My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 50

Anders introduced Anton to Lucas and his family and he saw Anna trying to reign her laughter as she looked at the expression of Devon and Lunelle.

“This is my son Anton. As I mentioned, he is a wizard. You don’t need to worry about any injuries since he could heal any injuries and he can cast spells to fight off monsters. The main reason why we needed guards is for guard duty since we will be on the road for quite a while, we need to have guard duty at night and my son needs to meditate so he couldn’t join with that duty,” Anton’s father was speaking softly so he doubted anyone else would be able to hear their talks.

Anton nodded to Lucas and his family trying to look dignified which made Anna laugh a bit.

“We were living in a village near Mendi and as you know Lucas, the Undead Coalition attacked Vondi and all of us here are sure that Mendi will be next so we decided to head to the wizard city of Zalnothel.”

“I understand sir. We will do our best in guarding the young wizard and you and your daughter of course,” Lucas said.

“We’ve already talked about you and your son’s contract and its details so no need to repeat it so let’s just eat. After dinner, we still have a lot of business to take care of so it will probably be late before we can retire in our rooms. You can stay here in the inn in the meantime and we’ll pay for your stay.”

Their server arrived with their food and everyone started eating. While they were doing so Anton asked his father about the bathtub and bucket slash toilet they had commissioned.

“The carpenter said that he would arrive in about an hour. We’ll inspect his handiwork and pay him once we’re satisfied. I also asked Anna to purchase the things that you have requested and I will talk to the innkeeper and his cook later regarding our food order.”

“Why would you order food later?” Devon asked.

Anders looked at his son and understood that his father would probably share some details of his magic with them.

“My son has magic that can preserve the food in a state where it will remain the same for a very long time so a newly cooked food tonight will stay fresh and hot even a month from now.”

Deven and Lunelle gasped when they heard that and Lucas and his wife Nemina just smiled. Anton then told everyone he needed to go back to their room and meditate but honestly, he was feeling guilty of foisting all of the work to his father and Anna. He simply just didn’t know how to talk to people in this world normally yet and Anders and Anna understood that due to their thinking that it was because of his memory loss. He really appreciated the fact that when he transmigrated to this world, he was blessed with a family like them.

Anton promised himself that he would join his father and sister with the business in the next village so he would learn how everything worked.

When he got back to their room, instead of playing the game, he decided to procrastinate by practicing his lute for an hour. He wanted to become good enough at playing the instrument so he could have something to fall back to just in case. After practicing, Anton opened his browser and surfed the internet for a bit.

A couple of hours passed and his father and sister were still downstairs somewhere conducting their business so he decided to check on them. It was very late and the common room still had people drinking some ale. He saw a server nodding off at one of the tables and when he passed by the man woke up.

Anton was about to ask if the man knew where his father and his sister were when his father entered the inn.

“Anton! The bathtub, toilet slash bucket, and privacy screens are at the village hall. There’s no one there now since it’s late so once we inspect them, you can put them in your magic space.”

“It’s so late already Father! You and Anna should rest.”

“We need to leave tomorrow so I would like to conclude all of our business tonight.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t a help to you and Anna, Father. I promise that in the next village, I will make an effort to assist you.”

Anders smiled when he heard his son’s apology.

“You don’t need to worry. The cornerstone of our new business is your ability and you can only increase your ability’s power if you meditate. Both me and Anna understand that so you don’t have to apologize.”

“Thank you, Father, I appreciate that. Still, I need to also learn about how the real world works so even though my meditations are a necessity, I would still need to join you sometimes. I don’t want to be that kind of wizard who is out of touch with the common folks.”

Anders laughed when Anton said that.

“The reason I laugh is all of us in the mercenary band including your mother thought all wizards were like that. Out of touch with the real world since their mind is attuned to the mysteries of the arcane. Well, that’s the reason we gave ourselves if we received commands from them that were so illogical that we could only gape in amazement. One time a wizard commanded us to get special figs that grow in the middle of a desert guarded by a basilisk when there were only three of us in the band since the others were busy on a mission and that wizard expected to get the fig by evening when he gave the command in the afternoon and the desert was three days travel from where we were!”

“Are all wizards like that?!”

“Not all of them but I would say a lot of there are so I’m glad that you don’t want to be one of those.”

Anton and his father then went to the village hall to inspect the bathtub, toilet bucket, and private screen. They found them adequate so Anders paid the carpenter which based on the smile that grew on the man’s face, was overpaid a lot then the carpenter left. When there was no one in the hall Anton kept the bathtub, bucket, and screens in his inventory. They would arrange everything to save space in his private stash the next day since it was really too late.

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