My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Talent

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“You’re transferring me to the new department?”

Chen Xu initially thought that he would be given a tongue-lashing by Old Wang in his office. Yet, to his surprise, Old Wang suggested to transfer him over to the newly established Marketing Department.

Old Wang had really unique features; he had a square face shape and a mole on his left cheekbone area. “Don’t you dare to look down on this new department, it’s of great importance to the CEOs. You are lucky to be selected; you should cherish this chance.”


Chen Xu did not want to accept his offer as he was prepared to resign.

“Stop,” Old Wang interrupted, then whispered, “Vice-Chairman Mr. Liu will personally take over the management of the Marketing Department, and the team members are chosen from various departments. According to Old He from the Human Resources Department, your salary will have a minimum increment of 20 percent after you have been transferred over.”

His face was painted with envy as he mentioned the last point.

Chen Xu swallowed his words of rejections.

He would totally consider it if there was a rise in pay. Thinking of which, he said, “Do you mind giving me a day to consider?”

“Sure, Old He will discuss it with you personally tomorrow anyways.” Old Wang finished his sentence and dismissed Chen Xu so that he could get back to work.

“Is everything alright?”

Old Tang turned around to ask the moment Chen Xu returned to his desk.

He nodded, indicating that everything was fine. Habitually, he took up his pen and started scribbling on his paper. His current pay after subtracting the taxes was around 4000 dollars; even with the increment of 20 percent, it would only be around 5000 dollars.

It was not a lot, but neither was it little.

He used to think that he was fortunate enough to be even employed by a large company with his level of education. Despite the low wage, he was willing to push through.

Truth to be told, he could barely make ends meet in this large city with his measly salary. In addition to his daily expenses, he had to send a portion of his income back home for his parents, making it even more challenging for him.

His salary only rose by a tinge after two years, so he really could not persevere any further. This was the root cause of his resignation, and Luo Xiyun was the catalyst.

“Discuss it with Old He tomorrow; maybe you’ll be able to request for higher pay.”

He quickly made up his mind.

Recently, he was gradually having recollections of the details in the dreams, and unknowingly they have brought about subtle changes within him.

In the past, he would often worry too much, and he also lacked confidence in his capabilities. He was worried that he and his family would be tangled in a financial web due to the loss of income if he were to become unemployed.

After experiencing what life would be like if he was the only person left, he had nothing to lose.

His encounter in the virtual dreamworld was the most precious experience for him.

Clearing his mind, he tore and crumpled the page containing his scribbles. Without looking, he threw the paper ball in the direction of the wastebasket.

He turned around after tossing the paper ball and watched it land steadily in the wastebasket.


He was astonished.

He had a habit of scribbling on papers when his mind was flooded, and he would always throw the used papers into the wastebasket.

However, he was not always this accurate; more often than not, he would have to retrieve the crumpled paper ball and dispose of it again. Nonetheless, he still enjoyed his way of relieving stress.

He was really lucky these days; every throw was a definite goal. However, it was only until the previous throw that he realized that this was not just based on his luck.

“Could it be…”

He remembered that the Talent Card, which he received at the end of his dream, had “Throwing Precision” written on it.

No way, the Talent Card worked in reality too?

Thinking of which, he swallowed the lump in his throat.

“I’m going to try it again.”

He tore and crushed another piece of paper. With his back facing the wastebasket, he tossed the crumpled paper ball based on his instincts.

Turning around, he saw the paper ball traveling in the path of a perfect arc and landing into the wastebasket precisely.

He gawked in shock, knowing that his predictions could be true.

“Could this be my golden ticket?”

He was on cloud nine.

He pushed everything to the back of his mind as he could only focus on how he could put his newly acquired talent to use.

Unfortunately, he was still in the company, and it was still working hours. He could only wait patiently.


It was finally time to get off work. Chen Xu dashed home at top speed and began experimenting.

From its name, the talent definitely had something to do with throwing.

He found a few items of various sizes and weight: a 1.5L mineral bottle that had yet to be opened, a packet of chips, and a book.

Next, he positioned a basket by the wall and retreated into his balcony before he threw the heaviest mineral bottle.

The mineral bottle landed on the ground. It was a miss.

“No way…”

Things started off on the wrong foot. He frowned as he went to retrieve his bottle for a second try.


This time, the bottle went accurately into the basket.

“Once more.”

He retrieved the bottle and threw it again for the third time. It was a goal.

He was not satisfied with only scoring twice in a row.

He threw with his eyes closed on his fourth try.

Boom! The bottle went straight into the basket.

“I’m right. The talent card I received in my dreams can be used in reality too.”

He was overjoyed by his discovery.

Before he entered the dream world, he was convinced that the Virtual Dream Gear could only fulfill his dirty little fantasies.

After entering the virtual dream world for the first time, he recognized that in his dreams, he could experience what others could not, and this might help to broaden his life experience.

However, at this point in time, he realized that he was wrong. He had a huge misconception of the Virtual Dream Gear.

The talent that he acquired in his dreams could be put to use in real life. The Virtual Dream Gear was of greater value than what he initially thought.

This also meant that the skills he had learned in his dreams could be mastered in real life too.

Regrettably, the skill that he practiced the most in his previous dream was marksmanship. It was almost impossible to touch a gun in real life. Hence, there was no way of verifying his hypothesis.

Of course, even if he was wrong with his predictions, it would be awesome if he could earn a few more talent cards.

Thinking of which, he was already looking forward to the next time he could enter the dreamworld.

“I still have to wait for three more weeks. It’s going to be torture.”

He sighed and turned his attention back to throwing the items.

He was like a kid with a new toy, enthusiastically throwing every item in his room, including the ones he prepared initially.

Soon enough, he discovered a pattern. Every time he changed an item, the first two throws would often be inaccurate.

Nevertheless, he would always find the aim swiftly, and by the third throw, he would never miss the basket.

This made him realize that the talent he obtained needed to be perfected through practice. Only then could he truly master it.

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