My Fintech Empire

Chapter 28 [Don't panic, we made some money by speculating in stocks during the summer vacation

Everyone immediately looked at Fang Hong without saying a word, and the latter said in an orderly manner: "A team must make the best use of its talents and do its best to be a good team and a successful team. It's no problem for me to be the team leader." , but in fact, it is more suitable to be the chief strategic architect of Quantum Beat, and formulating strategies for the company is my strong point, what do you think?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone thought about Fang Hong's previous speech, and felt that it made sense, Xu Jingren couldn't help but nodded silently.

Fang Hong said again: "But my execution and operation skills are not good, or I am not the best in our team in this regard."

In fact, there is nothing to say about Fang Hong's execution ability, but that's all he can say in the current scene.

Because in his mind, Quantum Jump is only one of the pieces of the puzzle in the business empire that he really wants to build. It is impossible for him to be the leader of this small puzzle, and he doesn't have the time and energy.

Quantum Jump is at most a piece of the puzzle in the early stage of this business empire. Let the people under him be the top leaders. What Fang Hong has to do is to employ people and then manage these top leaders.

After a while, Fang Hong looked directly at Xu Jingren and said, "I think Jingren is the best in this area, so I think he is suitable for the position of CEO of Quantum Beat."

Xu Jingren couldn't help being stunned when he heard it: "Aha? Me?"

Fang Hong looked at him for a moment, and said with a smile: "Don't doubt your ability, a bystander knows, trust my judgment, don't say anything else, it's not that you are organizing everyone, and we won't be here talking until now, right? "

Xu Jingren laughed and said, "That's right, I'm a little embarrassed to make it up to my brother."

"I think Gao Yuan is suitable to be the leader of technology development, and Sun Xin is suitable to be the leader of publicity..." Fang Hong looked at the other roommates and gave corresponding suggestions.

Finally, after another ten minutes of communication, the functions of each team member were formally established.

The leader of Quantum Beat is Xu Jingren, and Fang Hong is the company's chief strategy officer, focusing on the company's strategic direction.

Fang Hong stood at the door for a long time, and now moved a stool to sit and said: "The next thing is about the equity distribution of Quantum Beat. The six of us are the co-founders of Quantum Beat. How to allocate the equity well?" It's a big problem, it's a strategic issue that can't be sloppy, how many teams broke up because of disputes over equity interests, too many to list, I don't want our brothers to end up in this situation."

When everyone heard Fang Hong say these words very seriously, they all nodded seriously.

Xu Jingren asked: "From what you said, there should be a plan."

Hearing this, Fang Hong said with a smile: "I have read a lot of books on business management this summer vacation, and I can use them now. Regarding the top-level design of Quantum Jump, I suggest adopting the AB share system, that is, the same share with different rights. , To achieve the separation of money and power. If the company wants to develop, especially the Internet, a typical industry that needs to burn money in the early stage, it must introduce external capital and obtain financing support to develop.”

Xu Jingren and the others nodded in agreement.

Fang Hong continued: "Capital is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it will be even more powerful. If it is not used well, it will be backlashed by capital. The kicking out of Cisco's founder and his wife is a lesson from the past."

Everyone nodded again, and everyone felt more and more that this venture was successful. Fang Hong gave them a very solid feeling. He was much more thoughtful than them in all aspects, and his thinking was extremely clear. If the team is regarded as a whole, now Several of the roommates agreed that Fang Hong was the brain part of their team.

The six people sat together in the dormitory to discuss, and Fang Hong continued: "Introducing capital requires sharing the company with them. The same shares and the same rights will easily lead to us losing control of the company. Adopting the structure of AB shares can avoid this problem. occur, so that capital can only share the benefits, but cannot seize control."

After a pause, Fang Hong continued: "Based on the framework of AB, the equity held by our founder team is Class B shares, that is, 1 share with 30 votes, while external capital holds Class A shares, that is, 1 share. 1 vote."

At this time, Xu Jingren couldn't help but said: "This can guarantee the barbaric invasion of capital, but what if there is a disagreement within our founder team?"

