My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 147

Anton exited out of the virtual mode of his Diablo II game and minimized it. He saw that the carriage was parked already and Anna and her maids were about to exit. He asked Colin to stay since he wanted to talk to him about the wooden boards.

“Colin, can you prepare more wooden tablets for me? I will need a lot of them, thanks.”

Colin nodded his affirmative and they both exited the carriage. Anton joined his family to the table that was set up for their dinner and they waited for the cooks to finish cooking while Anders was talking to the others about their business.

Anton could see that Frederick was now already part of what he privately called the Anders Council which included Nemina, Lucas, Lunelle, and now the mage. He knew that Anders had assistants and Nemina also had some but they didn’t introduce them to him. Soon, night arrived and the enchanted lanterns were switched on causing the camp to brighten.

“Anton, you’re enchanted lanterns are truly great!” Lucas praised while he was observing the campsite, which was now very bright because of the lanterns.

“Are you planning to sell enchanted items, Father?”

“As of right now, I’m not planning to sell any items that you enchanted if not needed since I don’t want to bring attention that you’re an enchanted item maker since that could cause envious eyes to gaze upon us. We’re still going to focus on weapons and armor since they’re needed in these times.”

“By the way, I managed to create a prototype magic wand! It’s not very stable yet and it’s awkward to use and I will need a long time to perfect it.”

Frederick gasped when he heard what Anton had said and the others looked surprised. Anton retrieved the wand that he created and showed it to his Father. Everyone studied the wand while Anton explained how to use it.

“You’re right. It is awkward to use,” Anna said while laughing and Anton just shrugged since he already explained that it was only a prototype.

Frederic tested the wand on a faraway tree and the mage enjoyed using it so much that he didn’t stop until the tenth Ice Bolt was released and the wand was destroyed. At first, the mage looked dismayed since he thought that he accidentally destroyed the wand but Anton explained that since the wand was made of ordinary wood, the material would be destroyed once the tenth spell was released.

“So if you used a magical material or sturdier material the wand should last?” Anna asked.

“It should but I haven’t tested it yet. I also wondered what material magic wands are made of. Unfortunately, I haven’t learned anything from that magic wand I bought since it seemed like the magic used to create it was totally different from what I used to create my magic items.”

Anton then gave his sister the wand of the magic missile and told her it only had three charges since he bought it cheaply to destroy it to learn the enchantment inside.

Soon dinner was served and after they ate, Anton immediately retired inside the carriage after taking a bath. He wanted to continue his enchantment studies.

He was about to enter his Diablo II game when suddenly Anton heard a shout from outside.

“Bandit attack!” Someone shouted.

Anton immediately went outside while telling his sisters and her maid to remain inside the carriage. He was surprised to see that the number of bandits attacking their caravan was so many that they were like an army.

He was glad to see that Lucas, Genod, Kudar, and Budolf, the leaders of the merchant guards were quick enough to organize themselves and mount an effective defense but he saw that they were severely outnumbered.

Anton saw his father joining the fight by using his magic wand of Fire Ball but suddenly some sort of magical shield appeared at the location where the Fire Ball from Anders’s wand was supposed to land and that meant that the bandits had wizards of their own and powerful ones at that since they were able to nullify a Fire Ball attack.

Anders wasn’t disheartened and without regard to the number of charges on his wand, he kept casting Fire Balls from it to the middle of the bandits who came from inside the forest and soon some Fire Balls managed to penetrate the enemy wizard’s shield and caused devastating damage to the bandit army.

There were shouting from the bandits that they should hold on since the magic from the wand that the leader of the caravan was using should be expended soon and that caused Anton’s blood to boil.

The bandits reached the group of guards and soon the melee fight was full-blown. Anton saw that the merchant caravan’s guards were valiant and courageous and then he heard Devon shouting to fight since even if their arms and legs were cut off, their wizard would be able to heal it, and that caused him to sigh.

Anton cast his defensive buffs and flew up. He then saw some sort of red bolt coming up to him and before he could react, it reached him but was dispelled by his Energy Bolt and the defense of his armor from the inside of the game. He did notice that his HP decreased by one-fourth and that meant that the spell was powerful but his auras immediately healed him.

He saw the three mages looking up at him and they had horrified looks on their faces when they saw that Anton was not affected by their spell. He saw that the three mages began uttering a group incantation and red light slowly gathered in their midst. That confirmed that the red bolt was a group spell and the fact that he was able to nullify that supposedly powerful attack from them caused them to wear the horrified expressions.

Anton had to admit that the three enemy wizards were brave since even though they knew that he was powerful and was able to dispel their first attack, they kept casting their spells.

He activated the special effect of his auras and buffs so that everyone’s eyes would be on him and he heard some of the bandits saying that Anton was an archmage.

Anton then attacked the three mages by using his telekinesis spell. He wanted to capture the mages since he wanted to question them. It appeared that the bandit army attack wasn’t an ordinary one and the mages should be able to answer his questions.

He held the three mages using his telekinesis and lifted them, causing their spell to be interrupted and Anton could see the pain of the spell backlash on the mages' faces. He brought the three mages near him.

“Stop casting spells or I’ll drain the magic from your bodies and turn you into frogs that I would keep in a bottle!” Anton bluffed then he saw the mages fearfully nodding.

When the bandits saw that their mages were captured by him, they began running and it helped that even Anders kept using his wands to target the bandits.

Anton flew down and saw that two people were almost fatally wounded and three had lost their limbs. He was glad to see that Lucas immediately gathered the wounded guards together so when he reached them, with the frozen enemy mages floating behind him, he immediately added those wounded guards to his party.

The three supposedly bandit mages were horrified to see that the two almost dead guards visibly recovered, their gaping wounds knitting together rapidly and after a few minutes, they stood up as if nothing happened to them. The three guards who lost their limbs began to regenerate their missing limbs and everyone was cheering at the scene since it brought them hope that if something similar happened to them, their wizard would be able to restore them fully.

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