My Enigmatic Life

Volume Seven, Chapter Four:

    Normally, I would arrive at the Hisakawa residence at around three or so. But since I couldn’t make it yesterday, I decided that I would come an hour earlier alongside staying an hour longer. I feel like I have to because Hisakawa-san sounded a bit disappointed when I said that I couldn’t make it. But what’s strange is that I can feel Hisakawa-san’s mana. I gather that she doesn’t have any classes today, eh? Of course, I feel Take’s as well.


Oh, Take and Hisakawa-san are sparring! Hisakawa-san, she’s an archer, and she’s got Take on the defensive. Hisakawa-san knocks an arrow into her bow and fires. Take ducks under it and charges at her with a full head of steam. Unfortunately, the arrow hooks a U-turn and strikes him right in the back. Naturally, it’s a practice arrow so it doesn’t pierce him, but the force from the mana imbued in it knocks him flat.


“Are you okay, Take-chan?”, Hisakawa-san asks worriedly.

“Of course I am! Let’s go again!”

“Slow it down, Take. You’re bleeding.”

The Hisakawa siblings turn their attention to me, who has finally decided to stop spying and join them.

“Oh, Colen-san! You’re very early today!”

“Ani-ue! You’re here!”

Take comes running up to me, albeit a bit unsteadily. Did that attack hurt him more than he’s letting on?

“Oi, let’s get you some bandages or something.”, I say.

I wish I knew Curative Magic like Sunni does. We’re supposed to be seeing if we’re even compatible with learning it tomorrow, and I really hope that I can pull it off. Hisakawa comes over to us and puts her hand in front of Take’s bleeding forehead.


Immediately, the wound heals and the blood disappears from his forehead. Curative Magic! That was Curative Magic!

“See, Ani-ue! I’m perfectly fine now!”, Take says merrily.

I turn to Hisakawa-san, and walk over to her. I stand directly in front of her and bow to her with all the respect I can muster.


“Please teach me Curative Magic, Hisakawa-san!”


Now inside, the three of us are sitting at the table eating dango and youkan and drinking green tea made by Mrs.Hisakawa. Hisakawa-san sips her tea in a refined manner before placing it down and speaking to me.

“I don’t mind teaching you magic, Colen-san. Especially since you’re tutoring me.”

Great! I can probably get the jump on everyone thanks to her. Hisakawa-san passes me a bright green piece of paper. As I take hold of it, the green starts to slowly, but not entirely disappear. The fading ceases and a green ‘4’ is displayed.

“So, your Curative level is four…”, Hisakawa-san observes.

“Is that any good?”, I ask after swallowing some dango.

“Well, being able to use Curative Magic at all is a good thing. However level four is definitely a low level. The best of the low levels, but still low level.”

“In that case, it suits me rather well. How many levels are there?”

“There are three levels, Ani-ue!”, Take adds through a mouthful of food.

“Careful, Take. Don’t talk with food in your mouth.”, I say. “What are those three levels?”

Take tries to quickly swallow the youkan to answer me, but he ends up having to wash it down with green tea. This gives Hisakawa-san time to answer after giving her little brother a smile.

“Levels 1-4 are ‘Bandage’, 5-8 we call ‘Surgery’, and then levels 9-12 are ‘Rejuvenation’.”, she explains. “Bandage levels are great for minor injuries and wounds, but will have to be used heavily in order to deal with more serious injuries, and they’ll be ineffective against lethal or fatal ones. Surgery handles serious injuries very well, and can help someone with their fatal wounds.”

I nod silently, listening attentively while thumping Take on the back to help him from choking.

“The Rejuvenation levels are fantastic. With them, someone who has suffered a deathly injury can be healed completely, they can even re-attach dismembered limbs. But there’s a bit of a secret to Rejuvenation.”

“Secret?”, I echo.

Take, who’s finally recovered, speaks up excitedly.

“Level twelve is extremely rare! It can regrow lost limbs and heal any illness!”

“Seriously? That’s incredible..”, I say, awestruck.

Man, I wish that I had that level.

“What levels do you two have?”

“Ane-ue has nine and I can’t use it all.”

I remember Sunni saying that unlike with elemental leanings, it’s actually quite common for people to be unable to use Curative Magic. But level nine, eh?

“You’re really incredible to have such a high level, Hisakawa-san. I’m jealous.”

Hisakawa-san blushes slightly and gives me a pleased smile. She sure is beautiful, and her long bangs are super cute. She really does like getting praised, though, doesn’t she? I should do it more often.

“You’re great, as well, Colen-san. I don’t think that I would’ve learned this much if you weren’t so patient with me. Thank you.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it.”, I say, flashing her a grin. “I’m just doing as I should. So long as you need me, I’ll be there for you.”

