My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 135

Frederick informed Anton that they would arrive in the next village the next day and during the three days of travel, the inside of the carriage was comfortable. It was the height of the summer season and even during nighttime the temperature was still high but since Anton made the wooden tablet of air conditioner, the temperature inside the carriages in Anders’s Merchant Caravan could only be considered heavenly.

Anna didn’t even want to get outside even during meal times and Anders had to scold her to join them at the dinner table that was set up by the servants.

During the three days of travel, Frederick would teach Anton, Anna, and her maids the arcane language and today was the day they would start to memorize a spell book that contained a cantrip.

It was a good thing that all of the spellbooks that they had received from the vampires when Anton killed them were just cantrips. Anna decided to start memorizing the spell book Sleep and Anton decided to memorize Mage Light which was his original plan. Honestly, Anton would have preferred some other spell but they had limited spellbooks. The other two spells available to be memorized were Charm Person and Mage Armor so he reckoned that it was actually not important which spells he would choose to memorize first.

Frederick told them that they would start memorizing the cantrip after lunch since he would need to observe the two of them to make sure that there would be no accidents.

During the three days of travel, Anton completed Act II of the Hell Difficulty and was supposed to start with Act III and was also planning to begin studying the Warmth Passive spell this afternoon since he focused on leveling up and improving the wooden tablet of air-conditioner but since Frederick told them that it was time to start memorizing a cantrip spell, Anton would set aside that plan for now.

Anton managed to improve the wooden tablet of air conditioner during those three days of travel. He focused on the improvement of his first enchanted item instead of diving immediately into studying the passive skill Warmth.  He successfully increased the duration to twenty-four hours and the mana storage would be full by just one cast of Frozen Orb.

Frederick could also fill the mana storage of the wooden tablet by using his seven cantrips but he did mention that in the next few days, he should be able to add one more cantrip to his repertoire.

Anton did discover that the wooden table of air conditioner would not last long. The tablet would probably break after around one-hundredth use by his calculations.  That meant that he would need to find materials that would last longer than a wooden tablet but for now, the tablets were enough.

After lunch, Anton and Anna prepared to memorize the cantrips while everyone watched. The maids decided that they would try memorizing the spell once Anna was successful.

When Anna opened the spell she was surprised.

“Frederick, is this correct? It says here that the Sleep Spell was only this short sentence that I would need to memorize. Why is the book as thick as my notebook then and what are these other words for?”

“The adventurer who taught me magic told me that the spell in a spellbook that the mage would need to memorize is usually written on the first page and usually the first sentence or the first paragraph. The other arcane language in the book is the spell that would allow the actual spell to be retained on the book itself since normally if a spell was written on an enchanted paper, once the spell was memorized, the spell written would disappear as well. It also contained information about the actual spell like why the spell was arranged that way and how the spell structure was created but only learned sages would be able to understand the complex spell structure on a spellbook that was written to support the actual spell of the spellbook itself.”

“What!” Anna asked confused by the mage’s world.

“What Frederick said was the Sleep spell in your spellbook is just the first sentence, all the other words were just to describe the Sleep Spell, like how it was made and it was also the supporting magic that would allow the Sleep Spell to not disappear from the book once you memorize it!”

Anna then nodded but Anton was guessing that she still did not understand fully.

“Just go ahead and memorize the sentence and once you’re successful, you will be able to see the glowing rune of the spell in your mind, and to cast it, you just need to activate the rune and your mouth should automatically utter the incantation of the spell. For a cantrip, the spell casting incantation would usually consist of just one to two words even though you memorize a whole sentence.”

Anton found the concept of spell memorization utterly bewildering. The siblings then started memorizing the spell.

When Anton memorized the spell Mage Light, a glowing rune appeared in his mind and it only took him about five minutes. Since Anna was busy memorizing, he didn’t interrupt her and whispered to Frederick that he successfully memorized the spell already.

“I actually expected that since you’re already able to cast very advanced spells. More than likely, the next time you memorize that spell, it will even take you a shorter time to do it.”

Then they waited for Anna to complete the memorization process of her first spell but after thirty minutes, Anton decided to browse the internet since he got bored waiting and even the maids surreptitiously retrieved the notebooks that contained the Belgariad series and began reading.

After about an hour, Anna suddenly shouted.

“I memorized it! I’m now a sorceress!

“Anna is actually correct. If she didn’t have the talent for wizardry, even after several hours, she wouldn’t have been able to memorize the spell. The next time you memorize the spell, it should take you shorter and shorter, and then you will feel instinctively that you can memorize your second cantrip. For now, there should be a feeling of fullness,” Frederick said.

“I do feel it! I feel like I’d just eaten in my mind!”

“Your spell capacity would only increase through practice.”

“I don’t feel that, the fullness. Does that mean that I can memorize more spells?” Anton asked.

“Yes and again not surprising due to your capability of casting advanced spells already,” Frederick replied.

Anton then cast the spell Mage Light and a hovering light appeared from his hands and it brightened up the whole carriage. He could tell that the light would only last for around five minutes if he didn’t cancel it and he also instinctively knew how to disperse it so he did.

He was disappointed with the spell since he thought that the Mage Light spell would be better than his Fire Ball light spell since he thought that once he cast it, he could just forget the spell not like his Fire Ball light spell that he would need to make sure that his attention, at least a little of it, was on the spell.

Anton then memorized the spell Mage Light again but this time it only took him a couple of minutes and then he tried memorizing the spell Sleep and it only took him five minutes. Frederick kept telling everyone that it was expected since he was already a powerful mage.

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