Lou Gaoyuan said without hesitation: "You don't need to ask, if there is a disagreement, listen to Fang Hong."

Xu Jingren said again: "I know, but I'm not sure what to do if there are differences in the future?"

Everyone looked at Fang Hong again, and Yuan Jie said by the way: "What do you think should be done? This question."

Fang Hong said succinctly: "One-vote veto and agreement of persons acting in concert."

After some discussion, several roommates finally agreed to grant Fang Hong a veto and a person acting in concert, and the problem was resolved.

It saves Fang Hong's extra work. After all, several roommates are still young, or they trust Fang Hong very much, but fortunately, the person they met was Fang Hong.

For these roommates, Fang Hong will definitely not cheat them, and there is no need to worry about their loyalty. Isn't there an item card? If you can't exchange it now, you can always exchange it in the future.

Moreover, even without this item card, Fang Hong is confident that he can use his own ability to control the people under his control. With the assistance of the item card, there is another safety lock, which is more stable.

As for Quantum Beat's veto right and the rights of persons acting in concert, Fang Hong only intends to hold it temporarily, and transfer it to Qunxing Capital at the right time, because the ultimate hidden boss of Qunxing Capital is still Fang Hong. Come and let your name disappear from the high-level quantum jump.

At the end, Fang Hong looked at everyone and said again: "The equity structure plan of Quantum Jump has been determined, and the next step is the equity distribution plan. Now there are six of us. I suggest taking 20% ​​of the equity as an option pool for future attraction. Reservation of talents and core backbones.”

Everyone agrees, it's reasonable.

These roommates are not very clear about the company's equity issues. It is too easy for Fang Hong to set them off, but it is not necessary.

Of course, routines still have to be played. After all, routines have been popular since ancient times, but they will not be used to death. Fang Hong will not eat up the part that belongs to them.

First of all, Fang Hong did not let the major co-founders sign the weighted average anti-dilution clause. The equity is diluted, and most of the equity is held by Qunxing Capital.

How much equity in the hands of the last few founders will be diluted to the remaining, Fang Hong now has an idea in mind, and the arrangement is clear in advance, that is, Xu Jingren and the five of them will eventually share 15% of the company's equity, with an average of 3% for each person equity.

As co-founders, it is reasonable for them to get so much in the end. This is the part they deserve.

It is worth mentioning that Zuckerberg, who founded Facebook, was ruthless. The other co-founder originally accounted for 34% of Facebook’s shares, but in the end it was diluted all the way to only 0.03%, which is a bit dry. Net meaning.

Fang Hong would not do such a trick, no matter in terms of actual benefits or reputation, the gains outweigh the losses.

In the end, Fang Hong looked at his roommates and said calmly and firmly: "For the remaining 80%, the five of you get an average of 13%, and I get 15%. At the same time, you gave me a veto. There is a premium for control. Yes, the value of this veto is at least 15%, which means that I personally account for 30% of the overall value of the company."

In fact, it is not more than 30%, because the subsequent continuous financing of Qunxing Capital will get more than half of the equity of Quantum Beat, and the current 13% equity of several roommates will eventually be diluted to about 3%.

Only when several roommates have acquired the equity, will they have a sense of ownership, and will treat the company as their own children, unreservedly pour their efforts and affection into this company, and conscientiously care for the growth of this company.

Fang Hong does not recruit professional managers because he has no sense of ownership. It is like going to work in a company alone. The first thing he thinks about is whether his salary is guaranteed, and he cares about how much he can get. I don't really care about it, I'll find my next family when I die, there's nothing wrong with standing in his position, after all, he's a worker.

But for Fang Hong, it is obviously not a good solution to find such a person to manage the company. Then he will have to check the post every day? Therefore, given the sense of ownership, you can rest easy if you don’t go to the company for a year or so, because he will work hard to make the company better and stronger without you checking posts.

As a leader, Fang Hong only needs to do a good job of employing people and allocating resources, and the rest will be handled properly by the people under him.

