My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 248


“Just give me a moment, will you?”

Thump thump.

May tapped her side with her foot. Her cheeks were a bit sunken, her skin a little rough, and there were faint dark circles under her eyes, like shadows.

“I haven’t seen you for a while. Where have you been?”

As I took a step forward, a snowflake lightly touched my nose.

Before I knew it, snow was beginning to fall from the sky.

‘It snowed on the last day of Rin’s second round as well.’

I felt a bittersweet thought as if the sky was confirming that today was the day of reckoning.

“I thought you would vanish somewhere after spending all your time with us.”


“So you were hiding. I thought you wouldn’t disturb me if I didn’t meet you, since you’re so kind-hearted.”

If someone were to see this, they might call it silly banter or childish behavior. But the truth was that May was serious. She was desperate enough to rely on such actions.


A smile appeared on May’s face, whether it was a hollow laugh or a self-mockery, I couldn’t tell.

“I was a fool, pondering alone and missing my turn.”

“May, don’t worry too much. After everything ends…”

“After it ends?”

My words caught in my throat again.

Whenever I thought about what would happen after everything was over, strangely, I couldn’t express it properly. I forced a few words out.

“Well, we can go have some fun together.”

“……You idiot.”


May’s fist hit my chest.

It was a weak hit, but it sent a dull ache coursing through my heart.

Tears had already started to gather in May’s eyes, threatening to spill over.

“I told you I can’t lie to you.”

She tried to frown to hide her tears, but it only made them flow down her cheeks.

“It’s not like the others don’t know you’re hiding something. You know it too.”


The fist that touched my heart hurt like a bruise.

“They’ve all grown up.”

It meant that everyone could overcome it, but May took it a little differently.

“You fool, who was there to support that growth? Who twisted our lives so deeply as we came this far?”


May stepped closer, her foot crunching the lightly fallen snow.

Now her voice trembled as she poured out her feelings.

“It’s you. It’s you, Daniel McLean. Do you know why everyone pretends not to notice? Because they can’t imagine it. Just thinking about the world where you disappeared hurts too much, doesn’t it?”

Just like I do now.

With her hands clenched around her chest, May leaned her forehead against my heart. Though I couldn’t see her expression, the tears rolling down her face soaked my shoes.

“So please, tell me for sure. That you won’t go anywhere. That you’ll stay by my side—answer me sincerely.”


“Just say it! Please! I’m begging you……”

My tightly shut mouth wouldn’t open.

As I looked down at her, who was sobbing in my arms, I felt a strong urge to let everything go.

I wanted to act impulsively with emotion.

In fact, it wasn’t just when I met May.

The library where I met Eve.
The training ground where I shared swords with Hayun.
The town I strolled through with Sen.
The intimate meal spent with Elise.
The cozy room I shared with Rin.
And finally, May.

I wanted to run away with them, all of whom seemed like they might fall apart at any moment, but I always overcame that impulse.

“I’m sorry.”

Once again, it was the same.

May suddenly lifted her head, her face a mess. Tears were frozen slightly in the cold, and her bloodshot eyes brimmed with fear and despair.

“Why! Why are you saying that! Give me a proper answer! Swear you won’t go! That you won’t leave for anywhere else! It’s that simple! Just do that!”

Thump thump.

May’s fist struck my chest again.

With a mix of pleading, longing, and also resentment.

“Instead! You shouldn’t have made me like you! Why did you make me like you? Why did you turn me into this! I should have remained a foolish girl! An ignorant child who thought she was great while tormenting others!”


“You shouldn’t have made me fall in love with you!”

May’s hands tightly wrapped around my back. As she held me roughly, her body trembled not from the cold, but from fear.

“Don’t go. Please don’t go. No matter what you do, I will stop you. So Daniel, please……”

Her trembling voice was swept away by the fierce night wind.

Feeling the warmth of May, who tightly embraced me, my legs wouldn’t move.

I wanted to repay this girl, who loved a mere human like me, somehow.

I’m sorry, but…

I know this will only cause you more pain.

But it’s the last moment.

Isn’t it okay to act on my desires just this once?

I gently brushed the hair next to May’s wet face. She shivered slightly under my touch and slowly lifted her head to look at me.

Very cautiously, I pressed my lips against hers.


It was just a brief touch, but May let out a sigh, as if wanting more.

This was all I could do. If I went any further, my existence and this moment would become a curse for her in the future.

But this time, May came up on her tiptoes.

Our lips brushed together again.

Her damp, reddish-brown eyes closed gently as they gazed at eternity.

And so, we savored this moment.

So sweet that it couldn’t last.

As I carefully pulled back my lips, I whispered in her ear.

“Please, let me remain a past that I can smile back on.”

Startled, May held me tighter, yelling that she wouldn’t let me go anywhere.

But then


May’s time stopped.

I carefully released her hand that wrapped around my back and looked at May, who was crying with wide eyes in shock.

“It’s okay, I just need a moment. You will surely overcome this.”

Only after everything is over will May’s time begin to flow again. As I intended to leave, I found myself unable to easily move my feet as I watched the falling snow.

I wouldn’t be cold since time had stopped.

Still, I draped my coat over her shoulders.

Tears that hadn’t fallen until now finally began to drop.


I had confirmed it with Shakallim, and from the reports I received from other races, all preparations were firmly in place.

The tower of mages seemed to be the key force, and we had placed numerous mages and mana potions centered around the witch, Adriana.

And now, Rin and I were in the underground of the royal palace.

The pure white dagger in my hand throbbed as if it were eager to fulfill its role.

Rin, who had her eyes closed since earlier, opened them cautiously as if she were contemplating something or simply didn’t want to witness the scene.

With a heartfelt smile, she asked me.

“Are you sad?”


“Your face looks really sad.”

Rin gently stroked my cheek, and oddly enough, I felt like I couldn’t hide anything in front of her.

Even though she was smiling, I had the feeling she knew, just like May.

“Let’s start.”

I heard Elise’s voice from behind. Kulika, standing next to her, exhaled a tense breath.

I cautiously approached Rin, gripping the dagger. When I tugged at the bodice of her dress, the mark inscribed by the Goddess of Death became visible.

“Hey, Daniel.”


I brought the dagger to my chest.

Rin wrapped her hands around mine holding the dagger and smiled at me.

“I will find you no matter what.”


“So it’s okay.”


Under Rin’s lead, the dagger pierced into her.

It was something I had experienced once in the first round.

The dagger started to activate.

The remnants of darkness left in Rin began to be violently drawn into the dagger, and a brilliant interplay of light and dark began to resonate around the still-closed Rin.

But for a moment.

The dagger, having absorbed all the death within Rin, transformed into a pitch-black color and shortly after.


It vanished into dust.

I caught Rin, who collapsed as if fainting.

Seeing her breathing heavily, it seemed she was safe just like the first round.

“Did it succeed?”

“Yeah, it’s done.”

Kulika let out a breath of relief similar to mine and immediately moved forward, with Elise following closely behind.

The maids approached to gently support Rin and covered her with a cloth. I glanced at Rin for a moment before stepping outside.


It’s the same.

Meteors falling, filling the night sky.

The fiery flames reminiscent of the sun were descending towards the continent, poised to obliterate it at any moment.

It was a scene I had envisioned countless times, imagined, and resurrected like a nightmare, but this time it was different.

“We are prepared.”


Blocking the meteors for the first time was the golden dragon, Shakallim.

And atop Shakallim’s head sat Eris, the Guardian of Yggdrasil, holding her staff.

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