Wait, did I just say something a bit romantic? No, of course not. And judging by how Hisakawa-san is rummaging through her things, she didn’t think so either. Besides, if I were somehow able to get another girlfriend, I’d have to ask my others for approval first.

When it comes to dating, if there’s not some spiritual connection, I just can’t develop any romantic feelings for a girl.

Am I weird? Obviously, don’t ask a daft question.

   Well, I’m definitely late. I ended up losing track of the time, and thus I’m just getting to HQ right now. I mean, it’s 8pm, and I was supposed to get here three hours ago. I hope that everyone’s still here.

The doors to the lift open to reveal Haruhi-chan, who seems to be looking for something in her bag. She looks up when she hears the doors open and smiles when she sees that it’s me.

“Daisuke-san! You’re late!”, she says, faking a stern tone.

“My apologies. It’s rude of me to keep my favourite Adjutant waiting for so long.”

I’m just going along with Haruhi-chan’s joke, but to my surprise she’s actually blushing a wee bit. Maybe what I said was a little too embarrassing.

“Oh, you don’t mean that..”, Haruhi says bashfully. “A-anyway, you’d better get to everyone quickly. Yonaguni has been ranting about how late you are.”

Oh, boy, don’t get me too excited. She and I make our way to the meeting room, and before I can place my hand on the doorknob, the door flies open. It’s Red and Sunni, with the latter staring up at me with her piercing, yet enchanting red eyes. R.S.P mode?

“Oi, Yonaguni, you tosser.”, I say, annoyed. “What did you do to her, eh?”

“I didn’t do anything, you jackass! Bite me!”

Really? Then why…Wait, don’t tell me..

“You’ve learned to control it?”

Red’s usual wide grin grows even wider as she nods at me. I ruffle her hair excitedly, gladdened by the good news.

“See? I told you that you could do it.”

Sunni smiles like a proud parent.

“It took a while, but she finally came through. All it took was a little prodding.”

“What do you mean?”, I ask..

“Yoko and I just planted some thoughts into her head, that’s all.”

Well, those ideas were surely benign, I’m certain. Yokie comes over and joins the conversation.

“We just told her that her ‘yan’ side will make sure that you’ll be able to stay with us forever, Aniki. The three of us will be able to keep you safe.”

“Quite right.”, Sunni nods. “We’ll take care of any troublesome pests that bother you.”

Figured so. They’re trying to make her into an even more dangerous person.

“Listen, don’t pay Sunni and Yokie any mind, yeah? They’re raving mad.”


I ignore the echo in the room and focus solely on Red, who’s smiling broadly at me. Her crimson eyes look at me with overwhelming love. Stand strong, don’t let it get to you.

“But you like girls like us, right, Daisuke-nii? Naoya-san and Gege-san told us that you always buy manga that have yanderes as the love interest.”

Damn it, they got me. I can’t even come up with some sort of rebuttal. Whilst in the midst of racking brains for some excuse, the familiar sensation of being grabbed by the collar shakes me from my reverie. Any guesses as to who the perpetrator is?

“Oi, Inko! What did you just call-BLGRF?!”

In the midst of his tirade, Red promptly slaps him across the face with so much force, it makes him spin like a Reyblade.

“It appears that the beating I gave you wasn’t thorough enough, seeing as you’re still brave enough to put your grotty, mangy hands on Daisuke-nii. This time, I’ll break your arms.”

“Please forgive me, Akane-chan.”, Yonaguni says quickly, as he prostrates at her feet.

“Oi, Red. Don’t let him rile you up. That’s just how he shows his love.”

“No, it’s not, Aniki. It’s bullying.”, Yokie says, her eyes cold.

“If he keeps showing his love like that, I’m going to lose my patience rather quickly.”, Sunni chimes in darkly.


There’s that echo again. Naoya and Akai slink over to me, gently nudging Sunni and Red to the side.

“Oi, Govvy.”, Naoya says. “What did you refer to Yoko as?”


“And what was that you called my little sister?”, Akai follows up.


With that, Naoya turns on his heel and regards the others, his hands raised towards the sky.

“Look upon him and be amazed, my brethren!”, he proclaims vigourously. “For he is a true tamer of yanderes! One could only hope to muster a mere shred of his talent and ability! What have ye to say about this?”

“Phenomenal. I’ve never seen anything like it.”, Miyamura-senpai says, clapping.

“I didn’t think that Daisuke-kun could be such a womaniser.”, Shirogane-senpai observes.

“I’m surprised.”, Ninomiya-senpai mutters.

“Stay away from my sister, or tou-san and I will have you arrested.”, Gege says.


“Nii-chan?! Don’t do that, please!”

His eyes are way too serious. I don’t think it’ll be good if he were to find out about the event that just transpired between us earlier.


The Enigma Phones for all members of the Dawn Wolves sound off. Which means that it’s time for us to complete another mission.

How eventful will this one be?

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