My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Tiny Little Emotions

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This basketball match had evolved to where people no longer care about the outcome of the match. When the hosts’ team was in possession, they would simply throw the ball. Regardless of whether they scored or not, the possession would change back to the office team.

Subsequently, the ball would be delivered to Chen Xu’s hands.

“Another one, another one…”

His colleagues watching at the sidelines and the spectators who came to watch the fun shouted along. The most energetic person was Dai Zixin. Her face was flushing with excitement and her voice even cracked.

Chen Xu scoring more than ten high difficulty three-pointers consecutively had already heightened the atmosphere. Everyone was on the edge of their seat, watching him perform.

After receiving the ball, he dribbled the ball to the centerline like he was strolling. He raised his left hand and said, “I’ve been playing all day, and I’m all worn out. This will be the last ball.”

As he spoke, he waved to the person who was guarding him all along, signaling him to come over.

Shooting from half court?

The guy froze for a second and then understood what he meant. The blue veins of his forehead twitched as he thought, “Very arrogant he is.” Chen Xu was calling him over to guard him.

How could he possibly tolerate this?

Showing Chen Xu absolutely no mercy, he viciously defended him, blocking him with his might and even raising both of his hands to disturb him.

He didn’t believe that Chen Xu could be lucky eleven times in a row.

Chen Xu still went for the same technique, blocking the opponent’s chest with his left hand, finding some space for himself, and when he found the right time to strike, he hurled the ball forcefully towards the hoop.

When the basketball was shot, not only the spectators around the court but everyone else on the court looked up to watch the ball.

The entire basketball court abruptly plunged into silence.

The guy who was guarding him also looked up. Watching the ball’s projectile arc that was way too high, a thought flash through his mind: “He will finally miss, right?”

The basketball passed over his head. His gaze followed the ball as it rotated slightly, and unbeknownst to him, his head was leaning more and more backward.

When the ball reached the highest point in the air and was about to go down, his lost balance and fell backward.


When the basketball flew into the hoop, his butt crashed into the ground. Amidst the pain of falling, he thought, “You must be kidding me. That ball got in?”


Voices shouted from the sidelines, followed by enthusiastic applause.

Chen Xu moved forward, extended his hands, and helped up the guy sitting on the ground with a puzzled expression. He threw him a friendly smile. Then, he told everybody else, “I think that’s all for today. Everyone must be tired already.”

“Well, I do want to see you make a few more shots.” The one who was the leader among the hosts said, smiling, “It has indeed been an eye-opener today. Your shooting skills are impeccable. This is the first time I’ve seen such a feat after playing basketball for many years.”

Chen Xu smiled and said, “It was all luck.”

Everyone else told him that such luck would carry him through an entire lifetime.

No one believed that he was actually that great of a shooter, as even the best shooters among professional athletes couldn’t guarantee that they could score like that every single time.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Xu could feel that his colleagues were all talking about him. He had never received such treatment, not back in school or after he began to work. It was unprecedented.

He had to admit that this sensation felt awesome.

Back at the hotel, everyone went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Chen Xu was very lucky. Each room was initially meant for two, but as there were 13 guys in the department, he was able to use a room alone.

When it was almost seven o’clock, a notice was issued in the group chat, calling for everyone to gather at the eating location.

Luo Xiyun had a private room booked and two tables set up, which was just the right size for all of them.

The dishes were sumptuous, once again allowing Chen Xu to witness her generosity. After beer was served, the atmosphere became even more fervent. It was just like a party with friends.

After this day’s activity, Chen Xu was impressed by Luo Xiyun. Despite being very strict at work, she wasn’t a rigid person. This team-building activity could be deemed successful.

Especially after the basketball match, Chen Xu could feel that he and his colleagues had developed a sense of identity and now had a more tacit understanding between each other.

Taking him as an example, previously, aside from being familiar with Dai Zixin, his relationship with his other colleagues were purely based on work. A barrier had always existed between them.

After today, the barrier between him and his colleagues had diminished a lot. After having some beer, they could even crack jokes about each other.

After everyone finished eating, Luo Xiyun stood up and announced, “Gather at Chen Xu’s room at 8 o’clock. Our next activity is soaking in the hot spring. You are all dismissed for now.”

Nobody was surprised. When everyone was notified yesterday, they had all been reminded to bring along their swimsuits. As all of them were young people, they were all very satisfied to comply.

Back in his room, seeing that there was still time, Chen Xu called Dai Zixin out to do a live stream in the hotel lobby.

Their original plan for the live stream had been to do it on Thursday, and Dai Zixin’s fans were already informed about it. But as it clashed with the team building activity, they had to make use of the time gaps.

At this time, there weren’t many people in the hotel lobby. Chen Xu was at the side setting up the props, while Dai Zixin was already there live streaming to warm up the crowd.

When Chen Xu was ready, he gestured at her, and the camera turned right over.

“Hello, everyone. We meet again.” Chen Xu paid the viewers a simple greeting and said, “I performed dart-throwing for everyone a few days ago. I believe you still remember it well. However, I heard Zixin say that many people are still skeptical about the authenticity of my performance back then and think that I somehow cheated

“Well, I do think that this is entirely normal. After all, if I was the one who was watching such a performance, I would have thought: what the hell, how can such a person possibly exist in this world? This doesn’t follow the laws of science. This is definitely fake. He definitely cheated.”

Dai Zixin who was holding the phone in front of him almost burst out in laughter. In the past few days, she would go live whenever she could. When she saw the replies in the chatroom questioning the authenticity of Chen Xu’s blindfolded dart-throwing, she felt very angry on the inside.

Because there were so many people leading discussions in the chatroom, she was immensely bothered and had also talked to Chen Xu about it before. Back then, he didn’t seem to care much. Who would have thought that the moment he appeared on screen, he would directly call out those nonbelievers?

At that moment, on the screen, she saw many replies like:


“Why is there such a despicable person in this world?”

Chen Xu continued, “Nevertheless, my understanding doesn’t mean that I will let everything slide. You know, I have my own tiny little emotions as well. I was quite happy to receive so many donations the last time and was actually planning to perform again. But after knowing that people are doubting me, I became unhappy, so, there will be no performance today.”

Dai Zixin who was in charge of shooting saw that the chatroom was once again flooded with messages and countless donations. The account’s popularity was also constantly on the rise. A broad smile bloomed on her face, and she gave Chen Xu a big thumbs up.

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