My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 185

The next day during breakfast inside the suite, everyone was still talking about the various plans that they would do. Suddenly, Frederick told a fact that Anton found interesting.

“Apparently, the South Gate, where we entered is now called the Forbidden Desolate Gate. According to one of Zalnothel's guards that I befriended, no one is allowed to exit that gate anymore but some adventurers secretly go out that gate to kill undead monsters since there are materials that they can gather from the corpses of the undead that are highly valued by alchemists. Some said that soon the place beyond the South Gate would belong to the undead.”

Basically, what the mage was saying was that the place beyond the south gate would be the entrance to the field where people could get experience and loot just like a game.

“The other gates are still fine. As a matter of fact, once we establish ourselves here, we can still run a merchant caravan and based on my initial investigation we would probably be using the North Gate to go to other cities to trade,” Nemina said.

After breakfast, everyone went and did their assigned jobs for the day enthusiastically. Anton would also be roaming around some of the shops followed by Colin and a couple of guards assigned to him by Lucas.

Zenoxus and some of the caravan guards would guard his father and his assistants, Ecturne would follow Nemina and Luminetta would follow Lunelle and Devon. Frederick would be guarded by the caravan guards holding the wand of Ice Bolt. Anna and her maid would stay at the inn since she said she wanted to practice her magic.

Anton was glad that Colin was with him since his assistant would be the one asking the pedestrian questions regarding the location of the nearby magic shops. He was an introvert and transmigrating to another world didn’t change that. He was probably one of those who would get hopelessly lost because of his aversion to asking for direction from people he didn’t know. Colin was also the one holding onto the coin purse given by his father.

The first shop that they went to was actually the one where he purchased the cleaning spells. When he entered, an attendant came to them asking if they needed assistance. Anton was looking around trying to find the salesperson who assisted him before but he couldn’t find the man. He didn’t even remember the salesperson’s name.

“Can you lead me to the magic items or artifacts that provide convenience to rich folks like magic lamps and stuff,” Anton said to the salesman.

The salesman led him to a corner on the second floor. While they were walking the man kept talking to Anton.

“Magic items that people usually buy from us are weapons and those that could provide defensive spells. Only the very rich purchase enchanted items that only help their lives easier.”

When they arrived where the enchanted items were located, the man introduced several items to Anton. There was a magic lamp that provided magic light. A pair of rings that had gems that would change color to match each other regardless of distance. According to the salesman, it was usually used to signify danger and request for help.  There were small magic candles that could immediately provide fire and they were usually used by rich adventurers to light a campfire.

Anton was surprised to see that there were also consumable talismans. There was a talisman that would shoo away insects in the location it was used for several hours. This type of talisman was used by rich adventurers or mercenaries in the field.

Some talismans stored spells to be used for offense and defense but one thing Anton learned, the talismans were incredibly expensive and he wondered if he could create them. He thought of the possibilities and it excited him since he thought that he should be able to create some as well.

There were also practical magical items which were the ones Anton was planning to specialize like an enchanted box that preserved food but the most expensive of the bunch was the Twin Teleportation Boxes that could teleport small things to each other. This one actually cost thousands of gold coins.

Anton had the urge to ask the salesman if there was a tool that could teleport people but he held himself off since he was supposed to be an archmage and should know about those types of things. He decided that once he had a tutor, he would ask those questions to the tutor.

He had fun inspecting all of the enchanted items on sale since it felt like he was browsing items in a shop located in Diagon Alley. Anton then wondered if he could create magical food just like in Harry Potter. He actually spent three hours browsing but he did spend fifty gold coins to purchase a bunch of talismans to check how they function and to check if he could create one as well.  He thought of using other materials for his talisman instead of paper to differentiate himself from others like thin pieces of wood or something like that. Maybe he could even invent something like a printing press so he could create multiple talismans at a rapid pace.

Anton wondered if he would have to add a switch to his wooden talisman to activate them then he noticed that the salesman was staring at him since he was standing there like a statue for several minutes while he thought of how to create talismans.

This shopping spree wasn’t a waste of time since the items that he saw inspired Anton. He also remembered that he had access to the Internet and could browse magical items from several sources like a Harry Potter Fan Site or Dungeon and Dragons fan site for inspiration on magical items that he could create. He realized that his system could truly provide him with endless possibilities and that made him happy.

After that, Anton and his companions went to a nearby restaurant and spent coins to eat lunch there. When they arrived back at the inn, Anton immediately went to his room so he could list all the possible items that he could create while they were fresh in his mind. Then to calm himself, he practiced his guitar and played some music for an hour.

Before he could enter the game to start leveling up his druid character, Colin knocked on his door and when he opened it, he saw Lunelle.

“Do you need something from me?” Anton asked Lucas’s daughter.

“We found a talented carpenter artist. You mentioned that you needed someone to design and create items made from wood to create your enchanted items. You can probably use him then.”

Anton followed Lunelle and found Devon with the carpenter slash artist. Devon then introduced the young man who couldn’t be more than twenty-five years old.

“This is Eric. He’s a carpenter and could create detailed items using wood.”

“I’m Anton and as Lunelle and Devon probably told you, I enchant items and we’re planning to sell them.” Eric the carpenter bowed when Anton introduced himself then they sat on the sofa.

When Devon and Lunelle saw that Anton and Eric the carpenter were now busy talking to each other, they said goodbye and told him that they would need to go back to their business and Anton just nodded.

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