My Enigmatic Life

Disappointing Off-Day

(Shizuku’s POV)

   “Hey, hey Shizuku-chan!”
Ah, it’s Mei-san and the others from our literature club. I guess her lesson finished just then, as well.

“Hello, everyone. How were your classes?”

“Fine, I guess. I’m starting to regret taking up physics, though.”, Honda-san says.

Honda-san is the vice president of the reading club. He’s a bit lax, but quite dependable.

“Are you finally coming to join us at club this time?”, Airi-san asks.

I bow to them as an apology.

“Sorry, but I’m still doing my daily lessons.”

“Don’t worry about it!”, Mei-san smiles. “After all, you’re actually making progress for once!”

“That’s right. At this rate, we won’t have anything to tease her with anymore.”


“That’s why I’m working so hard”, I pout. “You all were so mean before. Even Suzuki-senpai would join in.”

My fellow club members laugh at my indignation before bidding me goodbye. I leave the campus of our small college and head home.

“I’m home.”

“Welcome back, Shizu.”

“Hey, Ane-ue!”

Haha-ue and Take-chan are here to greet me as per usual, with Take-chan running up to meet me. Colen-san should be here soon, so I’d better get ready.

“Ane-ue, when is Ani-ue coming?”

“Colen-san will be here soon enough, and stop calling him Ani-ue.”

Take-chan and Colen-san managed to get close with each other in such a short time. Which is surprising considering how Take-chan viewed him as some dangerous foreigner.

“But aren’t you going to marry him?”

“Wha-?! Of course not, Take-chan! Did you forget that I’m already arranged to be engaged?””

Although, I know nothing about my arranged partner at all. Not even his name.

“Mou, I wish that your father never agreed to that.”, Haha-ue sighs. “It takes away the joy of truly falling in love.”

“Why didn’t you try to argue with him then?”

Haha-ue’s face breaks into a wide, eerie smile.

“Oh, you know that’s nearly impossible for me to argue with my master, Shizuku.”

Yes..I know. It goes against your very being, doesn’t it? And seeing as how I’m your daughter-

“Trust me, Shizuku. Once you find the one you’ll call ‘-sama’, you’ll find yourself with a new understanding of life.”

I know, but I want him to be a good person, like chichi-ue and jii-chan. Speaking of jii-chan, I should see if he’s awake.


It’s a phone call from Colen-san.

“Hello, Colen-san. What is it, will you be late?”

Colen-san’s low, bassy voice echoes in my ears.

“Sorry, but I won’t be able to come this time. Some business with work, you see.”

“I see…”

“Make sure that you review our previous subjects, okay? I’ll stay an extra hour next time to make up for today. And tell Take that we’ll play for a bit more, too.”

“Alright, then. Good-bye.”

I said ‘good-bye’ in English. Hearing that, Colen-san sounds pleased.
“Huhu, good job. Maybe you’ll get praised by your father and grandfather, after all. See you ‘morrow.”

With that, Colen-san hangs up.

“Sorry, Take-chan. Colen-san can’t come, but he said he’ll play with you for longer tomorrow.”


He’s obviously disappointed, I think that I’ll ‘play’ with him instead. I need the practice anyway.

“You seem let down, Shizuku. You must have been really looking forward to seeing him.”

Haha-ue teases me. I feel my face getting hot, but somehow I can’t bring myself to refute what she said.

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