My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 87

Anton was busy having Charsi repair the clothes, pieces of jewelry, and other knick-knacks that the women purchased from the last village, and they enjoyed examining the fully repaired items. He had to admit that the repaired items were truly beautiful and could understand why the women were enamored with them.

Lunelle and Anna were busy checking the details of each item and Nemina and Anders were busy categorizing and putting a price tag on them using their notebook. Anna kept some of the clothes and pieces of jewelry that she fancied and declared that those items were hers. Anders and Anton of course indulged her and just nodded. Even Lunelle and Nemina kept some.

Lucas and Devon were taking their job seriously by looking around to make sure that nothing would sneak up on them. Colin was staring at the items that were being repaired with wide eyes.

Anton managed to repair all the items that the women purchased in half an hour but it took the others a total of two hours to examine and categorize them so Anders told everyone that they would continue the process the next night. They stored the newly repaired items and Anton stored them in his private stash and they continued their journey.

They were still traveling at their maximum speed and Anton was glad that Colin was getting used to the way they travelled and soon he should be able to do it alone so his father could join him inside the carriage.

“Father, do we need to hire another driver so someone can join Colin to relieve him?”

“Let me think about it first. Nemina and I were also talking about if we should add another carriage to our convoy. That meant that we would need to hire more people.”

“I think it’s a promising idea. It would be best if we store some of the non-perishable items in a carriage so we would look like a proper merchant caravan.”

“I’m thinking of that as well. Once we sell the items in the city, we should have enough coins to outfit a merchant caravan. We will purchase broken things from the shops in the city and sell them to the next city into which we would go.”

Colin suddenly slowed down the carriage and Anton and Anders saw the blockade that was on the road.

“Bandits. Lucas told me that there was a great chance that we would encounter one before we reached the city of Leminthor since the majority of them came from our country when the Undead Coalition attacked. One good thing about bandits near a city is that they avoid lethal engagement and after paying them they should allow us to let us go peacefully but since this is a different time, we should fight.” Anders said.

Anton saw his father preparing his wands and thought that maybe his father just enjoyed using his wands.

“Father, we could just blast the blockade away using my spells or your wand of Fire Ball and we wouldn’t even have to slow down too much.”

“You’re right. Let me do it,” Anders then shot Fire Balls toward the blockade until everything was blasted to pieces.

To Anton’s amusement, nobody came out from the surrounding forest. More than likely, the bandits already ran off the moment they heard and saw their blockade being blasted into pieces by a spell.

Their carriage ran through the still burning pieces of wood that were blocking the road and Anton could hear Devon shouting a battle cry to further intimidate the bandits if there were still some who were watching them.

Anders commanded Colin to drive the carriage to its maximum speed and he complied. The horses who were affected by Anton’s auras didn’t hesitate to run as fast as they could. Anton thought that the horses already instinctively knew that if they were affected by his aura, they wouldn’t get injured.

They continued to let the horses run at their top speed and Anders only commanded Colin to stop at around midnight, but they only stopped to eat, and they continued their travel. Anton’s father told everyone that he wanted to reach the city as soon as possible.

Their travel was only possible due to Anton’s aura and Fire Ball lights, but they do get mentally exhausted so when the sun came up Anders told everyone that they would rest for a couple of hours before traveling.

Anton set up their makeshift toilet and provided everyone with hot mana water. They took to their bed after a refreshing bath and hot breakfast and Anton didn’t bother to learn about how the others set up the guard duty and just went inside his tent to sleep.

After a couple of hours of sleep, Anton woke up and as usual, he felt like he slept for a full eight hours. Based on everyone else's expressions, they also felt the same way. They ate a quick meal and continued with their journey.

They needed to stop at around three in the afternoon due to the carriage breaking down. Anton quickly repaired the carriage, but Anders decided to stay and deal with broken weapons and armor that they hadn’t repaired yet.

This time it was the men who were excited at looking at the newly repaired equipment. Some of the armor and weapons were even better than what Lucas and Devon were wearing. Anders gave the best to them which was understandable since they would use them in defense of their family. Anders even gave them a second and third weapon that they could use as spares. Devon was full of smiles and even Lucas could be seen smiling a bit as well.

Anders also gave Colin a full set of leather armor and weapons since he had experience as a mercenary and their new carriage driver was grateful. Everyone kept admiring their brand-new equipment and Devon commented that they were outfitted as the best mercenary band in the land.

Of course, Anton repaired the armor and weapons that they were using before so they could sell them. It took them a couple of hours to complete the repair and categorization of all the equipment from the last village. After that, they continued traveling.

Lucas mentioned that based on where they were, at their current speed, they should arrive in the city of Leminthor the day after tomorrow. That news relieved Anton because that meant that once they reached the city, they would have officially outrun the Undead Coalition’s attacks.

Once they reached the city, they could make a detailed plan for their next travel and then their journey would be more leisurely. They didn’t have to scramble all the time and could enjoy the road.

“When we get there, I would shop until I’m dead tired!” Anna said.

“You’re already acting like a rich girl instead of a farmer’s daughter,” Anton retorted.

“I’m not a farmer’s daughter anymore. My brother is a powerful wizard, and my father is a rich merchant. My skin is flawless, and my hair is luxurious due to your mana water and my clothes and jewelry are all beautiful. “I’m now a rich girl,” Anna vainly said while brushing her hair with a brush that she got from somewhere.

Anders just laughed while shaking his head.

“I don’t understand. Sir Anders is a farmer?” Colin asked Devon which everybody heard.

Anton, Anders, and Anna laughed when they heard Colin’s questions.

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