My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 73

Anton’s father continued their journey even through the night, only stopping after several hours to check on the horses, feed them grains, and water them with mana water that Anton conjured. To Anders, Lucas, and Devon’s satisfaction, the horses were perfectly healthy and still energetic.

Even though everyone was perfectly aware that the horses would be fine since they themselves felt fine and Anton had been using the same spell on them, it was still inevitable for them to worry.

“I should be exhausted right now lacking sleep and with the constant traveling but I feel fine,” Devon commented.

“This spell of yours Anton would also be a good tool for training since you can train arms continuously which will improve techniques greatly,” Lucas said.

“It’s just so boring. Hours staring at the dark environment outside the carriage when we eventually ran out of stories to tell and we didn’t even feel tired enough to take a nap. The novels that we received from the vampire are still being checked by Nemina,” Anna complained.

“I’m sorry I can’t join you. I could have sung you songs or told you stories but I need to stay beside Father to make sure the Fire Ball that lights the road is constant. It’s but a thought to cast the spell and keep it there but It would still need my attention,” Anton said to Anna.

Anton then turned to his father, remembering what Anders told them earlier about letting them have a bath when they stopped for dinner.

“Father I will set up our makeshift toilet over there in the trees so everyone can have a bath.”

Anders just nodded so they waited for Anton to set up the toilet and fill the water barrel with mana water. Honestly, all the women in the group were becoming addicted to using mana water for their baths because the effects were visible. It made their skin fairer and smoother and even the men were experiencing the same thing which according to Devon’s comment, was too weird for a man.

They spent a couple of hours taking a bath and then after that they continued with their travel. The sun was already bright when they viewed the next village and Anton was thankful since he felt that his butt was tired of sitting all the time for several hours although with the auras active, he was sure it was just his imagination.

“Remember we will not stay here for long. We will buy the things we need that we’ll be on our way,” Anders reminded everyone.

Anton’s father parked their carriage in front of a large building in the middle of the village which he assumed as the inn. Everyone got out of the carriage and went inside. Lucas and Devon followed them leaving the horses and their carriage to a few men who were the inn’s attendants.

Anton left everything to his father and Nemina since he was sure that his father and their new manager would know what to do.

“Brother, while we’re waiting can you add a story to my notebook?” Anna wheedled.

Anton obliged his sister by saying sure to her and then purchasing an e-book copy that could be read using a browser of the first book in David Eddings's The Belgariad series which was the Pawn of Prophecy from a famous novel website. He was glad that he could use his Diablo II gold to fund an account so he was able to purchase things like copies of movies, animes, and e-books.

It would have been best if he had something like an online shop where Anton could purchase modern things and then it would be transported to him. He remembered reading a web novel like that but his Diablo II system was not like that and he should be thankful that he even had something like a system that assisted in making him strong.

While the siblings were waiting for their father and Nemina to purchase all the things they would need, Anton began copying the Pawn of Prophecy book to his sister’s notebook. He should have purchased something that teenage girls would like but all the things he knew were fantasy and all the things that he thought girls her sister's age would like contained modern synopsis.

He guessed he could have purchased old-school books for teens like the Anne of Green Gables book series but he really liked fantasy books and it would be much better for him to copy a fantasy book for him to not get bored. He would just do the Anne of Green Gable books next time. This time, his sister should be content with David Eddings’s books.

Anton wrote fast but legibly enough so her sister could read his writings without any problem.

“Anna you should purchase more notebooks since the story I’m writing is very long and two or three notebooks would not be enough.”

“Really?! I’ll go ahead and try to find some since Father gave me some spending coins,” Anna said then she rushed toward the innkeeper probably asking where she could buy some notebooks.

Anton wondered if something like a notebook was easy to find in villages like this since from what he remembered, something like a notebook was rare in medieval times but remembered that this was not his world’s past but another world entirely and he shouldn’t assume things would be the same as his world’s past.

Anna’s notebook was filled after Anton copied several chapters of the Pawn of Prophecy which was the first book in the Belgariad series and it took him about thirty minutes. He was surprised at himself on how fast he did it and more than likely it was one of the benefits of having high stats from the game.

Anton then noticed Anna was sitting beside him holding three notebooks.

“I found some notebooks and I purchased three of them. I would have purchased more but these are all they have,” Anna said.

“Okay give me those and you can read what I’ve written so far. Tell me if you don’t like the story, and I’ll change it to something else.”

While Anna was reading Anton continued copying the book into the notebook that his sister had just recently purchased. After writing for an hour, his sister said that she finished a couple of chapters he wrote on the first notebook so he stopped to listen to his sister’s review of the book.

“So how was it? Do you like it or do you want me to change to another book? The one that you’re reading is only the first book in the five-book series of a famous fantasy author named David Eddings. The name of the series is called The Belgariad.”

“I love it! It’s almost similar to what is happening to us right now. I want to know what will happen to Garion next so please continue in completing the book,” Anna gushed, filled with praise for the book that she just read.

Anton then said to his sister that he would complete the book so he continued writing the Pawn of Prophecy. All in all, it took two more notebooks and an hour before he completed the first book which was just in time for Anders and the others to join them for lunch.

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