My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 100

Anders and the rest returned around six in the evening. Anton saw that his father was in a good mood and that meant that their business concluded well.

Anton was surprised when Anders smiled at his children and he thought that maybe his father had forgotten what happened earlier, which happened to be the case since suddenly he scowled.

“Father, were you successful in selling our stock?” Anton asked as a diversion.

Anders looked at his children sternly first then relented.

“We sold a lot today and only a third left which meant that we would be able to sell all of our items by tomorrow morning and begin collecting items that you could repair. We earned thousands of gold coins. We’re rich! I thought at first that we could stay here and just continue our business but we’re still too near the Undead Coalition. I still want to settle our family somewhere far away, preferably in a powerful city that’s powerful enough to engage the undead army. That meant a wizard city so we still going to check the first wizard city that we will go to which is Zalnothel.”

“I think that will be the best as well father. I still want to learn the magic system of this world since my magic is too different and Anna said that she still wants to be a mage. Although she said that if a prince asked to marry her tonight, she would agree so she can become a princess then we can just leave her here,” Anton jokingly said.

“I did not say that! I was just daydreaming when I said that!” Anna shouted, which made everyone laugh.

“We should prepare to go to the king’s castle. What time did the letter say again?” Anders asked.

“Eight in the evening,” Devon was the one who replied.

Fenix then said his goodbyes and said he would return early the next day.

The ones who would go to the castle would be Anton, Anders, Anna, Lucas, Devon, and Genod. Nemina said that she would stay so she could take inventory of the items they had left and calculate their earnings. Anders left the accounting book to her.

Everyone prepared the best clothes and accessories for them. Nemina and Lunelle discarded the clothes that Anna chose saying they were too gaudy and chose something understated but beautiful and still appropriate for a little girl her age. They also reduced the number of pieces of jewelry that Anna would wear.

Nemina and Lunelle were surprised and impressed at what Anton chose to wear and the jewelry that he chose for himself and said that they wouldn’t change anything. The ones they focused on who knew nothing about fashion were Anders, Lucas, and Devon.

After everyone was done preparing, Nemina and Lunelle congratulated themselves for making sure that Anders, Lucas, and Devon looked like rich nobles. Anton looked like a prince and Lunelle commented that he would look like a prince whatever clothes he wore and her mother agreed with her.

Anna looked like a beautiful princess who grew up in a castle instead of a farmer’s daughter. Her skin was fair and smooth and without any blemishes. Nemina commented that Anton’s mana water was truly magical.

Once they were ready, they went downstairs. While they were walking inside the inn, Anders commented that there were a lot of unfamiliar faces in the inn and Lucas said that they were spies assigned to spy on Anton and his family.

“Is everyone upstairs going to be all right?” Anton asked concernedly.

Lucas and Devon laughed when they heard Anton’s question.

“With the spectacle you caused earlier? You still don’t understand the power of wizards. When I was a mercenary a noble offended a wizard and within a week, the noble’s family was dead and everyone was terrified to learn that all of his bloodline died as well.” Anders said.

Anton and Anna gasped when they heard what their father said.

“Are wizards allowed to do that?! Anna whispered.

“Of course not. The wizard was declared a dark wizard and was hunted by his colleagues but from what I heard; they didn’t catch him. Any rule can be broken. If you’re powerful, you can even escape the consequences of your actions,” Anders said.

Outside the inn, their carriage, driven by Colin, who was also dressed very well, was waiting for them. They boarded the carriage while Lucas, Devon, and Genod rode their horses.

Anton saw that his father was openly wearing his two magic wands.

“Is it okay for you to wear those openly, Father?” Anton pointed at his father’s magic wands.

“Yes. Something like this can be treated as an accessory and an especially fine one at that. When we arrive at the castle, you should cast your defensive spells like that floating glowing golden ball and the one that surrounds you with floating snowflakes, just make sure that those spells will not hurt anyone.” Anders said to his son.

“What about the glowing cloud at my feet and me floating instead of walking?” Anton asked while smiling.

“That’s too much. We just need to make sure that everyone would know you’re a powerful wizard but not to the point that you would terrify them,” Ander’s snorted.

Anton was glad that Frozen Armor would not hurt anyone who didn’t attack him so it should be safe for him to cast it while he mingled with people. He was also happy that the icon for his buff spells remaining time was prominent in his vision so he could refresh it anytime he needed to.

“I wish I had some magical accessory as well like a glowing tiara or something,” Anna said.

“Maybe we can buy something like that. Tomorrow let’s go roam the high-end stores and magic shops to check,” Anton said absently but that comment excited his sisters.

Everyone saw the castle in the distance through the carriage window and Anton was impressed. It looked really grand, like one of those magnificent castles that could be seen in movies and animes.

“Oohh, the castle is so pretty. I wish we could live somewhere like that,” Anna daydreamed.

“Maybe someday we will,” Anton said softly.

They arrived at the gate guarded by a company of guards and Anders gave them the invitation letter. The guards then allowed their carriage to pass through.

When they arrived at the castle entrance, Anton saw that it was lit up by lanterns. He was a bit disappointed since he was expecting magical lights but apparently those are not available in this city. He was startled to see that there was a red carpet on the steps leading to the castle entrance but of course, there were no photographers, just spectators.

Anton cast his Frozen Armor and Energy Shield. When they stepped outside the carriage, the spectators who were nobles and their attendants, according to Genod, gasped. They saw that Anton was surrounded by floating snowflakes and there was a glowing golden ball floating above his head giving him a golden aura.

Everyone was staring at them and Anton could see that his father and Anna, even Lucas, Devon, and Genon who were following them were nervous. It was a good thing that all eyes were on him and he was calm enough to ignore all the stares that Anton was receiving.

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