My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 153

After dinner, Anton was about to go upstairs to his room so he could start watching some animes before sleeping when they heard screams and shouting outside the inn.

Anton heard the shouts saying that undead monsters were attacking the village. He looked at his family and he saw that everyone had a look of horror in their faces. They were already so far away from Leminthor and the merchant city of Ruandelle was between them and Leminthor. Did that mean that Leminthor had fallen and Ruandelle was being attacked? How powerful was the Undead Coalition that two cities were attacked even while they were at war with the powerful holy city of Tiande?

Anders commanded his daughter and her maids to remain inside the inn while Anton ran outside to check. He was glad to see that the caravan’s mercenaries were organized so he flew up to check the situation.

To Anton’s horror, there was truly an army of undead that was arriving in the village and he even saw some liches and vampires in the middle of the army that was surrounded by elite-looking undead like skeletons riding skeletal horses and huge ghouls and zombies. The liches wore robes so they looked like wizards with their cowls down and Anton could only see glimpses of their bony heads. There were three liches and around ten vampires surrounding them.

Based on the distance of the army, they should arrived in the village after around ten minutes so he flew back down and told his father the situation.

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces when they heard that there were liches and vampires amidst the army of ghouls and zombies. Anders and Lucas commanded everyone to immediately prepare the caravan so they could begin running.

Impressively, the caravan and its mercenaries were ready after five minutes and began moving outside the village towards the city of Zalnothel. Everyone in the Caravan knew that they were sacrificing the village so they could run but the villagers were not idiots. Most of them joined the caravan in their exodus out of the village but soon the caravan outdistanced everyone that was on foot since the caravan was letting the horses run as fast as they could.

Since the caravan was huge, Anton couldn’t do what they did before in letting the horses join in on his party system so he could use his auras to make the animals run non-stop. There were ten carriages and the carriages were pulled by two to four horses each and not only that, the mercenaries had their own horses as well.

Their immediate plan was to let the horses run as far and as fast as they could and when they couldn’t anymore, Anton would heal and restore the animal’s stamina using his auras, seven horses at a time. While the caravan and the villagers were running outside the village, Anton told his father that he would attack the army to give them more time to flee.

Anders looked at his son worriedly and told Anton to run if he was ever in danger. The caravan continued running while Anton activated all of the defense spells and auras and made sure to turn on the special effects so the undead would focus on him instead of the fleeing people.

The undead army reached the entrance of the village when Anton cast his first attack spells toward the undead army. He cast Meteor one after another in the middle of the army where the liches and the vampires were.

Flaming rocks appeared from the heavens and hurtled down to the liches and vampires who were in the middle of the undead army but suddenly, a glowing red magic barrier appeared protecting the monsters.

Anton wasn’t surprised since he encountered the same situation before. The huge flaming meteors crashed on the magic barrier and the sounds of the impact of the spells resounded in the area. He saw animals in the forest causing a stampede in their mad scrambling to flee.

Anton could see that the three liches were together in casting some kind of group spell that was protecting the undead army. To not allow them to attack him, he kept casting Meteor on them.

He flew nearer and began casting Frozen Orb in front of the undead army and the devastatingly beautiful and deadly orbs of ice that exploded with sharp Ice Bolts arrived in front of the monsters causing untold destruction.

One advantage of Ice Spells towards the undead was, that if it were powerful enough, the frozen monsters would shatter and disappear, not allowing the liches to resurrect them. When the liches saw their minions being destroyed without the possibility of them being resurrected, Anton assumed that they commanded the vampires to attack him.

The vampires flew up and began attacking him by casting spells of their own. Red bolts and balls of gray and red light reached him.

Anton couldn’t really dodge the spells since the vampires were fast but he wasn’t surprised that when the spells reached him, the damage that penetrated his Energy Shield didn’t cause much damage since he was protected by powerful items from the world of Sanctuary.

He then attacked the vampires by teleporting in the middle of three of them and casting Frozen Nova. The three vampires froze and he attacked them immediately using Frozen Orb causing the three vampires to freeze and shatter.

When the other vampires saw what happened to their constituents, the rest immediately flew back down and entered the shield that the three liches made.

So far, Anton killed three vampires and around fifty undead minions but before he could do more damage, all of the undead entered the magic barrier that the three liches made.

Anton’s attack did stall the undead army since when he attacked them, they couldn’t move anymore. They were hunkering inside the magic barrier but Anton attacked the barrier with Meteor and Frozen Orb relentlessly. He didn’t stop since he was supported by the Meditation Aura.

After thirty minutes of endless casting of Meteors and Frozen that made the sky light up like it was morning, he heard a very loud crack coming from the barrier. One of the liches suddenly exploded so only two liches were remaining. The seven vampires who were surrounding the three liches were looking at Anton in horror.

Anton knew that he could defeat the undead army on his own if he fought long enough but suddenly a spell reached him that caused massive damage to him. Almost seventy percent of his mana and fifty percent of his HP disappeared. He then saw one of the liches pointing its two bony hands at him. That meant that the lich cast a fatal spell at him but his Energy Shield and powerful defenses saved him. The lich that attacked him did look like it weakened tremendously after casting that powerful curse.

He flew back and his auras immediately filled his mana and HP after a few minutes. While flying back, Anton didn’t stop casting Meteor and Frozen Orb but the undead army magic barrier remained. Fortunately, it appeared that the fatal magic that one of the liches used to cause massive damage to him didn’t appear again and Anton thought that he might be outside of the lich’s range or it was a one-time use spell.

That spell did frighten Anton since two more attacks of that powerful spell and it would kill him. He noticed that the army of the undead started moving backward away from him which meant that liches decided to retreat so he stopped his spell casting and observed what the undead would do.

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