My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 85

Anton saw the room that was separated by a thin wall and the old couple led them to that room. He remembered the room that he woke up in when first came to this world and it looked the same as the room where the old couple’s son was staying.

“Colin, we brought a wizard to heal your limbs!” The old woman said when she entered the room.

“Mother, no wizard would come here in our poor house to heal me. We don’t have anything that will interest them. They’re probably charlatan wanting to steal what little coins you have.” The man said and everybody heard them since the walls were thin.

The old man paled in fright when he heard what his son said about Anton.

“You don’t need to be afraid old man. My son will not do anything, and I’ll probably think the same thing if this type of situation happens to me.” Anders consoled the man.

The old woman who ignored what her son said invited Anton inside the room and Anton, Anders, and Anna went inside. Devon stayed outside acting as a bodyguard.

“Are you the ones who were pretending to be wizards to steal what little coins my old parents have!”

Anton ignored the disabled man’s statement. Instead, he summoned a small Fire Bolt and let it hover above them to light up the room. They would need to see clearly to check if his auras would be able to regenerate the man’s limb. He then wondered if there was a need to open the man's wounds since they had been closed for quite some time.

The man who had lost his limbs gasped when he saw the mage light hovering above. The man tried to apologize but Anton just said “quiet” in a low volume and the man closed his mouth.

Anders and Anna were watching quietly, and Devon entered the room probably out of curiosity. It was a good thing that the room was large enough to accommodate all of them even though it was cramped and the fact that the only thing occupying the room was the bed.

Anton removed everyone from his party system and added the man who had lost his arm and leg.

“I will start now. If it doesn’t work, I apologize and will compensate you.” Anton told the man.

Anton activated all of his auras. The Prayer, Meditation, and even Vigor aura just in case it had the power to contribute to the healing. To everyone’s amazement, they saw the man’s arms and legs suddenly grow. It was a bit grotesque, but Anton was glad that it worked although he did have an inkling that it would ever since he saw Devon get hit by an arrow in his neck and the arrow just popped out and the neck wound healed without any problem. He was also glad that there was no need for them to open up the wound.

The man’s arm and leg grew at a very fast pace and based on the man’s reaction, although they could see that he was feeling some discomfort, there was no pain since if there was, the man would have been screaming.

The growing flesh was grotesque enough that Anton saw Anna turn around to avoid looking at the growing arm and leg.

“Son, your healing spells are truly powerful to be able to regenerate lost limbs,” Anders said.

“It’s god-like!” Devon quietly commented.

When the man’s limbs were fully restored, Anton turned to the old woman.

“You don’t need to pay us. I treated your son as an experimental subject and him having his limbs back will be our payment to your family.”

He then went outside the old couple's house and went directly back to the inn to return to his room. Anton didn’t want to see and listen to the old couple's gratitude. It kept bringing up memories of his parents from Earth and it’s making him melancholy.

Once he was inside his room, he entered the game and slaughtered multitudes of monsters until he reached the Catacombs level two waypoint. The mindless slaughter calmed his mind and when he exited the game, he saw that it was already six in the evening. He minimized the game and opened up his browser to do one mindless thing and that was to watch short videos of cats and babies.

Anton didn’t know why the old couple affected him so much. Was it just because they reminded him of his parents on Earth when they were alive? His parents were not old, but he thought that maybe he was affected so much because he was jealous. Jealous of the man named Colin who still had his parents who cared about him so much that they were willing to give out all of their belongings to someone they thought was dangerous just for a chance that their son would be healed.

Anton buried his emotions since it was not helpful and closed his browser. He went downstairs to the inn’s common room to look for his family to join them for dinner but when he entered, he was greeted by silence. He saw his family seated at a table together with Lucas and his family.

“What happened to you, brother? Did healing the man of his lost limbs take so much magic from you that you needed to recuperate?” Anna asked.

“No. I just want to meditate.”

“I did go to your room earlier and saw that you were meditating so I went back downstairs and continued our business of buying things. We will leave tomorrow morning, so you had better keep all the things that we purchased after dinner in your magical space. Nemina also commissioned a lot of food from the inn and according to the innkeeper, everything will be ready early tomorrow.” Anders said and Anton just nodded.

Anton was really impressed by the food that the inn served since it was truly delicious and was glad that they commissioned a lot of food.

“By the way Anton, Colin, the man you healed applied to become our carriage driver. I just want to check your opinion regarding this,” Anders said to his son.

“It’s your decision Father as long as he is experienced but if you do hire him, please tell him not to treat me as some sort of a deity because that will grate on my nerve. And father make sure to give coins to his parents before we leave.”

Anders smiled at his son and Anna suddenly hugged him.

“What brought this on?” Anton asked his sister.

“Nothing, I just want to hug you,” Anna replied.

While they were all walking towards the village hall so Anton could keep the things they purchased from the villagers in his private stash inside the game, he heard Lucas whisper to his father, “Anders, you’re very lucky. Your son is very powerful but very kind.”

The whisper made him blush and Anton was glad that he was walking ahead of everyone, and nobody saw his red face. When they arrived at the village hall, he saw that there were still some people lining up to sell things to his father and Nemina, so he left them to deal with the people, went inside, and kept all thing things there which were already inside some barrels and boxes and stored them in his private stash inside his Diablo II game.

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