My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 69

Anton was woken up by the brightness that was seeping through his tent and when he checked the time in his internet browser it was already seven in the morning. He was surprised that his father allowed everyone to rest more since he was expecting that they would leave early.

When he went outside the tent, he saw that the only people who were awake were his father and Lucas. Anton went to the makeshift toilet, handled his business, and took a bath swiftly enough that Anders didn’t comment about his newly washed hair. He prepared everyone’s breakfast and when his father saw that the food was ready, Anders woke Anna.

Anna also moved very fast and took a bath of her own and she was fast enough that Anders just raised his eyebrows. After everyone was ready, they began their journey towards the village.

Anton still joined his father in the driver’s seat while Anna, Nermina, and Lunelle were inside the carriage. Around mid-morning, everyone heard some shouting in the distance and Anton saw smoke coming out from what he assumed was the village’s direction.

When they got near everyone saw what they were afraid to see. An army of the undead attacked the village.

“Father how come they’re here already!?” Anton gasped.

“The Undead Coalition must have made some movements even before they attacked the country of Vondi. I’m afraid that we can’t assume that we wouldn’t encounter any undead as we travel since from what it looked like, the undead army was already spread out.”

Anders turned the carriage to the side so they could bypass the village and urged the horses to run faster. Lucas and Devon unsheathe their swords just in case.

Unfortunately, someone must have noticed them since Anton saw a couple of people suddenly fly up from the village and fly towards them. The two people who he assumed were either vampires or mages allied to the undead were then followed by ghouls who were running swiftly.

“Father a couple of flying people are chasing us,” Anton told his father.

“I’ll let the horses keep on running and we’ll confront them once they’re near enough. Anna prepare yourselves! The village was attacked by an army of the undead and a couple of flying monsters that could be vampires are following us,” Anders shouted and then he urged the horses to run faster.

Anton kept the Vigor, Meditation, and Prayer Auras active affecting the horses so they ran very fast and there was no sign of them experiencing tiredness. Anton could see that the two possible vampires paused a bit, surprised at the horses' speed and stamina, and started chasing again.

Because of the speed of the horses, they were now far away from the village and the rest of the undeath’s army but the two flying people and their ten ghouls were still chasing them.

“Father the enemies are not stopping and I think we’re far enough away from the rest of their army. I’m going to attack them.”

Anders slowly stopped the carriage and Lucas and Devon stopped beside them.

Anton then stood up facing the two flying people who were coming towards them and he could clearly see their expressions full of ridicule at them for stopping.

Without asking permission from Anders, Anton teleported between the two vampires and they were vampires since he could now see their mouths which were open intimidating them with their long fangs.

When he appeared between the flying vampires they were surprised. Anton cast Frost Nova then he teleported back to the carriage’s roof.

One of the vampires fell, frozen by his spell while the other one cast some sort of spell and defended himself from Anton’s spell. Anton knew that sooner or later he would encounter someone who could counter his spells.

“Wizard you killed my companion, you will pay!” The vampire that was still flying shouted.

“You attacked us first and I have the right and the power to defend myself!” Anton shouted back then he cast Frozen Armor and Energy Shield.

The vampire was taken aback by the spells that Anton cast and it commanded the ghouls who were about to reach them to stop.

“We will let you go and not chase you anymore wizard!” The vampire shouted and was about to leave but stopped when it heard Anton’s reply.

“Who told you that I will allow you to leave!”

Anton cast Teleport to get near the vampire and then he cast his most powerful spell, Frozen Orb. The vampire cast his defensive spell again but this time its power wasn’t enough and he was frozen and fell.

Anton then teleported near the ghouls who were surprised at his sudden appearance. He cast Frozen Orb at them and he was surprised that he needed to cast the spell twice before the ghouls were destroyed. He remembered that in some lores in books that he had read, the undead had resistance against cold spells but then again the vampires were helpless against his Frozen Orb.

When he saw that the ten ghouls were all destroyed, he went near the vampires and he was surprised that both of them were still alive, only frozen.

“Wizard let us leave and we will not bother you anymore. If you kill us prepare yourself for the Undead Coalition’s retaliation!” One of the vampires said but the other was just sneering at him.

Anton called his father and Lucas while Devon and the women remained near the carriage.

“Father, do you want to interrogate them?”

“It would be nice to have more information but we’re not officers in the army and I think that our country is already destroyed. We don’t need their information. What we need to do is to run as fast as we can from here,” Anders replied.

Without further ado, Anton cast Ice Bolt and targeted the vampire's head causing the head to freeze and explode leaving their bodies behind.

Since he was protected by Frozen Armor and Energy Shield, Anton went to the vampire’s corpses and prodded them to make sure that they were really dead, and then when he was assured of their deaths, he asked his father to search the corpses to check if they could find anything valuable.

Anders searched the vampire's pocket and he found a magic wand and a coin purse on the first vampire who fell. They were in luck because the second vampire had a bag of holding. After getting all they could from the vampires, Anton cast Ice Blast to freeze the corpses so that when they thaw out nothing would remain then they immediately rode their carriage and horses and left.

They let the horses run for a couple more hours and only stopped to feed and water them and for everyone to eat as well. When they stopped, Anton remembered to make sure that his family and the guards, Nermina and Lunelle experienced the Vigor, Meditation, and Prayer Auras to refresh everyone and after several minutes he switched the horses back to his party system since the animals still had a long way to go.

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