My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 144

Anton felt a little guilty about leaving his father to deal with that politician and that manager from that huge magic store but he really didn’t know what to do with the situation. He hardly knew how to talk to those people so it would be better for Anders to talk to them. He just wished that no issue would arise.

After he took a bath, Anton ate some snacks that he retrieved from his inventory while watching an anime but he was suddenly interrupted by a knock on his door. When he opened it, it was Colin asking for the lanterns that he had just enchanted so he gave the sack filled with the lanterns to his assistant.

Anton was planning to enter the game to continue completing the Hell Act but the anime that he was watching about an immortal elf sorceress that was part of a hero group who defeated their enemies and then her party members got old and died leaving her alone caught his interest. The emotional upheaval that even the first episode brought him made sure that the anime was currently in his top ten and would possibly move up his ranking during the process of his watching it.

He was about to watch episode three when he heard knocking on his door again. Anton was irritated thinking that it was Colin but then he heard his father’s voice.

“Did something happen, Father?” Anton asked when he opened the door.

“The men from that store where you sold the tablet of air conditioner were very persistent up to the point that the politician was beginning to utter some threats. Luckily, the manager who was aware that they were bordering on doing something illegal stopped the counselor.”

Anton was beginning to get very angry and he was starting to plan to do hellish things to that counselor. Anders must have noticed since he started reprimanding him.

“Don’t do anything to that man since we’re leaving this city tomorrow anyway. I had to sell those extra wooden tablets of air conditioner that we’re not using and all of the lanterns that you just recently enchanted to them but the prize they paid was very high so we earned a massive amount of gold from them,” Anders said then he suddenly laughed.

“That’s fine, Father. I’m not going to do anything.”

“We will arrive in the wizard city of Zalnothel in about a couple of months and according to some of our people who traveled there before we will pass several villages and towns along the way. I’m planning to collect a lot of items from the villages and sell those you repaired in the larger towns since I wanted to make sure that we have enough coins to establish a merchant business once we arrive in Zalnothel. I’m planning to stop and establish our business in that city since that city is very powerful and even if the Undead Coalition reached that city, I was assured that it was powerful enough to defend itself. Its council consisted of several archmages and there’s even a magic academy there.”

Anton was intrigued by what his father said about the wizard city.

“Since we’re planning to establish ourselves there, do you think it’s a good idea for me and Anna to enroll in its magic academies?”

“Actually that was what I was thinking but I thought that it should be just Anna since you do have a lot of secrets and those archmages might get curious and experiment on you.”

Anton felt apprehensive at the thought of those powerful archmages getting curious enough to do something about it.

“What if I pretend that the magic I learned was the regular one?” Anton asked.

“I don’t know if it will work but if you want to do it, go ahead and do so, I’ll support you and make sure that we will become rich enough so we will have influence in the city. Just make sure to be careful. Oh by the way, they were also highly excited about the movie that you have shown us and they were asking if it was for sale. They were highly disappointed when I said that it was a spell.”

“What was their reaction when they learned that it was a spell? Did they ask about the specific spell?”

“No. When I asked Nemina, she said that unique and high-level spells were guarded by the mages that owned them, and if they covet something like that, it would be very difficult to get it from the mage who didn’t want to sell or give the spell. Devon then asked his mother what if they did something nefarious like kidnapping the mage’s family and then asking the mage to pay using the spell as their ransom. Nemina said that there were cases like that and it resulted in the destruction of those who were involved so they hardly happened anymore.”

Anton was relieved when he heard what Nemina said about the mages who might covet his spell and he then knew that he would need to talk to Nemina and Lucas about his situation. About what he would need to do to make sure that he was not endangering his family through the blatant use of his power especially since their end goal was a powerful wizard city.

When he mentioned it to his father, Anders said that it was a great idea so his father decided to join him when he talked to Nemina and Lucas. After their talk, Anders then told his son to rest since they would be leaving early the next day.

While Anton was trying to sleep, his mind was full of ideas on what enchantment he needed to do next after the Fire Bolt light enchantment. He thought that his next project should be learning about the mana pathways of his passive skill Warmth so that the mana storage of his enchanted items would regenerate mana on their own. He would also need to find ways to make sure that his enchanted items would not get destroyed over time or at least to increase the durability of his enchanted items.

Anton also thought that he should start learning how to enchant weapons and armor so he could enchant the guards’ weapons and armor to make sure that they were powerful enough to contend with the monsters of this world so his family would be safe. Soon, without knowing it, he fell asleep.

The next day, Anton woke up when he heard knocking on his door, and when he opened it, it was Colin asking him to get ready since they would be leaving soon. He then took a bath using mana water that he conjured from the Frozen Orb spell and then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

He was embarrassed to see that he was the last one in the inn and Colin was waiting for him so he immediately ordered breakfast and ate it quickly.

“Why didn’t anyone wake me up earlier? Anton asked his assistant while he was eating.

“Your father told everyone to let you sleep and will just wake you up when we’re about to leave. Nemina then said that it was fitting since you’re the caravan prince and your sister laughed at that,” Colin said while smiling.

Anton snorted when he heard what Colin had said then after eating, went and joined his father’s caravan to start their journey to their last destination which was the wizard city of Zalnothel.

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