My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 110

When Anton saw that it only took Frederick a couple of minutes to decide to agree to join them as his and Anna’s tutor in basic magic, even though the mage heard Anton mention a magic oath, Anton doubted the mage a bit.

“As a test, can you cast a non-offensive spell for us?” Anton asked Frederick.

The mage smiled when he heard Anton’s request so he said that he would cast the spell Mage Light. Frederick then chanted a spell which took a surprising amount of time for just a Mage Light. It took the mage at least ten seconds of casting before a ball of light appeared on top of his hands. It was only as bright as a candle.

“Can you increase the brightness and how long does it last?” Anton asked the mage.

“The brightness of the spell depends on the power of the mage. That is as bright as I can make it and for my level, it could only last for ten minutes,” Frederick said.

Anna gasped when she heard what the mage said.

“Brother, your Fire Ball light is one hundred times brighter and it lasts as long as you want it right?”

Frederick gaped when he heard Anna’s comment regarding Anton’s “Fire Ball” spell and saw Anton nodding.

“Can I see your Fire Ball spell, Sir Anton?” Frederick asked.

Anton cast his Fire Ball spell and controlled the mana to make sure that it would not explode and would be under his control. He controlled the Fire Ball to float above their head and allow it to glow to its maximum brightness and the whole room was like under the sun.

Frederick gaped when he saw Anton’s spell.

“You mean it will last as long as you want it to?” The mage asked.

“Yes, but I will need to make sure to leave some part of my consciousness aware of it or else it will dissipate,” Anton said, although more than likely, instead of disappearing, it would probably explode.

That was the reason why he was only using Fire Ball as their mage light when they were outside since if it did explode, no one would be hurt and since it was always floating above them, it wouldn’t damage anything. He always thought that if he needed a light indoors, he would use Fire Bolt instead but since there was never a need to, he hadn’t had the chance to do it.

That was also the reason why was interested in learning the conventional spell Mage Light since he thought that the spell was just cast and ignored.

Anton then snuffed the Fire Ball out and Frederick was still gaping at him.

“So, Fred, can I call you Fred? Have you decided to join us?” Anton asked.

“Yes Sir Anton, I’ll join your company and you may call me Fred,” Frederick said and Anton smiled.

“Go talk to my father for the details of your compensation,” Anton pointed at his father who was still busy cataloging their items but was still listening to them.

When Anders heard what Anton said, he paused what he was doing and went to Frederick and invited him to talk in one corner of the suite. Anton went back to repairing the items since there were a lot of them. After a while, he suddenly noticed Frederick looking at what he was doing.

“What are you doing Sir Anton,” the mage asked.

“This is where the bulk of our gold came from. I have a spell that will allow me to repair any item that I can carry until it's practically new.”

The mage was flabbergasted when he heard that and got very nervous. More than likely it was because Anton uncandidly shared the family’s secret which meant that Frederick was thinking that a curse was already put on him by Anton that would activate the moment he betrayed the family.

After an hour of repairing, during one of Anton’s pauses Frederick talked to him.

“Sir Anton, I have a request. I have a magical artifact that has been in my family for generations. I have never been able to use it since it broke. I don’t even know what it does.”

“Sure, I’ll repair it for you for free.”

Frederick then gave a necklace made of teeth and bone to him. The necklace looked very savage like something a barbarian would wear. When Charsi repaired it, Anton inspected it. It said that it was the Necklace of the Guardian Wolf and it would allow the user to summon a Spirit Wolf for three minutes. It only had three charges though.

Anton then gave the necklace back to Frederick.

“It’s called the Necklace of the Guardian Wolf. It would allow you to summon a spirit wolf that will guard you or you can command it to attack your enemy. It would only last for three minutes though and It only had three charges but you don’t need to worry since I can recharge it for you for a fee,” Anton told the mage.

Frederick gasped when he heard the details of his artifact. Anton almost laughed when he heard the mage gasping since he had been doing that quite a lot of times that night.

Anton saw that the mage kept it somewhere instead of wearing the necklace.

“Are you not going to wear it? Wear it and summon a wolf, I want to see it then I’ll recharge the necklace for you for free this one time,” Anton asked Frederick.

Everyone who was listening was interested in what the Spirit Wolf would look like so in a fit of showmanship, Frederick the mage walked and stood in the center of the suite and cast the spell from the necklace.

A huge spirit wolf appeared and it looked intimidating. Everyone praised the spirit wolf as a powerful defender in case of emergency.

Anton then held the wolf using his Telekinesis.

“Can you ask it to attack me?” Anton asked Frederick.

“Don’t do that here, you might damage the room,” Anders scolded his son.

Anton smiled and pacified his father. After three minutes the wolf disappeared and as promised he recharged the mage’s necklace.

After that brief interruption, Anton went back to repairing the items and it took him an hour more before he completed everything. When he looked up, he saw that he, Anders, Nemina, and Colin were the only ones left in the suite.

“Where are the others?” He asked Colin.

“They’re already resting, Sir Anton,”

“What about the mage and Fenix?”

“Fenix went home and said that he would be back early tomorrow and the mage rented a room in the inn.”

“I gave him some coins. That mage is so poor which is really unusual,” Anders told his son.

“Is he going to be well compensated, Father?”

“I’m sure that he’s ecstatic right now at the amount of gold coins that he would get from me monthly,” Anders snorted.

“I’m done repairing everything. I’m going to rest now and complete my tour of the city tomorrow since it’s going to be our last day.”

Anders just nodded and he and Nemina went back to their account books. He wondered what they were doing since they had been doing it for several hours already but Anton wasn’t interested enough to learn what it was.

Inside the room, he went to the bathroom to take a bath then once he was lying down on the bed, he watched an anime until sleep claimed him.

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