My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 939: Extra Spiritual Wine Competition (First)

Lou Mu Yan and Ming Xiu’s wedding was unprecedented, and the news of the wedding spread everywhere on the second day.

Many sword masters who came specifically to attend the wedding from the Four Realms passed the news through word of mouth and spoke about it enthusiastically.

The wedding of the two was publicised and it was extravagant and flamboyant. It was an unparalleled wedding that was a wedding of millenniums, and many Sword Masters who didn’t make it to the wedding regretted it deeply.

The next day, Lou Mu Yan and Ming Xiu went to offer tea at Emperor Ming’s palace early the next morning hand in hand.

Emperor Ming drank the tea given in respect by his son and daughter-in-law, and he was very happy. He gave an interspatial ring to each of them and said with a smile on his face: “The important task for you two now, besides advancing to Immortal, is to give birth to a few cubs for more fun.”

Emperor Ming wasn’t without grandchildren, but Ming Xiu was his favourite son, so he still looked forward towards his figure grandchildren.

The higher the cultivation base of the cultivator, the more difficult it would be to conceive children, so both Emperor Ming and the Lou Clan’s seniors all hoped that they could have offspring before ascending to the Immortal World.

“Alright, we will definitely work hard.” Ming Xiu accepted openly with a chuckle.

Lou Mu Yan couldn’t help but blush when she remembered last night. She smiled and didn’t answer.

She had never thought about having a child for Ming Xiu, but now that she was married, she was also looking forward to it.

“Haha, that’s good.” Emperor Ming laughed merrily: “Take good care of your body and try to hurry up and hold a big fat son as soon as possible.”

“Maybe it’s a daughter.” Lou Mu Yan said with a smile.

She still liked girls very much inwardly—a girl who looked like Ming Xiu.

Emperor Ming’s smile didn’t change, and he said frankly: “I like a granddaughter too. You should have more children, and everything will be fulfilled if you have both sons and daughters.”

“…” Lou Mu Yan twitched the corner of her lips—Emperor Ming said it as if giving birth to a child was a very easy task.

The fertility rate of cultivators after entering Unification Realm was generally low, and there were very few children birthed at old age. No matter how hard she and Ming Xiu worked, it was impossible for her and Ming Xiu to give birth one after another.

“Old Man, we accept your auspicious words, we’ll definitely have both sons and daughters.” Ming Xiu was also looking forward to his and Lou Mu Yan’s future children.

“Haha, then I’ll wait to hold my grandchildren.” Emperor Ming laughed aloud, feeling very happy.

Ming Xiu and Lou Mu Yan looked at each other, and they both caught the expectation and smile in each other’s eyes.

The next day, the two went to the Lou Clan together to offer tea.

They also encountered the Lou Clan’s seniors urging them to have children, which made the two of them feel a little helpless while being amused.

The gift that Old Man Tian Xuan gave to Lou Mu Yan was a divine rank spiritual fruit that could help in conception, which was very precious.

Both of them had a very good mentality, not forcing it, but also looking forward to it, letting nature take its course.

During this period of time, the two often accompanied each other to go explore some secret realms together, and Lou Mu Yan attempted to try to find the last opportunity for inspiration, hoping to comprehend the unity of all attributes and successfully breakthrough to the cultivation base of Immortal.

Of course, the two also often went to friends to drink tea and taste wine, and they lived a very leisurely everyday life.

A year later, the Guang’ling World Spiritual Wine Competition arrived as scheduled.

This time, the venue was chosen in the Human Realm, and the spiritual wine masters from other Realms had already arrived in Central State City half a month ago.

Lou Mu Yan had a strong talent for brewing wine, and it was well known that she was a grade 10 spiritual wine master, so she didn’t sign up for this Spiritual Wine Conference this time but was instead invited as a judge.

Su Jin signed up for the competition at the prompting of several people. During the period, the Patriarch of the Su Clan sent people to want him to return, but he refused.

Now countless distinguished clans wanted to have a connection with Lou Mu Yan two, and although the Su Clan were very proud, but they were no exception.

