My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 176

At around four in the afternoon, while Anton was watching an anime, he heard a knock on his door so he minimized his browser and checked who it was. It was his father and Anders told him to accompany them.

“All of us are going to the government office that handles the citizenship for the city of Zalnothel. What do you call that office?” Anders asked Lurien who was beside him.

“It’s called the Office of Citizenship,” the high wizard replied which made Anders glare at his son.

Lurien assured them that it wouldn’t take long since Anton being an archmage as confirmed by the archmage Voduria would grant him and his family special privileges.

So Anton followed everyone to the Office of Citizenship and as Lurien promised, everyone was taken care of within two hours although since Anton was processed first, he left after ten minutes of staying in the government office. The people inside the government department were especially respectful towards him especially when they learned that he was an archmage planning to stay in the city permanently.

He immediately returned to the inn where they were staying since he was feeling tired and wanted to rest. Anton knew that everyone felt the same since they had been running for some time and knew that it would probably take several days of rest before everyone returned to their peak selves. It wasn’t only because of the travel but the stress that came with the possibility of the undead attacking. Now that they didn’t have that burden, everyone was truly tired and just wanted to sleep.

When Anton was back in his room, he ate some food from his inventory and planned to continue watching some anime but when his head his pillow, he fell asleep immediately.

The next day, Anton woke up groggily and when he checked the time, it was already ten in the morning. He guessed that he was truly stressed since he didn’t even remember what time he slept so he slept for more than twelve hours. He took a bath and went outside his room.

He saw his father, Anna, and her maids, Nemina and Lucas in the suite seated on chairs that were scattered around. He saw that everyone wasn’t doing anything important but was being leisurely instead.

“You finally woke up, sleepyhead,” Anna said when they saw Anton exiting his bedroom.

“Don’t mind your sister. She just only woke up herself. We all did. I guess we were all stressed by the travel but at least we had a good rest. We’re now waiting for breakfast to be served,” Anders told his son.

“Your father announced that the next three days will be vacation days for everyone and I already gave everyone coins so they could enjoy themselves,” Nemina said.

“After eating I planned to go to a shop that sells spellbooks. I wanted to get a spell that would allow me to clean stuff since my spell that does that is a bit complicated and wastes a lot of my energy,” Anton told his father.

“I’ll join you. I need to purchase some spellbooks myself,” Frederick said.

“Me too! Father said that you have to let me join you,” Anna shouted and Anton just rolled his eyes.

When their breakfast arrived, everyone ate heartily. The food was delicious so he asked Nemina to order a lot of food from the inn’s kitchen so he could store it in his inventory. Since he had a lot of space, he would use them to store some cooked food.

After eating, Anton together with his sister and her maids, Frederick and three four guards went outside the Inn. He felt that it was such a large group but then again, Anders was just concerned since this was a new city and would probably relent to fewer guards once they were used to the vibes of Zalnothel.

Since no one knew anything about the city, Frederick was forced to asked directions from some of the pedestrian. Anton, Anna, and her maids had wide eyes while looking at the people walking around. If not for their luxurious clothes, they would look like ignorant kids from the countryside which they were.

Anton knew that he was staring but he couldn’t help himself. Anyone from his world would do the same thing. Who wouldn’t stare at the beautiful elves, male or female walking around, the fierce-looking beastmen talking loudly to their companions, or the heavy indomitable-looking dwarven warriors in full armor walking about, or the light-footed halfings? Not to mention the truly bizarre beings like serpent men, or what clearly looked like zombies wearing clean armor.

Since Anton and Anna looked really young, it appeared that nobody was offended by their stares and were just amused, especially since the two youths were clearly rich and were surrounded by guards.

Anton felt like he was walking amidst a movie fantasy set or was in the middle of a cosplay convention. The only difference was the costumes were just a tad too real. He also felt that the surroundings were missing a BGM and if music were playing, it would look and sound like he was in the middle of a fantasy MMORPG. He decided to play WoW music BGM using his browser from a famous streaming site while they were walking.

It amused Anton so much that he laughed loudly. Anna looked at him and just snorted. Soon, with Frederick in the lead, they arrived at a large magic store. When they entered the store, they were greeted by a salesman. Anton immediately asked about a spellbook that teaches a wizard a spell to clean stuff.

After he asked that, Anna interjected and told the salesman that she wanted to browse some cantrips and first-level spells and at the same time, Frederick asked the salesman where to find second-level spells.

“Hey, one at a time, and since I asked first and I only need one spell, let me go first,” Anton said while Anna shouted that it wasn’t fair.

The salesman was amused and informed them that he would call some of his colleagues to assist them so the salesman left and returned with a couple of people. A salesgirl assisted Anna and another man went to Frederick.

The original salesman who approached them first assisted Anton.

“We have several types of clean spells. We have the first-level spell Clean Object, the second-level spell Clean Small Area, and the third-level spell Clean Large Area,” the man said.

Anton smiled at the simplistic naming of the spells. The only thing that he could comment on was that it was named aptly.

“I would like to purchase all three spells,” Anton said to the salesman and that statement brought a huge smile to the man’s face.

Anton wondered if they work on commission.

“The first-level clean spell is six gold coins, the second-level clean spell is eighteen gold coins and the third-level spell is forty-five gold coins for a total of sixty-nine gold coins. I’ll give all three spells to you for sixty-five gold coins. Let me get the spellbook so please wait here,” The man said while leading Anton to a set of chairs where he could wait for the spells to be delivered to him.

After a few minutes, the salesman came back with three books and when the man gave the books to Anton, he gave the person seventy gold coins.

“You can go ahead and mark it as you’ve sold it to me for sixty-five gold coins and you can keep the rest,” Anton told the man.

The salesman thanked Anton profusely since the six gold coins extra was a huge amount of gold coins for a worker like him.

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