My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 191

Anton saw that Lunelle was looking at him in dissatisfaction and knew that it was about the movie.

“I’m sorry Lunelle that you were not here to see the movie with us but I did promise Anna that once we move to the manor, we’ll see a movie to celebrate,” Anton told Lucas’s daughter.

“But you said that you will show a different movie!” Anna suddenly interrupted.

“Fine. I’ll show Pride and Prejudice first then a new movie after that.”

All the girls celebrated and the men were looking at them in indulgence. He wondered if he should show a film catered to the men and right now he couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t shock them too much. He then thought of their reaction if he let them watch a Marvel film and he smiled at the thought. He then thought maybe the first film in the Lord of the Rings movie franchise wouldn’t be too shocking to the people here since the film was set in Middle Earth which was somewhat similar to this world.

Anton then thought deeply about the setting of this world and to which fantasy fiction he could compare it. At first, he thought that this world could be somewhat similar to the Witcher world or maybe even the Dungeons and Dragons franchise but then again, all medieval fantasy stories and games did look somewhat similar to each other so the best thing that he could do was to treat this new world of as a unique world since assuming something based off of novels and games could be dangerous for him.

The group then started talking about business and Anton asked if he could leave since he needed to meditate and when his father agreed he immediately went to his room. After taking a bath, Anton entered the game to level up his druid character since it had been several hours since he focused on leveling up.

After a couple of hours, he completed Act II but didn’t level up and after that, he slept.

The next day, everyone was busy since it was the day they would move to the manor. Since their caravan was huge, the action of their preparation affected the whole inn but there was nothing they could do about that and once they left, the inn would return to its normal business.

Anton was one of the first ones who arrived at the mansion and the first thing that he did was to cast his highest level cleaning spell on the room that he chose which Clean Large Area. Although the room was cleaned by the people that Frederick hired, he wasn’t satisfied with how it looked and after he cast the spell, the room looked visibly different from before.

He knew that if he didn’t cast the spell and trusted the people that Frederick hired, his skin would be full of insect bites the next day. The room decoration was still lacking so that meant that he would need to personally purchase stuff to fill his room that would make it comfortable. Nemina did say that they would have to create a list of what they wanted to purchase so that they could make bulk purchases from merchants but Anton decided to do it himself for his room since a personalized touch would be better in the long run.

After that, he went and cast his Clean Large Area spell on every inch of the mansion. He needed to stop once in a while to memorize the spell so he could fill up the spell slots. The good thing about being a powerful archmage in this world's spell system, just like the magic system in Dungeons and Dragons, he had plenty of spell slots. He managed to clean the whole mansion, the manor grounds, the warehouse at the back, and even the gates, and since the spell had a large coverage it only took him four hours, and was able to completely clean the whole thing before lunch.

During lunch, everyone was busy planning on their next step and sharing their plans with Anders. Anna pestered Anton on casting the cleaning spell again once her room was filled with all the things that they would need to purchase to fill it up. 

Nemina, Lunelle, and Frederick together with their guards would be busy purchasing items to decorate the manor. Anna together with her maids also planned to shop for items that they could use in their rooms and everyone else for that matter was planning to do the same thing so Anders was forced to assign their shopping plans in batches so that there would be people in the mansion while the rest were out shopping.

Anders looked pained while giving out coins for everyone’s shopping spree. Before Anton left for his shopping spree, he went to the warehouse to put all of the things there that he didn’t need to keep like the remaining weapons, armor, and repaired stuff. There were separate storage facilities for the food and the caravan chefs were the ones in charge of those so he went there as well to store the remaining food in his inventory that he didn’t need to keep like grains.

The only things that he kept in his private stash were his things and the cooked food and bread since those needed to be stored in his private stash to keep them fresh. Even his clothes were already in his room although he did keep some in his inventory for emergencies.

When Anton’s private stash was clear, he and Colin together with a couple of guards rode one of their carriages to shop for items like a mattress, bed sheets, pillows, curtains some furniture for his room like a study table, and chairs. He guessed that the truly rich folks or the nobility wouldn’t personally handle this type of work but, to be honest about it, Anton’s family was still new to being rich and they were truly not rich yet since their funds were limited that meant that they were still upstart farmers and didn’t know how to behave like the rich folks in the cities.

 They were also not nobles since he believed that the noble offices were assigned by kings. That was what he knew but what Anton didn’t know was that it was different in Zalnothel. The nobility was handled by the mages meaning noble offices were granted to the powerful wizards of Zalnothel.

That meant that by virtue of the Archmage Voduria acknowledging him as an archmage automatically entitled him a noble title and the actual assignation would be handled at a later time once they settled on their manor.

During their shopping spree, it was Colin who was busy running around inquiring the people where they could purchase specific items. The good thing about shopping with Anton was nobody would need to carry anything since all the items that he purchased would be stored directly in his inventory.

Anton was a bit startled that his act of storing his items in his inventory astonished the people in the store but what he didn’t know was mages were rare even in the wizard city of Zalnothel and mages who could store items in another dimension were either very rich or very powerful. If they’re not powerful, they’re very rich since they could afford artifacts that allowed them to store items in another dimension which everyone knew cost an astronomical amount of coins or very powerful since the act of having the ability to cast a spell that would allow one to store item in another space was a very high-level spell.

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