And Su Jin was Lou Mu Yan’s Senior Brother. With this layer of relationship, they thought it would be easy for the Su Clan to get along with the Lou Clan, yet who knew that Su Jin couldn’t appreciate their kindness, angering the Patriarch of the Su Clan so much so that he even smashed his favourite ancient jade ornaments.

Lou Mu Yan and Ming Xiu’s avatars went to the Void Night World to steal several treasures from the treasure house, and the resources inside were also frighteningly rich, even much more than the collections of the Ming Palace Royal Clan combined over the years.

These resources were of limited use to Lou Mu Yan two, and they distributed a large amount of them to family and friends.

Su Jin’s current cultivation base was also at half-step to Immortal, and his spiritual wine master level also increased to advanced-level grade 9. He was only one step away from entering grade 10.

There weren’t many restrictions on the Spiritual Wine Conference held once a century—as long as the spiritual wine masters were under the age of five hundred, they could participate, and the final prize was the book 《Ancient Wine Recipes》, which wasn’t very attractive to other Sword Masters, but it was an invaluable treasure for spiritual wine masters.

The competition was divided into a preliminary round and the finals, and most of the spiritual wine masters had been eliminated in the preliminary rounds.

The spiritual wine masters who entered the finals were all quite talented and gifted, and were at least grade 5 spiritual wine masters. Su Jin naturally passed the exams easily.

This time, not only did the younger generation of the Su Clan participate in the competition, but six advanced-level spiritual wine masters under the age of five hundred also came to participate. They attached great importance to the priceless 《Ancient Wine Recipes》 classic, and was determined to win it.

Among them, the Su Clan’s Young Lord, Su Chen, also came to participate in the competition. His talent for spiritual wine was indeed good. Now, with the help of various resources and the support of the mysterious senior in his sea of consciousness, he had already secretly been promoted to a grade 9 spiritual wine master.

Su Chen was very confident in himself when he came to the competition this time. Knowing that Su Jin had also advanced into the finals, he wasn’t angry, but instead, a little happy. This kind of opportunity was very rare, and he must step on Su Jin in public so that he would never have the opportunity to flip himself over.

Recently, the superior members of the Su Clan had all regretted exiling Su Jin back then, and in particular, the Patriarch and wife’s attitude of kindness towards Su Chen had weakened a lot. This was also one of the reasons why Su Chen hated Su Jin more and more.

Last time, Su Jin succeeded in instigating dissension in Cang’lan Secret Realm, and after leaving the secret realm, those clan’s pupils who were injured by him were very dissatisfied with him.

If it weren’t for his cleverness, secretly managing a lot of benefits, it would’ve been very unfavourable for him if this was brought to the superiors of the clan, so he would naturally place this account on Su Jin.

He disdained Su Jin inwardly—did he think that he was someone great to be able to associate himself with Lou Mu Yan and the others. He wanted to show Su Jin what a real genius in wine brewing was, and who would be qualified to truly inherit and lead the Su Clan.

Moreover, he had already made preparations in secret. The position of the Su Clan’s patriarch would definitely be in his pocket in the end, and he wouldn’t allow any changes.

Before the competition began, Su Jin and Lan Ruo Shui sat in the rest area chatting with Lou Mu Yan and the others.

In the resting area for the contestants in the finals, their family members could also enter the watch the upcoming events. It was a public place, and it was practically filled with people.

Soon, the participating members of the Su Clan walked in led by the Patriarch of the Su Clan.

When seeing Su Jin, the Patriarch of the Su Clan narrowed his eyes, thought about it, and didn’t speak first.

As soon as Su Chen saw Su Jin, he took two steps forward, “Younger Cousin Brother, you’re here too!”

He had a smile on his face, but there wasn’t much warmth in his eyes. He just acted well, so that others didn’t see his strangeness, and those who didn’t know would’ve thought they were showing love and respect to each other as good brothers should.

Su Jin raised his eyes and glanced at him faintly without speaking, completely treating Su Chen as air.

He was too unbothered to deal with a hypocrite like Su Chen—to be precise, he was too unbothered to deal with people from the Su Clan.

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