Several roommates had no objection when they heard such a distribution plan. After all, Fang Hong was the one who contributed the most among the six people who came up with ideas and ideas. He is the largest shareholder of Quantum Beat.

Fang Hong also said: "The distribution of equity is relatively average, but the average here is reflected in the benefits, and the control rights are not even, because our company adopts the AB share structure, with different rights for the same shares, and the separation of money and rights. In addition, when introducing external capital At that time, we can just dilute the equity we hold in equal proportions, and if you have any questions or disagreements, you can raise them now, and you will be dead when the filing and registration take effect."

Xu Jingren and the others shook their heads in agreement with the plan. Fang Hong had already made the arrangements clearly, and they were all very reasonable. Everyone couldn't think of anything to add.

Fang Hong repeatedly confirmed that everyone was fine, so the equity distribution plan was finalized.

Quantum Jump, which has not yet introduced capital, has a very simple initial shareholding structure: Xu Jingren and other five people each account for 13%, reserve 20% for the option pool, and Fang Hong takes 15%. The shares in the company are diluted in equal proportion.

Xu Jingren's spirits were also boosted. Under Fang Hong's planning, their thinking became clearer and their problems were solved one by one.

Wang Ping said at this time: "It's all settled, and now it's the last step, which is also the most difficult step, and that is... money!"

When it came to the issue of money, the five roommates were originally in high spirits, but immediately withered half of them.

Everyone has no money!

The richest person is Sun Xin, but for the funds needed to start a business, Sun Xin can at most spend seven to eight thousand yuan.

"A penny can't beat a hero." Yuan Jie said helplessly.

Fang Hong saw several roommates with sad faces, and the turbulent emotions in front of them were retreating with the naked eye, so he said with a smile: "Brothers, what are you doing, cheer up, isn't it just money, I just go to attract investment."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked at Fang Hong in unison, and then he was content with everything, Xu Jingren said casually: "Solicit investment? How? From where? Who will invest in us?"

Fang Hong said with a smile: "You don't know that, I have some contacts in the financial circle, I know a few investors, and this summer I also made some money trading stocks."

At this time, it's time for General Manager Cao Chenghui to appear on the stage.

Fang Hong does not intend to tell a few roommates about the establishment of Qunxing Capital right now. Fang Hong, who is well aware of human nature, knows that distance produces beauty, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

As for whether they will be dissatisfied after knowing the truth, Fang Hong does not intend to wipe them out, and part of the benefits they should get will not be deprived of them. If some of them are still dissatisfied and feel that they have received less, this Even if it is unclear and embarrassing, Fang Hong will kick him out of the company without hesitation, and will never be indecisive.

As for the current strategy, when the time comes to play a double play with Cao Chenghui, so that Qunxing Capital will invest in Quantum Beat, Cao Chenghui will appear in front of Xu Jingren and the others as an investor Fang Hong knows.

But at this time, when everyone heard Fang Hong's words, they immediately felt relieved, and they all looked at him again in unison.

Yuan Jie was surprised and puzzled: "Do you really have connections in the financial circle? Wait a minute, didn't you say that you had lost money in stocks in May? How did you make money again?"

Everyone looked at Fang Hong suspiciously.

The original owner was the one who suffered miserably. Xu Jingren and his buddies still don’t know that Fang Hong, the original owner, not only suffered miserably, but also owed a huge debt of more than 300,000 from loan sharks. It won't be long before we find out.

Because the group of loan sharks has a gradual mechanism, first ask the debtor to press the debt, then press the debt, and if he still fails to pay the debt, let the relatives and friends know the news through various channels.

However, all of this has become a thing of the past with the rebirth of a top financial crocodile.

Fang Hong smiled calmly: "I lost money in the first half of the year, but I have made a lot of money in the past few months. Although the market is constantly falling, I realized the truth through the blood loss and made money. Not only did I earn back the money I lost earlier, And earn a lot of extra money.”

Everyone couldn't sit still when they heard this, and Xu Jingren hurriedly said, "How much did you earn?"


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