My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 77

Anna woke up in her room and saw that it was still dark outside. The first thing that she checked was her notebook. Her valuable notebook contained the first few chapters of her now favorite book, The Pawn of Prophecy. Honestly, the book helped her a lot because even though everything that was happening to her and her family was really scary, it was like a grand adventure like what was happening to the book's protagonist, Garion.

Her brother was even like Garion’s aunt, a powerful wizard and soon she would become a wizard herself since they already had several spell books and they only needed a tutor for herself.

Anna was making sure to read the book slowly since she wanted to savor the story and due to their situation, her brother would not be able to pen the second book but since they were already past the city of Tiande, she was sure that they would have the time for her brother to write the next book in the series.

Anna was thankful for what happened to his brother. It was unspoken but the truth was, that all the people who lost their memories in the village and the surrounding farms near theirs were considered new people already since they didn’t remember even one single iota of what could be considered as their identity.

She remembered the first case of the person who had forgotten everything and unfortunately, that farmer left since all of his family had died with the plague. What everyone found weird was the lack of sorrow on the farmer’s face since he didn’t consider the family that he had lost as his family.

Then there was the second case and then the third one and everybody got used to the fact that the plague could cause some to lose their memories and those who lost their memories would become like a totally brand new person. They were devastated when it happened to Anton but Anna and his father were still thankful that he was alive. They still treated Anton as their family and then suddenly he was a mighty wizard who cared about his family. Anna even thought that Anton was much better compared to before not because of his powers but because he was caring and always thought of his family’s comfort and needs.

Anna wondered if the others who lost their memories received any corresponding gifts of their own but she didn’t hear anything about that and now they would never know since Mendi was now gone. She prayed that all of her friends managed to escape.

Looking at her notebook, she loved the fact that Lunelle and Nemina also liked the book and they did not hesitate to discuss the chapters with her and that helped pass the time while they were traveling since without that, she would not know what to do with her time since she could not even take a nap since she was full of energy due to her brother’s spell.

Anna was also excited when she heard that their father was interested in the book and was willing to buy more notebooks for her. She stood up and dressed herself so she could go downstairs to the common room to eat breakfast with everybody. She couldn’t wait to drink some mana water conjured by her brother. Aside from being refreshing, the water made her skin fairer, and now all her blemishes were disappearing. Soon, she will be as fair and smooth as a noble girl who had not touched any sort of work in her life.

Besides their journey being scary due to the undead, Anna could not wait to get to the city of wizards, or any city for that matter where they could stay permanently. She knew that their family would become wealthy due to his brother’s magic of being able to repair even the most worn-out equipment.

Her brother was also very good at singing and playing the lute and could rival the most skilled bards. Anton had an endless supply of songs and stories so even if for some reason he lost his ability to wield magic which she doubted would ever happen, their family could still get by with her brother’s talent.

Anna tried singing once but her friends kept telling her that she sounded like a pig being slaughtered so she gave up on that but she knew that she had the talent to become a mage. She just knew.

When she arrived at the inn’s common room, everyone including her brother who was usually the last one to join them was already seated at a table eating breakfast.

“Hey, why didn’t you wait for me!” Anna complained.

“I decided to let you rest more since our journey was very long and I thought you were exhausted. We will continue our journey once your brother stored the things we purchased in his space and after we purchased more things so it’ll probably take about two more hours,” Anders said.

Anders then turned to Anna’s brother who was still eating.

“The things that we purchased are already beside the carriage.”

Anna saw her brother nodding. She then asked her father something significant.

“Did you purchase more notebooks?”

“Lunelled handled it,” Anders said.

“I managed to purchase five notebooks!” Lunelle said excitedly showing that she too liked the book about the boy Garion very much.

After breakfast, Anders reiterated they would leave after a couple of hours since they would need to purchase many more things from the villagers. Anna saw that her father, Nemina, and Lucas were the ones handling the purchasing and Devon stayed to guard her, her brother, and Lunelle.

“Brother, since we have more notebooks can you write the second and if you can, the third book of the Garion books?” Anna cajoled to her brother.

“Sure, just let me store the items that were already purchased and I’ll return immediately to start writing.”

Anna was so glad that it was easy to ask things from her brother. Even though he was supposed to be a respectable wizard now, his behavior toward her and their father didn’t change. He was still a caring brother and obedient son. He was also very generous not hesitating in giving everything they looted from the undead monsters to their father. He only kept the gold coins because their father asked him to but he would give them back immediately if their father asked for it. It’s as if he didn’t care about coins but more than likely he just didn’t understand the concept of its value.

Anna’s brother told them that he didn’t know anything at all, even the most basic common sense, but honestly, with all the gifts he received, she thought it was a fair trade-off. Before he lost his memory, Anna’s brother was this dull normal farm boy whose greatest ambition was to marry a farm girl and start his farm.

Anna’s brother returned shortly after and then started writing the second book of the fantasy series in a brand new notebook. She was amazed at her brother’s penmanship. It was very beautiful like he was drawing the letters instead of writing them. He was also very fast and should be able to complete the book in less than two hours.

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