My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Temper

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

I don’t need your concern.”

When Chen Xu heard this sentence, he was startled.

It was hard to imagine that he had heard Luo Xiyun say such words.

His ex-girlfriend had said these exact words to him before in a fit of anger. From his point of view, the phrase also came across a little flirty. Until a certain point in a relationship, a woman would never say such things to a man, especially not a woman like Luo Xiyun who had told him “you’re not my type” to his face the day after he had saved her. There was no way she would casually talk to a man with this tone.

Yet, the surprise wore off quickly.

What followed was a tingling sensation. He had simply wanted to help her with her injuries out of neighborly goodwill. She, however, had responded with such bitter words. It stung just like touching a bare hand to a hot burner.

In the past, when his ex-girlfriend first said these words to him, he had turned around and left.

He gently turned off the lamp in his hand and closed the door. He deliberately pushed harder to make the door slam, and he stood still in the same position.

Luo Xiyun was lying on her stomach and thought he had left. Suddenly, she grabbed a pillow and hurled it away. Then, her shoulders began shaking, and after a while, Chen Xu could hear her crying.


Chen Xu hadn’t expected her to cry. For a moment, he felt somewhat awkward

Even his ex-girlfriend had never been so emotional in front of him.

Listening to her sobbing, a thought flashed through his mind, had he gone a little too far?

In the past three months, he had never taken the initiative to contact Luo Xiyun. The main reason was that he didn’t want to open the door for her to mock him. Of course, a very small part of it was because of his vengeful mentality.

In the real world, whether in work or life, he would always have some bad days once in a while. But even if he was unhappy when he was wronged or had been treated unfairly, more often than not, he could only hold the emotion in. This was the helplessness of reality.

However, in this dream world, he naturally didn’t have as many concerns.

Since Luo Xiyun had already clarified that she would never like him, if he had still pestered her just because of her pretty appearance, he would have lost too much dignity through those shameful actions.

From that time on, he made up his mind to keep his distance from her. Of course, if she were to take the initiative to ask him for help, he would certainly not refuse.

However, as if regarding him as a rival, she didn’t approach him whatsoever. And so, the two went on with their own lives for three months. He was sure that if it wasn’t for today’s typhoon, both of them would have remained that way until the end of the dream.

From this fact, he could tell that Luo Xiyun had a very stubborn personality.

Chen Xu knew that this was just a dream that would end after six months. So, he could live through each day with a relaxed mind as if it were a vacation, leading a rather pleasant life.

Things, however, were completely different for Luo Xiyun. According to the way this dream world was set up, for her, all of this was truly happening. Naturally, it was impossible for her to harbor the same calm mentality. In the first few months, her heart must have been severely tormented.

Even in this kind of environment, she wanted to defend her ego and had been unwilling to approach him living next door. Such an attitude proved that she was a very stubborn and proud person.

Now, Luo Xiyun, who was very proud and stubborn in Chen Xu’s point of view, was crying, and he so happened to be there to witness it all. This placed him in an awkward position.

Actually, it wasn’t surprising if he gave it more thought. She was, after all, a young woman. Over the past few months, she had been shouldering so much pressure, not to mention encountering a typhoon, getting herself injured, being trapped in the middle of the road, and dealing with jitters for almost half the day. She had already handled herself well enough by not collapsing on the spot.

Listening to her crying, Chen Xu’s heart softened and he said gently, “Does your foot hurt?”

Upon hearing him, Luo Xiyun’s trembling shoulders froze while she raised her head in shock. There were still tears on her long eyelashes, and her nose was red. She proceeded to shoot him an infuriated and embarrassed look. Her mouth was slightly open, and she seemed to have lost her voice.

Chen Xu turned on the lamp again, illuminating the entire bedroom. Then, he took out an ice bag, Yunnan Baiyao, bandages, and other items, and said, “I will check your feet first to see if there is any bone damage.”

As he was talking, he crouched down and was about to grab her foot.

Luo Xiyun only reacted when he touched her. She retracted her feet abruptly and said with a mixed tone of anger and embarrassment, “Don’t touch me.”

Chen Xu pulled his hands away immediately so that he wouldn’t accidentally brush her injuries and aggravate them. Frowning, he said, “An injury is no trivial matter. Now isn’t the time for a tantrum.”

Luo Xiyun stared at him with red eyes and said through gnashing her teeth, “What does it have to do with you?”

At this moment, Chen Xu was too tired to get angry with her. He moved a chair next to the bed and sat down, deciding to reason with her, “In any case, I have never offended you, right? I don’t understand why you are so angry with me.”

“I’ve also saved your life before, but I’ll not go there. Let’s talk about today’s incident alone. I braved going out into a massive typhoon, drove for several hours, and searched each road one by one just to bring you back. I don’t need your thanks, but raising a temper with me too? Don’t you think that you’re overreacting?”

Luo Xiyun’s heartbeat rapidly while her eyes became even redder. However, she kept quiet. She turned her head away, no longer looking at him.

Seeing her reaction, Chen Xu shrugged his shoulders, stood up, and said, “Forget it, I’ll place the ointments here. You can do it by yourself.” Upon finishing, he took his bag and left, leaving behind the rechargeable desk lamp.

Opening the door, he suddenly stopped and added, “I know that you don’t like to see me. Treat your injuries quickly. Then, I’ll definitely not show myself in front of you again.”

With a thud, the door closed.

This time, Chen Xu really left and returned to his house. Although Luo Xiyun’s attitude made him a little upset, having not communicated with another person for several months and for being able to chat with someone today even though there was a little conflict, overall, he still felt quite happy.

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