider was facing the wind, his steps were very heavy and he was struggling to walk step by step.

But he still rushed to the wind resolutely, until there was no road under his feet, until he rushed to the end of the cliff.

“Huh!” An exhilarating whistling sound came from his ear, and the boy opened his eyes, and he found that he was already soaring in the air. His glider was flying in the wind, as thin as a leaf.

“I’m flying! I’m flying!” The boy yelled frantically in the sky, his voice surging back and forth in the canyon. The boy standing on the edge of the cliff opened his eyes wide, and he couldn’t believe his eyes until now.

The boy with his hands tied to the grip of the glider was screaming frantically at this time. His glider was dancing in the wind, taking him to an unprecedented new height.

The wind from the sky blew on his face, making him unable to open his eyes at all. But he still felt the embrace of the blue sky, which was an inspiring beauty.

“Wooha! I love to fly!” With this shout, the glider that the boy drives rolled in the sky, as agile as a bird.

“It turns out that mortals can really fly.” The little boy standing on the edge of the cliff looked up at the sky above his head, and for the first time had the desire to fly. In his opinion, if he can walk against the wind, then he must be a greater person than a magician.

Suddenly, the glider in the sky began to dive straight down, followed by the boy’s panic shouting. The glider lost control in the sky and plunged its passengers to the ground.

Just as the glider was about to hit the ground, it raised its head stubbornly again, and finally glided into a bush and fell to pieces.

The little boy standing on the cliff witnessed what happened in front of him. He watched in horror as the glider rolled and shattered in the bushes, and finally scattered into a piece of wreckage. Stunned for a few seconds, the little boy seemed to remember something, and turned and ran behind him: “Mom! Mom! Something happened to my brother!”

“Are you ready? Child! Are you ready?” A closer and closer voice pulled Oaken from his memories back to reality. A middle-aged man tapped on the glass window next to Oakland. , Asked loudly: “Are you ready?”

“Yes! Sir, I’m ready!” Orange once again looked at the operation drawings sandwiched in front of him, nodded to the window and replied.

“This is a very important experiment! Oak! You are the best among us! If you give up now, we will postpone the experiment! That’s okay! Don’t force yourself!” The man outside the glass window became nervous. Roared.

Oakland gave a thumbs up to the other party, saying that everything is normal: “Sir! I’m ready! For three months, I have been dreaming of this day! Gods are above, and God blesses Ailanxi.” Yeah!”

Hearing Oak’s answer, the sadness on the middle-aged man’s face faded a lot. He also gave a thumbs up to Oak, and then jumped from where he was standing.

“Prepare in all aspects! Clean up the slide… Check the wind direction… Prepare for the timing, three, two, one! The experiment begins!” The middle-aged man paid attention to the arrangement to the staff full of people, and finally started the countdown.

As the countdown began, a row of staff pushed the all-wood glider onto the run-up slide, and then the elaborate glider rushed towards the end of the runway by its own gravity.

Accompanied by a slight shaking, this beautiful modern glider rose into the wind, flying in a very stable attitude. It flew out a graceful arc of climbing in the sky, dancing lightly in the wind.

“If I had this three months ago, I would be the one who tested the flight today.” Standing in the audience, a boy with crutches raised his head enviously, looking at the beautiful glider in the sky, and sighed sourly. Tao.

Next to him, a middle-aged woman slapped his head on the back of his head: “I knew I was leading your brother to mess around! To mess around! If you weren’t dead, you died in the canyon last month!”

“This is not a nonsense, mother…” His eyes were reluctant to leave the glider in the sky, and the boy’s tears couldn’t stop flowing down: “You don’t know, what does this mean to us…”

In the sky, in the cockpit of that glider, Oak pulled the joystick and made himself roll with the plane. He has trained countless times on the ground, and this time there is no rolling experiment item. But Oaken felt that there was a voice in his body constantly bewitching him and asked him to try some bold flight movements.

So he obeyed the voice in his body and satisfied his own infinite desire. He drove this unpowered glider tumbling in the sky like an elf dancing.

“The experiment went well.” Chris moved the telescope in front of him, looked at the glider flying in the sky, and said to everyone around him.

“You once told me that anyone can fly in the sky. I still don’t believe what you said. I think you exaggerated the power of industry.” Looking at the glider flying in the sky, Desaier exclaimed: “Now It seems that I underestimated this power…”

“With my accomplishments, I still can’t fly in the sky… But, you have given a mortal the ability to fly… I don’t know how to describe it, but I think this is an unprecedented great cause.” Frenzberger The Great Mage exclaimed.

“Hope, there is time for the engine factory…” Wagron and Modler, two generals who rushed back from the front to participate in this experimental performance, raised their heads and looked at the sky, excited that even the tone of speech changed a little. Up.

For many years, the mode of war of mortals has always been flat. Those arms that soar in the sky have always been unique to the Magic Empire. Today, they saw a miracle, a miracle of a mortal flying in the sky.

It won’t be long before mortals can form their own air force, and instead of looking up at the sky, they can calmly overlook the earth. What exciting news is this? What an exciting thing is this?

“It must be unable to keep up with the speed.” Gurlo smiled awkwardly, and then explained in the contempt of a group of people: “The new engine is very sophisticated. This is an unprecedented advanced machine. If it were not for the help of the Magic Ball of Knowledge, we would not even dare to try.”

A few days ago, the magic concentrate shipped from Volavor finally arrived in the city of Seris. Thanks to the efforts of Frentzberg and William, the first batch of magic concentrates were made into magic **** of knowledge, which led to the flourishing development of the Air Force.

“3128 magic **** of knowledge, the air force and air force related personnel accounted for 933. This is still crying and shouting that it is not enough…” Thinking of this, Deans felt painful, and watched happily flying in the sky. The glider said dumbfoundedly.

“Don’t tell me, I have made more than 700 now, and half of them have been taken away by air force related personnel…” Frenzberg’s magician also followed to vomit. In order to form the air force, Ailan Hill did his best. They work day and night, and even Chris hasn’t rested for several days.

Chris, who was given the nickname of the humanoid self-propelled plotter, is really struggling to survive. In order to build the Air Force of Ailan Hill, he has sublimated his “plotter” ability to a higher level…

In the past few days, under his leadership, Ailan Hill has built a brand-new aircraft manufacturing factory. Many of the equipment in it are made by semi-manual methods by the best technicians in the parts factory.

In order to build this aircraft production line, or the aircraft production workshop, Chris used more than 310 magic **** of knowledge only on the production workers. And this production line can barely produce one aircraft engine every day…

Many parts still need to be corrected manually, and the production of the engine even needs manual debugging. All the technologies, including metal skins, are brand new, and some even barely reach a usable level with the addition of Hui iron.

While the aircraft factory is constantly debugging and commissioning, the training of pilots is also in full swing. All relevant personnel have used the Magic Ball of Knowledge, and every person in the sky has undergone rigorous training, and the Air Force has become the team with the highest level of education in Ailan Hill.

A large number of people who have used the Magic Ball of Knowledge are gathered here, as well as top talents in many industries. It is not an easy task to build a modern aviation environment from scratch. If it weren’t for something like the magic ball of knowledge, it would be an impossible task.

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