My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 219

The Dragoness stomped her feet and calmed her breath as she passed by Theocender. After taking a few heavy steps, our eyes met, hidden behind the gigantic figure of the Cardinal.

“Ah, um.”

Her face turned as red as her hair, clearly embarrassed by acting this way in front of guests.

How do I signal her that it’s okay?

No matter what I say, it’ll probably just look like I’m trying to smooth things over, and we’re not close enough for me to go comfort her directly.


While I was lost in thought, Sen beside me came up with a brilliant answer.

With a straight face, she gave a thumbs up, acknowledging that he hit Theocender well.

Eve and I joined in for the fun.

From our perspective, it was a form of cheering, but did she not feel the same? With her gaze fixed on the ground, she hurriedly passed by the corner.

After the Dragoness walked past, Cardinal Theocender stood there, frozen in place like it wouldn’t hurt a fly.

It seemed he was more shocked than expected, but we didn’t need to worry about that.

“Let’s go.”

As I gave his back a few light pats, Theocender bared his teeth and shot me a glare, motioning for us to follow the path the Dragoness took.

At the end of the corridor he led us to, a huge door awaited us. Although it was made of wood, a dragon was etched soaring on it, and the handle resembled horns.

It looked completely different from the Batian Cathedral’s chapel entrance, but the atmosphere still felt similar.

Since there were no side paths leading to another door along the way, it seemed the Dragoness had entered through this one.

“This is the place where the Oracle is held. Make sure to present yourselves properly to the Elders.”

Without waiting for our response, Theocender swung the colossal door open. The sight inside was quite refreshing.

First off, the walls were circular, a departure from what we had seen until now, and a smaller round table sat at the center. Dragonkin with hoods covering their faces were seated at a distance from each other.

And occupying one of those seats was Dragoness Zane. Unlike the other Elders, she trembled in fury.

Perhaps waiting for us, she remained silent as Theocender naturally guided us to the center of the table.

“This is……”

“Do I feel like a criminal now?”

Eve chimed in to say what I was thinking. It felt as though we were in the position of the defendant at a trial, without even handcuffs to hold us back.

The atmosphere practically screamed that questioning could start at any moment, but they began to whisper among themselves.

A brief moment to catch our breath.

Feeling displeased enough to involuntarily reach for the dagger at my waist, I crossed my arms beside Sen, while Eve muttered as she surveyed the surroundings.

“Dragonkin like to attribute meaning to their buildings.”


Eve, an avid reader, had been reading a lot about dragonkin recently since I had mentioned I’d be going to their lands.

The three books she had read on the carriage were all about dragonkin.

“For instance, this building is referred to as the Dragon’s Rest, right? Since it was built in the shape of a dragon, the name serves to identify the land itself.”


“So, this place likely symbolizes the dragon’s neck. The Elders ascertain the Dragon God’s intent through voting, which matches since language comes out through the neck.”

“Hmm, that’s persuasive.”

The Oracle room, symbolizing the neck of a dragon, perfectly suited the Elders who represented the dragon’s words.

“And this is no place to bring guests. Daniel, I think something has gone horribly wrong here.”

“I think so too.”

Eve took off her glasses and tucked them into her coat pocket, preparing for whatever was coming our way.

Just then, an Elder, different from the others, with a small bell, a dagger that looked like a tooth, and a scepter spoke up.

“Then, in accordance with the revered intent of Dragon God Shakallim, we will revise the 729th Oracle attended by twelve Elders and one Dragoness.”

He lightly rang the small bell in front of him.

Eve’s prediction was spot on.

This was not a gathering to welcome us as special envoys from the Frisia Kingdom.

It was a setup to interrogate us.

“Ah, so this is how it’s going to go?”

Eve and Sen shot me glances of concern. Since they seemed to ask what to do, I gestured for silence and to watch the situation.

“A month ago, nine pirate ships appeared in the Royan Sea. They hung a flag depicting a skull on a black background and anchored freely in our territory.”

Pirate flag.

Basically, it meant they were pirates under a pirate lord. The reason these criminals boldly revealed themselves with a flag was simple.

Being a pirate “lord,” they foolishly believed that the sea was all theirs to claim.

They thought it was natural to raise their flag in their own land.

“They docked at Royan, raiding supplies as they pleased, destroying villages, and committing slaughter and rape.”


Eve swallowed hard, looking slightly shocked, while I maintained an expressionless demeanor, continuing to listen.

“A week later, the same thing happened again in the Salamanda Sea.”

“And finally, just eight days ago, they returned to the currently damaged Royan Sea, killing numerous members of the Chokugen Faction and fleeing nonchalantly.”

“During that incident, signs of an internal attack and fires were discovered, suggesting they may have concealed spies within our land during the initial assault.”

“Thus, we demand compensation from your humans.”

Suddenly, the dragonkin began to rattle off demands.

“First, you will compensate us with a monetary amount calculated at 130 million gold coins for the damages to Royan and Salamanda Seas.”


Eve couldn’t contain herself at the absurd figure and let out a cry. Some Elders glared at her, but they didn’t seem to make a big deal out of it.

“Second, eliminate the rogue pirates. Also, capture them alive and hand them over to the dragonkin, ensuring the victims can find peace.”

“Third, take measures to avoid such incidents from happening again by redrawing territorial boundaries, similar to the ‘Dragon’s Boundary’ that separates human lands from dragonkin land, starting from the Atin Sea…”

The Elder continued while they mapped out sea territories amongst themselves.


Just the day before heading towards the Dragon’s Boundary, I had had long discussions with Elise. Why were the dragonkin so welcoming toward delegating a special envoy all of a sudden?

Dragonkin are typically exclusionary toward others, and they don’t engage in trade. Despite their bountiful lands, they live within their means.

Even though they maintain a conservative and exclusionary diplomatic stance, they accepted our envoy without a second thought because they were likely desperate for support regarding this situation.

It was perfect timing.

Someone needed to take responsibility, yet they didn’t want to welcome in humans. Then, we had asked to send a special envoy, and they proudly accepted us, puffing up their chests.

Just as I felt it might be time to speak up, surprisingly, someone jumped in ahead of me.

“That’s unreasonable!”

Dragoness Zane slammed her fist on the round table and stood up. The other Elders clicked their tongues, expressing discontent with her lack of decorum, sighing as if they already had a headache.

But she didn’t back down an inch.

“This is a problem we should be solving, it is not something for humans to get involved in! Why are we blaming other nations for OUR insufficient defenses!”

“Dragoness, speak when you have the floor!”

One of the Elders presiding over the Oracle warned her, but the Dragoness showed no signs of relent.

“Have you ever given me the opportunity to speak?! Every time I asked, you just dismissed me! Why did you hold this Oracle to accept the Kingdom’s special envoy without me knowing?”

“Cough, at the time, we heard the Dragoness wasn’t in good health.”

“Who on earth said that…!”

In that instant, the Dragoness’s gaze shifted to Theocender, who was standing guard beside us, watching them like a hawk.

He averted his gaze, looking ashamed.

“What do you mean you shouldn’t have accepted a special envoy! I expected this kind of victim-playing game among you, but seeing it now makes me sick!”

“Dragoness! Refrain from speaking! Do not forget that I carry the Dragon’s wrath in my hands!”

The Elder holding the scepter now gripped the dagger at his side, likely a tool for punishing anyone who disrupts the Oracle.

Even with the dagger pointed at her, the Dragoness didn’t stop. Her words poured forth from her small, delicate frame, striking the Elders with the severity of a dragon’s breath.

“What does it mean to hold jurisdiction over the humans that crossed over the Dragon’s Boundary? From then on, it means they fall under our rule! Hence, it’s only natural that we bear the responsibility for that!”


“The same applies to those who crossed over through the seas! It’s only natural that the laws apply here as well! It’s been said many times that the defensive state of Royan and Salamanda has been weak for ages!”

“Y, Dragoness!”

She spoke without hesitation about the defense in front of us.

“Who ignored the Dragon God’s will? Who embezzled funds, claiming it was the will of the Dragon God to fill their own pockets?!”

“That was the will of the Dragon God! Back then, the conclusion from the 697th Oracle was that there was no need for increased defenses along the Royan and Salamanda!”

“Do you not remember that my pleas were constantly dismissed during that time?”

“There are a total of three hundred Heretic Inquisitors at our disposal! That’s a number easily comparable to the Dragon’s Boundary!”

At the ridiculous response, Dragoness Zane sneered, finally saying what she had wanted to during the 697th Oracle.

“The Heretic Inquisitors were all those who fought on land! They are particularly vulnerable on the seas, being Dragonkin! The chances of winning against pirates in naval battle are slim to none!”

“If that’s the case, we can intercept them on land! Clearly, you know nothing about combat!”

The other Elders joined forces to attack the Dragoness, but she defended herself so fiercely, as if she were a one-woman army taking them all down one by one.

“Are pirates stupid?! During the assault on Royan and Salamanda, there were numerous bombardments, and by the time pirates approached, most of the Inquisitors were already dead. They only come out for battles they are certain of winning!”

If the bombardment had been effective, the pirates would have had no reason to stay. It seems, given the situation, they found Dragonkin to be excellent prey.

Banging on her chest, the Dragoness cried out.

“What! What does it mean to have the will of the Dragon God! The foolish ones who act as if they are serving their master in front of a slumbering one!”

A sound sliced through the air.

Eventually, the Elder in charge of proceedings couldn’t take it anymore and threw the dagger, named the Dragon’s wrath.

The dagger flew precisely toward the Dragoness’s chest.

I snatched it out of the air.

“That was intense.”

“Oh, when did you?”

Theocender jumped back in surprise at my sudden appearance. Eve and Sen stuck their tongues out at him in a mocking manner.

Being able to stop time was truly convenient.

I could intervene like this.

“You are…….”

The Dragoness realized that she could have been stabbed and looked at me with a flustered voice.

I slowly placed the dagger on the round table and spoke to the Elders.

“I will make every effort to meet your demands. Regardless of the jurisdiction handed over, it appears that the damage caused by the humans is severe.”

“Wait, what?!”

Zane grasped my shoulder from behind, trying to stop me, but the words kept flowing from my mouth.

“However, let’s be certain about the facts.”


At one Elder’s question, I nodded subtly.

“Yes, about the pirates.”

I could hardly contain my laughter, knowing what their next move would be.

The reason they were trying so hard to pressure me was likely that they understood the weaknesses in their own arguments.

So, I went straight for the core of what they wanted to hide behind that thick layer of stubbornness.

“Were they really human?”

Knowing the answer already, I moved on to the fundamental question.

They likely had no idea.

One of my childhood friends had once sunk all those pirates into the dark depths of the sea.

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